Return to BDAT index
1 qst0001_title
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74 qstM00_title
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76 qstM00_resultA
77 qstM00_resultB
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82 qstM00_A05_log
83 qstM00_A06_log
84 qstM00_A07_log
85 Chapter 1
86 Take a guided tour of the BLADE administrative district[ST:n ]with Lin and Elma and learn more about life as a[ST:n ]member of BLADE.
87 You received a guided tour of the administrative[ST:n ]district and learned more about life as a BLADE.
88 qstM01_resultB
89 Leave the BLADE barracks.
90 Head to Mission Control in New[ST:n ]LA's administrative district.
91 Head to the BLADE Scout Console[ST:n ]in New LA's administrative district.
92 Head to Armory Alley in New LA's[ST:n ]administrative district.
93 Head to BLADE Tower's entrance[ST:n ]in New LA's administrative district.
94 qstM01_A06_log
95 Chapter 2
96 Install the data probe at the FrontierNav site and[ST:n ]complete your training.
97 You successfully installed the data probe and completed[ST:n ]your training.
98 qstM02_resultB
99 Head to the designated site on the[ST:n ]East Gate Plain.
100 Defeat Volkampf, the Pursuer.
101 qstM02_A03_log
102 Report to Secretary Nagi in New[ST:n ]LA's BLADE barracks.
103 Chapter 3
104 Search for Nelson's missing team in southeast[ST:n ]Primordia.
105 Nelson's team was completely obliterated by hostile[ST:n ]xenos. But you did at least make contact with one[ST:n ]friendly xenoform—a Nopon named Tatsu.
106 qstM03_resultB
107 Head to the Pathfinders' last[ST:n ]known location in southeast[ST:n ]Primordia.
108 Defeat the Prone scout.
109 Defeat the Prone scout.
110 qstM03_A02_log03
111 Enter Primordia's Seaswept Base[ST:n ]and search for the Pathfinders.
112 Defeat the Prone Ruffian.
113 Defeat the Prone Ruffian.
114 Defeat Glennar.
115 Report back to Commander[ST:n ]Vandham at the BLADE barracks.
116 Chapter 4
117 A piece of the Lifehold was detected in the[ST:n ]Noctilum region to the west of New LA.[ST:n ]Head there and investigate.
118 The Noctilum signal wasn't the Core, but rather an[ST:n ]Archive unit. You also learned of the existence of a[ST:n ]hostile alien organization known as the Ganglion.
119 qstM04_resultB
120 Meet with Lao near Primordia's[ST:n ]Green Threshold.
121 Head to the Lifehold unit in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sunlit Spring.
122 Defeat the Prone Destroyer.
123 Defeat the Prone Destroyer.
124 Defeat the Prone Destroyer.
125 Defeat the Marnuck Rook.
126 Defeat the Marnuck Rook.
127 Defeat Goetia.
128 Report back to Commander[ST:n ]Vandham in New LA's BLADE[ST:n ]Tower.
129 Chapter 5
130 Investigate the unidentified xenoform spacecraft spotted[ST:n ]in Oblivia and look for any other interesting objects.
131 The xenoform spacecraft turned out to belong to the[ST:n ]Ma-non. As a result of coming to their aid, you were[ST:n ]able to forge a pact of friendship with them.
132 qstM05_resultB
133 Head to Oblivia Ingress in Oblivia.
134 Talk to the mysterious xenoforms.
135 Destroy the first turret.
136 Destroy the second turret.
137 Destroy the third turret.
138 Return to where you encountered[ST:n ]the Ma-non and make a report.
139 Head to Oblivia's Ruins on the[ST:n ]Butte and rescue the Ma-non.
140 Defeat the Platoon Qmoeva.
141 Defeat the Platoon Qmoeva.
142 Defeat the Chief Qmoeva.
143 Report to Commander Vandham[ST:n ]at the entrance to New LA's[ST:n ]BLADE Tower.
144 Chapter 6
145 Head to Noctilum and retrieve the alien mech.
146 You successfully retrieved the alien mech. However,[ST:n ]with so many unknowns, the investigation looks to be[ST:n ]tough going.
147 qstM06_resultB
148 Retrieve the alien mech from[ST:n ]Noctilum's Dead Man's Gulch.
149 Defeat the tainted caro.
150 qstM06_A02_log02
151 qstM06_A02_log03
152 Defeat the tainted sphinx.
153 Report to Commander Vandham in[ST:n ]front of the restricted hangar in[ST:n ]New LA's administrative district.
154 Chapter 7
155 A piece of the Lifehold has been found in Oblivia.[ST:n ]Head there and rescue Irina and her team from[ST:n ]the Ganglion.
156 The Lifehold unit was destroyed. It's clear that the[ST:n ]Ganglion detest humans, and also know that the[ST:n ]Lifehold Core's power supply will soon run out.
157 qstM07_resultB
158 Head to Oblivia's Ibra Ravine and[ST:n ]assist Irina's team.
159 qstM07_A02_log01
160 Defeat the Assault Qmoeva.
161 Defeat the Assault Qmoeva.
162 Defeat the Assault Qmoeva.
163 Defeat the Assault Qmoeva.
164 Defeat the Pursuit Qmoeva.
165 Head to the Lifehold unit[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
166 Defeat Almandal.
167 Report to Commander Vandham[ST:n ]at the entrance to New LA's[ST:n ]BLADE Tower.
168 Chapter 8
169 Ganglion forces are approaching![ST:n ]Defend New LA against the onslaught.
170 You successfully repelled the Ganglion's attack and[ST:n ]saved New LA. However, the alien mech was stolen.
171 qstM08_resultB
172 Leave the BLADE barracks.
173 Defeat the scout puges.
174 Defeat the strike pugiliths.
175 Defend the east gate of New LA[ST:n ]from the Ganglion's attack for[ST:n ]three minutes.
176 Defeat the impact Galdr.
177 Defeat the impact Galdr.
179 Head to New LA's commercial[ST:n ]district and eliminate the invading[ST:n ]forces.
180 Defeat Dagahn.
181 Defeat Ryyz.
182 qstM08_A07_log
183 Chapter 9
184 A piece of the Lifehold has been found in Sylvalum.[ST:n ]Rendezvous with Lao and investigate.
185 Not only was there no Lifehold unit, but the Ganglion[ST:n ]had Wrothian mercenaries lying in wait. It seems[ST:n ]BLADE has a mole in its ranks...
186 qstM09_resultB
187 Meet Lao near Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Seabird's Beak.
188 Head to the Lifehold unit in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Shivering Sands.
189 Defeat Ga Jiarg.
190 Defeat Ga Buidhe.
191 Defeat the Wrothian Warriors.
192 Defeat the Vasara.
193 Defeat Deva Caladar.
194 Enter the maintenance center in[ST:n ]New LA's administrative district.
195 Chapter 10
196 Repair the data probe installed on Sylvalum's Northern[ST:n ]Delusian Mountain.
197 You destroyed the massive Ganglion mech.[ST:n ]But you must find the Lifehold Core ASAP.
198 qstM10_resultB
199 Repair the data probe installed in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Delusian Mountains.
200 Defeat the Zu Pharg.
201 Defeat the Zu Pharg.
202 Chapter 11
203 Respond to Commander Vandham's urgent request.
204 You defeated Lao and retrieved the data terminal.[ST:n ]But it will still take time to pinpoint the Lifehold Core.
205 qstM11_resultB
206 Head to the restricted hangar in[ST:n ]New LA's administrative district.
207 Follow Lao to the Ganglion base[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
208 Search for Lao in Cauldros's[ST:n ]O'rrh Sim Castle.
209 Defeat the force Seidr.
210 Search for Lao in Cauldros's[ST:n ]O'rrh Sim Castle.
211 Defeat the Prog Ares.
212 Report to Commander Vandham[ST:n ]at the entrance to New LA's[ST:n ]BLADE Tower.
213 Chapter 12
214 Secure the Lifehold Core.
215 You defeated Luxaar and secured the Lifehold Core.
216 qstM12_resultB
217 Talk to Commander Vandham[ST:n ]in New LA's BLADE Tower.
218 Head via Skell to the Lifehold Core[ST:n ]off the western coast of Cauldros.
219 Head to the center of the[ST:n ]Lifehold Core.
220 Defeat the Vita.
221 Defeat the Vita.
222 Enter the Lifehold Core.
223 Defeat the soldier chimeras.
224 Defeat Lao.
225 Head to the waters off Cauldros.
226 qstM14_title
227 qstM14_summary
228 qstM14_resultA
229 qstM14_resultB
230 qstM14_A01_log
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232 qstM14_A03_log
233 qstM15_title
234 qstM15_summary
235 qstM15_resultA
236 qstM15_resultB
237 qstM15_A01_log
238 Story Missions Complete
239 The Lifehold Core is secured.[ST:n ]Story missions complete.
240 Missionclear_result
241 Missionclear_log
242 A Hero's Ride
243 Justin's car is wrecked. Gather the parts to repair it.
244 You repaired Justin's car, making quite the impression[ST:n ]in the process.
245 qst0101_resultB
246 Gather two anhydrous radiators[ST:n ]in Primordia.
247 Talk to Justin near Barista Court[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
248 Cinicula Assault
249 Hunt the bold cinicula causing trouble for BLADE.
250 You defeated the bold cinicula and completed[ST:n ]Conner's request.
251 qst0103_resultB
252 Defeat the bold cinicula in[ST:n ]Primordia's Grieving Plains.
253 Better Latte Than Never
254 Find heatproof inox pipes to fix the espresso machine[ST:n ]that Jo broke.
255 After breaking the freezer and fleeing to the cathedral,[ST:n ]Jo made up with her boss and returned to the café.
256 qst0104_resultB
257 Gather three heatproof inox pipes[ST:n ]in Primordia.
258 Talk to Jo on Melville Street in the[ST:n ]commercial district during the day.
259 Look for Jo in the residential[ST:n ]district.
260 Gather two L-002 fuel tanks in[ST:n ]Primordia.
261 Talk to Jo in the residential[ST:n ]district cathedral.
262 Welcome Back, Conner
263 Nathan's teammate Conner has gone missing.[ST:n ]Find him as soon as possible.
264 You found Conner's comm device. It seems he's[ST:n ]managed to get in touch with Nathan and the others.
265 qst0105_resultB
266 Search Primordia's Sickle Rock Rise[ST:n ]area for Conner.
267 Search the Sayram Northeast Plain[ST:n ]for Conner's comm device.
268 Talk to Conner on Primordia's[ST:n ]Sickle Rock Rise.
269 City Saviors
270 Indigens have built a nest in a cave near New LA.[ST:n ]Go there and investigate.
271 You defeated all of the little suids.
272 You decided to spare the little suids.
273 Head to the cave in Primordia's[ST:n ]West Gate Plain.
274 Defeat five little suids in[ST:n ]Primordia's West Gate Plain.
275 Defeat the big suid in Primordia's[ST:n ]West Gate Plain.
276 Talk to Carl on Division Drive in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
277 Talk to Carl on Division Drive in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
278 A Painful Lesson
279 The little suids you spared grew up and returned.[ST:n ]Defeat them before the damage to New LA spreads.
280 Losses were sustained, but you defeated the big suids.
281 qst0109_resultB
282 Head to the big-suid nest in[ST:n ]Primordia's West Gate Plain.
283 Defeat all of the big suids in[ST:n ]Primordia's West Gate Plain.
284 Talk to Trevor in Primordia's[ST:n ]West Gate Plain.
285 Report back to Carl in Primordia's[ST:n ]West Gate Plain.
286 Mamma Mia!
287 You agreed to help outfit Mia for her journey.
288 Mia received her gear and set off into Mira's wilds.
289 qst0115_resultB
290 Purchase iron blades from[ST:n ]the shop.
291 Purchase combat bodywear[ST:n ]from the shop.
292 Deliver the equipment to Mia in[ST:n ]the outskirts of the administrative[ST:n ]district.
293 The Celeste Three
294 Fosdyke, one of the Celeste Three survivors, has asked[ST:n ]you to meet him at the diner at night.
295 You were ambushed by the Celeste Three, but emerged[ST:n ]victorious. However, the safe requires a fourth key to[ST:n ]open.
296 Fosdyke attacked you, but you emerged victorious.[ST:n ]However, the safe requires a fourth key to open.
297 Talk to Fosdyke in the industrial[ST:n ]district at night.
298 Talk to Moorehouse in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
299 Defeat five sea forfexes in[ST:n ]Primordia.
300 Talk to Moorehouse in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
301 Head to Primordia's Molten[ST:n ]Hollow.
302 Defeat Briggs in Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
303 qst0131_A07_log
304 Examine the safe in Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
305 Defeat Fosdyke in Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
306 Defeat Moorehouse in Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
307 Defeat Briggs in Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
308 qst0131_B07_log
309 Examine the safe in Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
310 Defeat Fosdyke in Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
311 Defeat Moorehouse in Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
312 A Proper Chopper
313 You've been asked to aid BLADEs who went missing in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sunlit Spring.
314 The helicopter made it back safely.[ST:n ]Roscoe thanked you for saving his men.
315 The helicopter crashed while returning, killing Howard.[ST:n ]Perhaps the repairs were faulty?
316 Go to Noctilum's Sunlit Spring,[ST:n ]where the helicopter went missing.
317 Defeat five jovial saltats in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sunlit Spring.
318 Talk to Howard in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Sunlit Spring.
319 Gather two anhydrous radiators in[ST:n ]Primordia.
320 Find a spherical EM motor[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
321 Give the materials to Ciska in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sunlit Spring.
322 Repair the helicopter's main rotor.
323 Repair the helicopter's main rotor.
324 Talk to Ciska in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Sunlit Spring.
325 Talk to Roscoe in the center of[ST:n ]the industrial district.
326 Talk to Ciska in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Sunlit Spring.
327 Talk to Roscoe in the center of[ST:n ]the industrial district.
328 Close Encounters
329 You agreed to join the Prospector Sarona in her survey[ST:n ]of Primordia's north mountain.
330 Despite setbacks, the survey is complete. Sarona and[ST:n ]Inisae have forged a friendship across race boundaries.
331 qst0134_resultB
332 Talk to Sarona on the second[ST:n ]terrane of Primordia's Talon Rock.
333 Use FrontierNav to gather three[ST:n ]lionbone borts.
334 Use FrontierNav to gather two[ST:n ]pieces of foucaultium.
335 Talk to Sarona on the second[ST:n ]terrane of Primordia's Talon Rock.
336 Talk to Sarona on the third[ST:n ]terrane of Primordia's Talon Rock.
337 Defeat the slab cinicula on[ST:n ]Primordia's Arendt Bridge.
338 Talk to Sarona on the third[ST:n ]terrane of Primordia's Talon Rock.
339 Head to Castaway Cavern in[ST:n ]Primordia.
340 Defeat the abyssal blatta in[ST:n ]Primordia's Castaway Cavern[ST:n ]and save Inisae.
341 Talk to Inisae in Castaway[ST:n ]Cavern in Primordia.
342 Alien Nation
343 Alex has asked for your assistance in bringing Ma-non[ST:n ]to his seminar.
344 You sided with Alex, electing to watch as he purged[ST:n ]the alien threat to mankind's future.
345 You stood against Alex, electing to protect New LA's[ST:n ]xenoform residents.
346 Talk to Arwae in the[ST:n ]administrative district's hangar.
347 Talk to Zeedoy in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
348 Talk to Wikaye in the starboard[ST:n ]portion of the Ma-non ship.
349 Talk to Alex on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
350 Meet Alex atop Primordia's[ST:n ]Headwater Summit.
351 Talk to Alex at the BLADE[ST:n ]barracks in New LA.
352 Talk to Alex at the BLADE[ST:n ]barracks in New LA.
353 Defeat Lineage atop Primordia's[ST:n ]Headwater Summit.
354 Defeat the three BLADEs atop[ST:n ]Primordia's Headwater Summit.
355 Lakeside Getaway
356 Check in on the research team at the Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant.
357 You succeeded in rescuing Ajoa from the indigens that[ST:n ]attacked the Biahno water-purification plant.
358 Indigens attacked the Biahno water-purification plant,[ST:n ]killing the entire research team.
359 Head to the Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant in Primordia.
360 Investigate the door of the Biahno[ST:n ]water-purification plant in[ST:n ]Primordia.
361 Defeat the raging cantor at the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant[ST:n ]in Primordia.
362 Enter the Biahno water-purification[ST:n ]plant in Primordia.
363 Go to the reservoir of the Biahno[ST:n ]water-purification plant in[ST:n ]Primordia.
364 Defeat three raging cantors at the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant[ST:n ]in Primordia.
365 Defeat the raging cantor at the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant[ST:n ]in Primordia.
366 qst0144_A07_log02
367 qst0144_A07_log03
368 Talk to Ajoa at the Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant in Primordia.
369 Investigate the terminal at the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant[ST:n ]in Primordia.
370 Talk to Ajoa at the Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant in Primordia.
371 Talk to Rosie at the residential[ST:n ]district's water-purification plant.
372 Talk to Ajoa at the Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant in Primordia.
373 Investigate the terminal at the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant[ST:n ]in Primordia.
374 Defeat the ajoa cantor at the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant[ST:n ]in Primordia.
375 Talk to Rosie at the residential[ST:n ]district's water-purification plant.
376 Go to the front entrance of the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant[ST:n ]in Primordia.
377 Predator and Prey
378 You joined Team Jaeger on an indigen hunt.
379 You saved two BLADEs, but Adelbert and Grette were[ST:n ]lost. Their deaths are a reminder of Mira's dangers.
380 You saved two BLADEs, but Adelbert and Grette were[ST:n ]lost. Their deaths are a reminder of Mira's dangers.
381 Defeat five intra monoceroses at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's West Ciel Sandsea.
382 Return to Sylvalum's West Ciel[ST:n ]Sandsea.
383 Head to Sylvalum's South[ST:n ]Cinderdunes.
384 Defeat three brutal Prone in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's South Cinderdunes.
385 Acquire noble silk from noble[ST:n ]arachnids in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]South Cinderdunes.
386 Return to Sylvalum's West Ciel[ST:n ]Sandsea.
387 Acquire an ice-cream cake from[ST:n ]the oc-serv seivo in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Badr Basin.
388 Defeat three brutal Prone in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Badr Basin.
389 Talk to Dirk in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]West Ciel Sandsea.
390 Search Sylvalum's Secluded Lava[ST:n ]Lake for the Team Jaeger captives.
391 Defeat the Definian pawn at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Secluded Lava Lake.
392 Defeat two brutal Prone at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Secluded Lava Lake.
393 qst0150_A10_log03
394 Talk to Phina at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Secluded Lava Lake.
395 Talk to Dirk in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]West Ciel Sandsea.
396 The Handy Ma-non
397 You agree to assist the stubborn Ma-non mechanic[ST:n ]Sostenasa with his work.
398 Task by task, you earned Sostenasa's trust. It seems the[ST:n ]BLADEs have benefited greatly from his services.
399 While you were unable to win Sostenasa's trust,[ST:n ]you at least feel closer to him than before.
400 Gather five pieces of stripped[ST:n ]plating from pugiliths in Oblivia.
401 Gather three quality fuses from[ST:n ]pugiliths in Oblivia.
402 Talk to Sostenasa in the[ST:n ]administrative district hangar.
403 Gather one unit of honey oil from[ST:n ]a copper cinicula or others in[ST:n ]Primordia.
404 Gather windshield glass from[ST:n ]Primordia's East Gate Plain.
405 Talk to Sostenasa in the[ST:n ]administrative district hangar.
406 Emotion Commotion
407 You agreed to aid Chiopitus in researching human[ST:n ]emotions.
408 Dana's love was requited. By observing the events,[ST:n ]Chiopitus gained an understanding of human love.
409 Dana's love remained one-sided. Was Chiopitus at[ST:n ]least able to see the complexity of human love?
410 Talk to Christopher at Barista[ST:n ]Court in the commercial district.
411 Defeat the rowdy potamus on[ST:n ]Primordia's Sickle Rock Rise.
412 Talk to Christopher at Barista[ST:n ]Court in the commercial district.
413 Talk to Chiopitus on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
414 Find Bobby's watch in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Devil's Colony.
415 Talk to Pauline on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
416 Talk to Chiopitus at Barista Court[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
417 Gather two red thallus antennae[ST:n ]from fade thalluses or others[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
418 Gather two elemental clusters from[ST:n ]oc-servs in Sylvalum.
419 Go to Barista Court in the[ST:n ]commercial district and give Dana[ST:n ]the red thallus antennae.
420 Go to Barista Court in the[ST:n ]commercial district and give the[ST:n ]elemental clusters to Dana.
421 The Fashionista
422 Help Victoria and Panyar design undergarments for[ST:n ]Ma-non clients.
423 The undergarment designs failed, but your knowledge[ST:n ]of Ma-non tastes resulted in a wild new perfume.
424 The undergarment designs failed, but your knowledge[ST:n ]of Ma-non tastes resulted in a refreshing new perfume.
425 Go to North Founders Street in[ST:n ]the commercial district and ask[ST:n ]Veverta for her measurements.
426 Go to Armory Alley in the[ST:n ]administrative district and ask[ST:n ]Aalis for her measurements.
427 Go to the starboard side of the[ST:n ]Ma-non ship and ask Vyponne for[ST:n ]her measurements.
428 Gather five pieces of supple[ST:n ]leather from lepyxes in Primordia.
429 Talk to Victoria on Central Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
430 Gather five mondcherries in[ST:n ]Primordia.
431 Gather three sona herbs in[ST:n ]Primordia.
432 Give the perfume ingredients to[ST:n ]Panyar on Central Melville Street[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
433 Give the perfume ingredients to[ST:n ]Panyar on Central Melville Street[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
434 The Miracle Maker
435 Acquire the miracle water and expose Fraisie's plot.
436 You exposed Fraisie's lies in front of her flock.[ST:n ]The cultists should come to their senses now.
437 -
438 Gather two assassin springtails[ST:n ]in Primordia.
439 Talk to Staccata at the residential[ST:n ]district cathedral.
440 Head to Primordia's Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant.
441 Corner Malyteth in Primordia's[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant.
442 Take Malyteth's bottle from[ST:n ]Primordia's Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant.
443 Head to the residential district[ST:n ]cathedral.
444 Here Come the Brides
445 You decided to help the indecisive Prone choose a wife.
446 Nemard married a fierce Prone, pleasing Auld Belgazus.[ST:n ]The entire Ma-non ship will likely be festive.
447 Nemard married a kind Prone, pleasing Auld Belgazus.[ST:n ]The entire Ma-non ship will likely be festive.
448 Nemard Wolfen's fiancée will be[ST:n ]Heptana Logur.
449 Talk to Heptana Logur in[ST:n ]Primordia's West Gate Plain.
450 Defeat the imp lophid in[ST:n ]Primordia's West Gate Plain.
451 Talk to Heptana Logur in[ST:n ]Primordia's West Gate Plain.
452 Talk to Duna Valdileo in the port[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
453 Get four tough humpsteaks from[ST:n ]domestic armored suids or others[ST:n ]in Primordia.
454 Talk to Duna Valdileo in the port[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
455 Talk to Galba Vassago[ST:n ]at Primordia's Sayram[ST:n ]Northeast Plain.
456 Defeat Galba Vassago[ST:n ]at Primordia's Sayram[ST:n ]Northeast Plain.[ST:n ]
457 Talk to Nemard Wolfen in the[ST:n ]port side of the Ma-non ship.
458 Nemard Wolfen's fiancée will be[ST:n ]Enneana Spicar.
459 Talk to Enneana Spicar in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
460 Gather three lightweight pelts from[ST:n ]mephites in Sylvalum.
461 Talk to Enneana Spicar in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
462 Talk to Duna Valdileo in the[ST:n ]port side of the Ma-non ship.
463 Get four tough humpsteaks from[ST:n ]domestic armored suids or others[ST:n ]in Primordia.
464 Talk to Duna Valdileo in the[ST:n ]port side of the Ma-non ship.
465 Talk to Galba Vassago[ST:n ]at Primordia's Sayram[ST:n ]Northeast Plain.
466 Defeat Galba Vassago[ST:n ]at Primordia's Sayram[ST:n ]Northeast Plain.
467 Talk to Nemard Wolfen in the[ST:n ]port side of the Ma-non ship.
468 Herbivores, Unite!
469 Nurture and grow the Great Tree using the seed that[ST:n ]Naza Tenpanzi risked her life to secure.
470 With Mon'barac's help, the Great Tree was restored to[ST:n ]life. He and Naza also seem to have worked out their[ST:n ]differences.
471 This time, the reborn Great Tree was eaten by[ST:n ]Yun'tonam. Divisions between the Prone and Orphe[ST:n ]appear to run quite deep...
472 Acquire some gnarlbranch sap[ST:n ]from Noctilum's Divine Roost.
473 Talk to Naza Tenpanzi in[ST:n ]the residential district's[ST:n ]Deliverance Park.
474 Gather four zesian fleawort in[ST:n ]Primordia.
475 Get a longevity bough from the[ST:n ]cervuses in Sylvalum.
476 Talk to Mon'barac in[ST:n ]the residential district's[ST:n ]Deliverance Park.
477 Learn more about how to nurture[ST:n ]the Great Tree by talking to[ST:n ]xenoforms on the Ma-non ship.
478 Forbidden Love
479 Loda Gorida's daughter, Lavina, has been kidnapped[ST:n ]by a human named Leroy. Find her and bring her[ST:n ]back.
480 Love overcame the barriers between species,[ST:n ]and Leroy and Lavina were married.
481 Leroy and Lavina were not able to marry,[ST:n ]but it's likely just a matter of time.
482 Talk to Leroy on North Founders[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
483 Gather three sapphire horns from[ST:n ]the beach xiphias or others near[ST:n ]the coast of Noctilum.
484 Acquire the ringstone at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Drowning Ring.
485 Talk to Leroy on North Founders[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
486 Talk to Lavina on New LA's[ST:n ]western shoreline in Primordia.
487 Defeat Loda Gorida on New LA's[ST:n ]western shoreline in Primordia.
488 Defeat two Prone fighters on[ST:n ]New LA's western shoreline[ST:n ]in Primordia.
489 Talk to Loda Gorida in the port[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
490 Talk to Lavina at Primordia's[ST:n ]Northpointe Cove.
491 Head into Primordia's[ST:n ]Headwater Cavern.
492 Defeat Leroy's Ire inside[ST:n ]Primordia's Headwater Cavern.
493 Talk to Loda Gorida in the port[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
494 An Ancient Legend
495 Work with the Tree Clan to repel wild indigens.[ST:n ]Depending on how it goes, you might need to [ST:n ]team up with another clan...
496 Disaster has been averted. However, the large number[ST:n ]of enemies resulted in casualties.
497 Disaster has been averted. Thanks to the help of the[ST:n ]Cavern Clan, there were no casualties.
498 Make preparations to survive the[ST:n ]crisis.
499 You received Slovity's help while[ST:n ]preparing to survive the crisis.
500 Talk to Oche Wolfen on the East[ST:n ]Gate Plain in Primordia and begin[ST:n ]the battle.
501 Defend against the onslaught of[ST:n ]indigens for two minutes on the[ST:n ]East Gate Plain in Primordia.
502 Defend against the onslaught of[ST:n ]indigens for two minutes on the[ST:n ]East Gate Plain in Primordia.
503 Defend against the onslaught of[ST:n ]indigens for two minutes on the[ST:n ]East Gate Plain in Primordia.
504 Talk to Nimu Turton in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
505 Talk to Slovity on Primordia's East[ST:n ]Gate Plain and begin the battle.
506 Defend against the onslaught of[ST:n ]indigens for two minutes on the[ST:n ]East Gate Plain in Primordia.
507 Defend against the onslaught of[ST:n ]indigens for two minutes on the[ST:n ]East Gate Plain in Primordia.
508 Defend against the onslaught of[ST:n ]indigens for two minutes on the[ST:n ]East Gate Plain in Primordia.
509 Talk to Nimu Turton in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
510 Training Day
511 A Prone named Zarch has requested that you test your[ST:n ]strength against his beast, Odsent.
512 Odsent's retraining was successful.[ST:n ]It shouldn't be long before Zarch realizes his dream.
513 The dangerous Odsent was defeated. It seems there will[ST:n ]be no unnecessary conflict with the Cavern Clan.
514 Undergo battle training with[ST:n ]Odsent on Primordia's East[ST:n ]Janpath Plain.
515 Talk to Zarch Quokett in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
516 Gather five units of white iron[ST:n ]sand in Primordia.
517 Gather three noranlilies in[ST:n ]Primordia.
518 Talk to Zarch Quokett in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
519 Search for the fleeing Odsent in[ST:n ]Primordia's Rock Cavern.
520 Defeat the fleeing Odsent in[ST:n ]Primordia's Rock Cavern.
521 qst0351_A07_log
522 Talk to Zarch Quokett in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
523 Criticize Zarch's intent for revenge.
524 Defeat Odsent in Primordia's[ST:n ]Rock Cavern.
525 Talk to Zarch Quokett in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
526 My Angel, My Lana
527 Lana has gone missing in Cauldros.[ST:n ]Find her and bring her back.
528 You brought Lana home safely, though Bubu seems a[ST:n ]little upset at her recklessness.
529 Lana has decided to live with Walolo,[ST:n ]leaving Bubu sad and alone.
530 Talk to Lana at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Emerian Battlegrounds.
531 Defeat the guard monoceroses[ST:n ]on the cliffs of the Emerian[ST:n ]Battlegrounds.
532 Talk to Lana at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Emerian Battlegrounds.
533 Talk to Lana at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan during the day.
534 Get six golden puffs from evil[ST:n ]mephites or others in Cauldros.
535 Get six strands of malevolent[ST:n ]petramand silk from gadolinium[ST:n ]petramands or others in Cauldros.
536 Talk to Lana at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan during the day.
537 Talk to Bubu on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
538 Talk to Bubu on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
539 Setting Forth
540 Help Muimui as he prepares to embark on a quest to[ST:n ]locate the Sword of Legendaryness.
541 The Infinigoggles and Legen-dar are complete.[ST:n ]Now begins the real journey in search of the sword.
542 qst0405_resultB
543 Get five pieces of taut leather from[ST:n ]the terebras in Primordia.
544 Get two pieces of white[ST:n ]mirrorglass from lawless grexes[ST:n ]or others in Primordia.
545 Gather three sonar lemons in[ST:n ]Primordia.
546 Talk to Muimui near the[ST:n ]maintenance center in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
547 Find the terebra in possession of[ST:n ]the smelly Legen-dar at Primordia's[ST:n ]Biahno Lake and retrieve the item.
548 Fund a new Legen-dar by giving[ST:n ]Moimoi 30,000 credits near the[ST:n ]maintenance center in the AD.
549 Talk to Moimoi near the[ST:n ]maintenance center in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
550 Talk to Muimui near the[ST:n ]maintenance center in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
551 A Tip of the Cap
552 Nosusu's newly opened business is about to go under. [ST:n ]Help her protect her traditional Nopon art form.
553 You helped make a Santa hat.[ST:n ]Nosusu looks delighted!
554 You helped make a pom-pom beanie.[ST:n ]Nosusu looks delighted!
555 Gather six noctilucent dragonflies[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
556 Find a piece of harnenga cotton[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
557 Gather two lava mangos in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
558 Talk to Nosusu at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Whale's Nostril.
559 Get two vibrant plumes from the[ST:n ]saltats in Noctilum.
560 Get two fluffy tufts from the[ST:n ]mortifoles in Noctilum.
561 Talk to Nosusu at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Whale's Nostril.
562 Talk to Nosusu at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Whale's Nostril.
563 The Bodyguard
564 Find a weapon for Zazazan's bodyguard, Harvey.
565 Zazazan and a now-armed Harvey set off toward[ST:n ]New LA.
566 qst0410_resultB
567 Purchase an Iron Sword[ST:n ]from the shop.
568 Purchase a Warrior Assault Rifle[ST:n ]from the shop.
569 Purchase a Titanium Shield[ST:n ]from the shop.
570 Talk to Zazazan near Cauldros's[ST:n ]Emerian Battlegrounds.
571 Special Delivery
572 Zazazan's package has been stolen by Harvey.[ST:n ]Pursue the thief, retrieve the package,[ST:n ]and deliver it to its intended destination.
573 You never learned the package's contents,[ST:n ]but you delivered it to Bodada as instructed.
574 The package turned out to be fluffy—yet dangerous—[ST:n ]pollen orbs. Now in Loma's hands, they will not reach[ST:n ]the general Nopon population.
575 Head inside Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Den of the Dead.
576 Defeat Harvey at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Den of the Dead.
577 Defeat two BLADE troopers at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Den of the Dead.
578 Defeat a faded nopopotamus at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Den of the Dead.
579 Talk to Zazazan at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Cauldros Gate.
580 Obey and bring the package to[ST:n ]Bodada at the Nopon Bazaar[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
581 Ignore instructions and bring the[ST:n ]package to Loma at the Nopon[ST:n ]Bazaar in the commercial district.
582 Trade Agreement
583 New LA is in the midst of a Miralife Card boom.[ST:n ]Hit up other collectors to acquire the super-rare[ST:n ]gold nopopotamus card.
584 After multiple trading sessions, you eventually acquired[ST:n ]the gold nopopotamus card. Warawa is ecstatic to[ST:n ]have received such a rare item.
585 qst0413_resultB
586 Trade cards with the citizens of[ST:n ]New LA until you acquire the gold[ST:n ]nopopotamus card.
587 Talk to Warawa on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
588 Hair Apparent
589 You decided to lend Nio some money. Hopefully the[ST:n ]wedding ceremony can proceed without issue.
590 Nio was able to safely wipe out his debts using a fake[ST:n ]tuft of hair. It turns out this whole mess started because[ST:n ]you felled the nopopotamus...
591 qst0419_resultB
592 Give 20,000 credits to Nio at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Cleansing Spring during[ST:n ]the day.
593 Talk to Jalolo at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring during the day.
594 Talk to Nio at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring during the day.
595 Gather six diresheep in Sylvalum.
596 Gather four antorus roses in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
597 Talk to Nio at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring during the day.
598 Talk to Jalolo at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring during the day.
599 Talk to Popo at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring during the day.
600 Supplies Surprise
601 Nalu is crying after being threatened by the Ganglion.[ST:n ]Gather the goods she requires.
602 It feels like she's using you, but you found Nalu's[ST:n ]requested goods regardless.
603 You planted a trap in the goods as per Lularita's[ST:n ]suggestion. It seems that Nalu is going to learn her[ST:n ]lesson the hard way...
604 Gather six deflection shield mirrors[ST:n ]in Primordia.
605 Gather three multi-mirror solar[ST:n ]drones in Oblivia.
606 Gather five mk. IX hypercoolers[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
607 Talk to Nalu at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
608 You have received no reward.[ST:n ]Talk to Nalu at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
609 Find an A-HAB autonomous AI[ST:n ]unit in Sylvalum.
610 Gather eight Nostalgia L-002 units[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
611 qst0421_A04_log03
612 Talk to Nalu at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
613 Talk to Lularita at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
614 Find an A-HAB autonomous AI[ST:n ]unit in Sylvalum.
615 Gather eight Nostalgia L-002 units[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
616 Gather 10 bullet flies in Cauldros.
617 Talk to Lularita at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
618 qst0421_B07_log
619 Talk to Nalu at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
620 A Dish Served Cold
621 Zo Langra is worried about Zo Zazhi, who has set off[ST:n ]on a reckless quest for revenge. Find Zo Zazhi and[ST:n ]convince her to come home.
622 You stopped Zo Zazhi from getting killed and brought[ST:n ]her back to New LA.
623 You stopped Zo Zazhi just in time and somehow[ST:n ]managed to get her back to New LA.
624 Talk to Zo Zazhi at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Ant's Nest.
625 Defeat a Siphon Qmoeva[ST:n ]within ten minutes in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Jair Fortress.
626 Defeat a Vanitas Seidr[ST:n ]within ten minutes in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Jair Fortress.
627 Talk to Zo Zazhi at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Ant's Nest.
628 Defeat Zo Zazhi.
629 Talk to Zo Langra on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
630 Talk to Zo Zazhi at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Ant's Nest.
631 Talk to Zo Langra on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
632 Talk to Zo Zazhi at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Jair Fortress.
633 Defeat Zo Zazhi.
634 Talk to Zo Langra on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
635 Until the End
636 Ge Jewhe has tried to infiltrate the Ganglion-occupied[ST:n ]fortress alone. Rescue her before it's too late.
637 You successfully rescued Ge Jewhe.[ST:n ]Hopefully she will never again leave Vi Sezha's side.
638 You could not rescue Ge Jewhe. However, stories of her[ST:n ]heroism are sure to become the stuff of legend.
639 Head to Cauldros's T'phnom Shelf[ST:n ]and find Ge Jewhe.
640 Defeat the Marnuck Scouts.
641 You gave the bracelet to[ST:n ]Ge Jewhe in Cauldros's[ST:n ]Boxtrap Checkpoint.
642 Head to Cauldros's Boxtrap[ST:n ]Checkpoint and look for[ST:n ]Ge Jewhe.
643 Defeat the Phantom Seidr.
644 Talk to Ge Jewhe at[ST:n ]Cauldros's Boxtrap Checkpoint.
645 Talk to Vi Sezha at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold.
646 Head to Cauldros's Boxtrap[ST:n ]Checkpoint and look for[ST:n ]Ge Jewhe.
647 Head to Cauldros's Boxtrap[ST:n ]Checkpoint and look for[ST:n ]Ge Jewhe.
648 Defeat the Phantom Seidr.
649 Check Ge Jewhe's condition in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Boxtrap Checkpoint.
650 Talk to Vi Sezha at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold.
651 Leaving the Nest
652 Someone has challenged De Ezich to a duel.[ST:n ]Take his place in the contest.
653 After gaining his freedom,[ST:n ]De Ezich relocated to New LA.
654 De Ezich decided to straighten himself out under[ST:n ]the stern eye of his parents.
655 Head to the duel location in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Cauldros Threshold.
656 Defeat Sazon Caladar.
657 Defeat Soghu Caladar.
658 Talk to De Ezich at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cauldros Threshold.
659 Talk to De Ezich at the diner[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
660 Talk to De Ezich at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cauldros Threshold.
661 Defeat De Ezich.
662 Cooking Schooled
663 Help Sherry look for the missing Wrothian.
664 The warrior Ni Zain has traded his sword for a kitchen[ST:n ]knife. It looks like he won't be returning to the[ST:n ]maintenance center any time soon.
665 qst0505_resultB
666 Head to Barista Court in the[ST:n ]commercial district and look for[ST:n ]Ni Zain.
667 Purchase a Chrome Sword[ST:n ]from the shop.
668 Purchase a Chrome Sword[ST:n ]from the shop.
669 Purchase a Chrome Sword[ST:n ]from the shop.
670 Head to Barista Court in the[ST:n ]commercial district and give the[ST:n ]Chrome Sword to Ni Zain.
671 Gather recipes in the residential[ST:n ]district.
672 Gather recipes in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
673 Gather recipes in either the[ST:n ]industrial or commercial districts.
674 Talk to Ni Zain at Barista Court[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
675 Gather 10 lacey potatoes in[ST:n ]Primordia.
676 Gather four keppo carrots in[ST:n ]Primordia.
677 Get a marbled suid fillet from[ST:n ]silver suids or others in Primordia.
678 Give the ingredients to Ni Zain at[ST:n ]Barista Court in the commercial[ST:n ]district.
679 The Queen Is Dead
680 In order to help the Wrothian warriors battle their[ST:n ]sworn nemesis, you must first prove yourself by[ST:n ]squaring off against the Three Talons.
681 You crushed the queen jacul alongside the Three[ST:n ]Talons. Now the Wrothians have one less worry in[ST:n ]their lives.
682 You crushed the queen jacul alongside the Three[ST:n ]Talons. They suffered casualties, but now the Wrothians[ST:n ]have one less worry in their lives.
683 Head to Primordia's[ST:n ]Stickstone Rise.
684 Defeat Naguth Caladar at[ST:n ]Primordia's Stickstone Rise.
685 Defeat Girhi Caladar at[ST:n ]Primordia's Stickstone Rise.
686 Defeat Zeulbe Caladar at[ST:n ]Primordia's Stickstone Rise.
687 qst0506_A03_log
688 Defeat three mortal jaculs at[ST:n ]Primordia's Stickstone Rise.
689 Talk to Da Naguth at Primordia's[ST:n ]Stickstone Rise.
690 Talk to Ni Zinga at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold during the[ST:n ]day.
691 Head to Cauldros's Mount[ST:n ]M'gando and defeat three[ST:n ]mortal jaculs.
692 Head to Cauldros's M'gando[ST:n ]volcanic crater and defeat[ST:n ]the queen jacul.
693 Talk to Ni Zinga at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold during the[ST:n ]day.
694 Head to Cauldros's Mount[ST:n ]M'gando and defeat three[ST:n ]mortal jaculs.
695 Head to Cauldros's M'gando[ST:n ]volcanic crater and defeat[ST:n ]the queen jacul.
696 Talk to Ni Zinga at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold during the[ST:n ]day.
697 The Unbreakable Sword
698 You decided to help forge the unbreakable sword[ST:n ]De Zing witnessed in his dreams.
699 You recovered the unbreakable sword for De Zing.[ST:n ]No doubt he is off training with it right now.
700 You recovered the unbreakable sword for De Zing,[ST:n ]who then gave you the blade in thanks.
701 Talk to Neraph in the port side[ST:n ]of the Ma-non ship.
702 Secure a puge self-destruct[ST:n ]mechanism from the puges in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
703 Talk to Neraph in the port side of[ST:n ]the Ma-non ship.
704 Talk to De Zing in the port side of[ST:n ]the Ma-non ship.
705 Use FrontierNav to find some[ST:n ]cimmerian cinnabar.
706 Find a zagyrin cragstone in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
707 Talk to De Zing in the port side of[ST:n ]the Ma-non ship.
708 Talk to De Zing at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Adder Byroad.
709 Retrieve the unbreakable sword[ST:n ]from the millepod in Cauldros.
710 Talk to De Zing at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Adder Byroad.
711 The Journey Begins
712 Instructed by the voice of the Ovah, Kun'luarb has[ST:n ]decided to embark on a trek deep into Noctilum.[ST:n ]Help him prepare for his adventure.
713 Kun'luarb packed his bags and set off into the forests[ST:n ]of Noctilum. Hopefully he finds the senirapa water[ST:n ]he seeks.
714 qst0553_resultB
715 Gather three pieces of Logunie's[ST:n ]driftwood in Primordia.
716 Gather four heads of sadelana[ST:n ]lettuce in Primordia.
717 Talk to Kun'luarb at Ishmael Hills[ST:n ]in the residential district.
718 Circle of Life
719 Kun'luarb still hasn't returned, and[ST:n ]the Orphe aren't fighters. Go to[ST:n ]Noctilum and rescue him!
720 Kun'luarb passed, but new life[ST:n ]was born via division, and[ST:n ]senirapa water will bring more.
721 Kun'luarb is no more, but a drop[ST:n ]of senirapa water ensures that [ST:n ]new life will be born.
722 Look for Kun'luarb in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Lotus Keep building site.
723 Acquire senirapa water from[ST:n ]somewhere in Mira.
724 Report to Kon'luarb at Deliverance[ST:n ]Park in the residential district.
725 Report to Kon'luarb at Deliverance[ST:n ]Park in the residential district.
726 The Bug Whisperer
727 Help Min'barac achieve his goal of controlling indigens[ST:n ]just as the Prone do.
728 Min'barac was not able to bring the indigen to heel,[ST:n ]but he did make some new lifelong friends.
729 qst0558_resultB
730 Talk to Min'barac at Primordia's[ST:n ]Shadow Beach base camp.
731 Defeat the grand lophid at[ST:n ]Primordia's Shadow Beach[ST:n ]base camp.
732 Talk to Min'barac in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
733 Find an amidresian tomato in[ST:n ]Primordia.
734 Gather three pieces of jagged[ST:n ]mortar in Primordia.
735 Gather two units of meditation[ST:n ]powder in Primordia.
736 Talk to Min'barac in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
737 Talk to Min'barac at Primordia's[ST:n ]Shadow Beach base camp.
738 Defeat the grand lophid at[ST:n ]Primordia's Shadow Beach[ST:n ]base camp.
739 qst0558_A08_log
740 Going Viral
741 A number of mutations have emerged in the biology of[ST:n ]the indigens that prowl the depths of Cauldros.[ST:n ]Assist Julius in his investigation into the matter.
742 The Ovah living within the indigens seem to be the root[ST:n ]cause of the mutations. They apparently act as a kind[ST:n ]of virus on their host.
743 qst0559_resultB
744 Defeat a bio visigel in Cauldros's[ST:n ]M'gando Gorge.
745 Talk with Julius on the north side[ST:n ]of West Melville Street in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
746 Defeat two bio visigels in[ST:n ]Cauldros's M'gando Gorge.
747 Talk with Julius on the north side[ST:n ]of West Melville Street in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
748 Defeat four bio visigels in[ST:n ]Cauldros's M'gando Gorge.
749 Talk with Julius on the north side[ST:n ]of West Melville Street in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
750 Defeat six bio visigels in[ST:n ]Cauldros's M'gando Gorge.
751 Talk with Julius on the north side[ST:n ]of West Melville Street in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
752 Ovah and Out
753 Use the weapon Han'barac gave you to defeat the[ST:n ]rapidly expanding population of mutated indigens.
754 You defeated 10 indigens and destroyed the Ovah.[ST:n ]Hopefully this will stop the mutations from expanding[ST:n ]any further.
755 qst0560_resultB
756 Defeat 10 bio visigels in Cauldros[ST:n ]with a Savage Ziyse.
757 Talk to Han'barac in the[ST:n ]maintenance center in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
758 Pollution Solution
759 Assist the understaffed Liza with[ST:n ]New LA's pollution problem.
760 The hiring of the Zaruboggan[ST:n ]helped prevent further damage,[ST:n ]which made Liza's day.
761 The new employee didn't work[ST:n ]out, but the Zaruboggan seem[ST:n ]born for this kind of work.
762 Find a suitable recruit to help with[ST:n ]the pollution problem.
763 Find a suitable recruit to help with[ST:n ]the pollution problem.
764 Use FrontierNav to find three[ST:n ]pieces of everfreeze ore.
765 Gather 10 pieces of jagitos[ST:n ]copper in Sylvalum.
766 Talk to Liza at the integrated[ST:n ]production plant in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
767 Use FrontierNav to find three[ST:n ]pieces of everfreeze ore.
768 Gather 10 pieces of jagitos[ST:n ]copper in Sylvalum.
769 Talk to Liza at the integrated[ST:n ]production plant in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
770 Pack It In
771 Atheron's backpack seems to be faltering.[ST:n ]Lend Nococche a hand in repairing it.
772 You repaired the backpack and saved Nococche.[ST:n ]With their differences put aside, she and Atheron are[ST:n ]now great friends.
773 qst0608_resultB
774 Get an all-purpose plug from a[ST:n ]guide owl Galdr or others[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
775 Talk to Nococche in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
776 Talk to Atheron in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
777 Gather two mottled mums in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
778 Use FrontierNav to find five chunks[ST:n ]of parhelion platinum.
779 Talk to Atheron in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
780 Stop, Thief!
781 Shiraton has been arrested by Tracey on suspicion of[ST:n ]theft. Upon listening to his story, you decided to[ST:n ]investigate.
782 You found the stolen jewel[ST:n ]and proved Shiraton's innocence.
783 You doubted Shiraton's innocence, but it turns out he[ST:n ]was telling the truth all along.
784 Talk to Tracey on Central Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
785 Search the car on Primordia's[ST:n ]East Janpath Plain for the deep[ST:n ]blue gem.
786 Talk to Tracey on Central Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
787 Talk to Shiraton on Central[ST:n ]Melville Street in the commercial[ST:n ]district.
788 Search the car on Primordia's[ST:n ]East Janpath Plain for the deep[ST:n ]blue gem.
789 Talk to Tracey on Central Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
790 Talk to Shiraton on Central[ST:n ]Melville Street in the commercial[ST:n ]district.
791 The Old Gods
792 Acquire a piece of Golbogga's legacy and unlock its[ST:n ]mysteries.
793 Golbogga, the god of the Zaruboggan and destroyer[ST:n ]of Bedun, actually looks just like a...human?
794 Upon examining the disk, you found that not only does[ST:n ]Golbogga exist, but he is also humanlike in form.[ST:n ]With his hypothesis destroyed, Toluera is in despair.
795 Talk to Toluera at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Slavebird Isle.
796 Gather a zirtodiamond from[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Hilal Stronghold.
797 Talk to Toluera at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Slavebird Isle.
798 Talk to Feloran in the starboard[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
799 Talk to Kiliran at Cauldros's[ST:n ]White Phosphor Lake.
800 Defeat the xe-dom sarto at[ST:n ]Cauldros's White Phosphor Lake.
801 Talk to Kiliran at Cauldros's[ST:n ]White Phosphor Lake.
802 Talk to Feloran in the starboard[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
803 Talk to Kiliran at Cauldros's[ST:n ]White Phosphor Lake.
804 Defeat the xe-dom sarto at[ST:n ]Cauldros's White Phosphor Lake.
805 Talk to Kiliran at Cauldros's[ST:n ]White Phosphor Lake.
806 Talk to Toluera at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Slavebird Isle.
807 qst0611_title
808 qst0611_summary
809 qst0611_resultA
810 qst0611_resultB
811 qst0611_A01_log
812 qst0611_A02_log
813 qst0611_B01_log01
814 qst0611_B01_log02
815 qst0611_B02_log
816 qst0611_B03_log
817 Definian Downfall
818 Mother Fortun is being misused for evil.[ST:n ]Work with Erio to bring down the Definians.
819 Fortun is dead, and the three Definian sisters dealt with.[ST:n ]Erio will finally be able to live in peace.
820 Fortun's personality has changed, and the three sisters[ST:n ]were defeated. Erio and her mother can now live in[ST:n ]peace.
821 Talk to Fortun on Central Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
822 Talk to Fortun on Central Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
823 Head to Cauldros's Ganglion[ST:n ]Antropolis.
824 Defeat ER001: Emeroa at[ST:n ]Cauldros's Ganglion Antropolis.
825 Defeat HP001: Harriess at[ST:n ]Cauldros's Ganglion Antropolis.
826 Defeat JD001: Juda at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Ganglion Antropolis.
827 Pursue ER001: Emeroa in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Ganglion Antropolis.
828 Defeat the Rexoskell at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Ganglion Antropolis.
829 Pursue ER001: Emeroa to[ST:n ]Cauldros's Emerian Battlegrounds.
830 Defeat the Rexoskell at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Emerian Battlegrounds.
831 Talk to HT665: Erio on Central[ST:n ]Melville Street in the commercial[ST:n ]district.
832 Talk to Professor B at his research[ST:n ]lab in the industrial district.
833 Find a resonating madonater in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
834 Get an octopus board from the[ST:n ]xe-dom of Cauldros.
835 Talk to Professor B at his research[ST:n ]lab in the industrial district.
836 Head to Cauldros's Ganglion[ST:n ]Antropolis.
837 Defeat ER001: Emeroa in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Ganglion Antropolis.
838 Defeat HP001: Harriess in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Ganglion Antropolis.
839 Defeat JD001: Juda in Cauldros's[ST:n ]Ganglion Antropolis.
840 Pursue ER001: Emeroa in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Ganglion Antropolis.
841 Defeat the Rexoskell at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Ganglion Antropolis.
842 Pursue ER001: Emeroa to[ST:n ]Cauldros's Emerian Battlegrounds.
843 Defeat the Rexoskell at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Emerian Battlegrounds.
844 Talk to HT665: Erio on Central[ST:n ]Melville Street in the commercial[ST:n ]district.
845 Professor B's Return
846 You received a distress call from Professor B,[ST:n ]who was supposed to have returned to the future.[ST:n ]Help him however you can.
847 The experiment may have failed, but the professor's[ST:n ]sense of curiosity remains as strong as ever.[ST:n ]Now he's run off somewhere, leaving his debts behind.
848 qst0702_resultB
849 Go to Oblivia's Great Washington[ST:n ]Isle and rescue Professor B.
850 Protect Professor B for three[ST:n ]minutes on Oblivia's Great[ST:n ]Washington Isle.
851 Talk to Professor B on Oblivia's[ST:n ]Great Washington Isle.
852 Gather five clumps of blast chard[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
853 Talk to Professor B on Oblivia's[ST:n ]Great Washington Isle.
854 Talk to Professor B at his research[ST:n ]lab in the industrial district.
855 Find a spirit wand in Sylvalum.
856 Find a shiny lamp in Noctilum.
857 Find a nopolith in Oblivia.
858 Talk to Professor B at his research[ST:n ]lab in the industrial district.
859 A Friend in Need
860 Lao's team has run out of supplies.[ST:n ]Find them and help them out.
861 The data probe was successfully installed,[ST:n ]but it looks like Lao has gone off somewhere again.
862 qst0858_resultB
863 Bring supplies to Saiden in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Barbarich Desert.
864 Head to the meeting point in front[ST:n ]of Oblivia's Leaning Ring.
865 Defeat six chasm forfexes near[ST:n ]Oblivia's Leaning Ring.
866 Head past the canyon south of[ST:n ]Oblivia's Leaning Ring.
867 Defeat a fierce vigent south of[ST:n ]Oblivia's Leaning Ring.
868 Head to Division Drive in the[ST:n ]administrative district and meet[ST:n ]with Saiden's group.
869 To Serve Nopon
870 Lin has tasked you with a mission that must be kept[ST:n ]secret from Tatsu. Officially it's Mediator work, but in[ST:n ]reality it involves gathering a number of Nopon recipes.
871 Tatsu suffered a scary misunderstanding at first,[ST:n ]but in the end, you were able to give him a great[ST:n ]13th birthday party. Tatsu was very happy.
872 qst0861_resultB
873 Ask for recipes from the[ST:n ]Nopon elder's aide.
874 Ask for recipes from a Nopon[ST:n ]who's always hungry.
875 Ask for recipes from a wealthy[ST:n ]Nopon maiden who grew up[ST:n ]being treated like a princess.
876 Return to the BLADE barracks and[ST:n ]look for Tatsu.
877 Go to the administrative district[ST:n ]and listen for info regarding[ST:n ]Tatsu's whereabouts.
878 Look for Tatsu at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Forgotten Mining Frigates.
879 Defeat the grudge tersqual[ST:n ]attacking Tatsu.
880 The Ties That Bind
881 Head to Tatsu's childhood home of the Dodonga[ST:n ]Caravan and get him to confront his past.
882 After Tatsu found his father's sunglasses,[ST:n ]Koko finally had to acknowledge that her[ST:n ]son was no longer a child.
883 qst0864_resultB
884 Head to the Dodonga Caravan at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Whale's Nostril.
885 Talk to Koko at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Whale's Nostril.
886 Search for Tatsu's father's glasses[ST:n ]on the shore south of Primordia's[ST:n ]Biahno Lake.
887 Retrieve Tatsu's father's[ST:n ]glasses from Primordia's[ST:n ]Headwater Cavern.
888 Talk to Koko at the Dodonga[ST:n ]Caravan in Noctilum's Whale's[ST:n ]Nostril.
889 BFFs
890 Convince the Nopon to sign a friendship treaty that[ST:n ]welcomes them to New LA.
891 The Nopon Friendship Treaty has been signed,[ST:n ]and Nopon are now arriving in New LA.
892 qst0865_resultB
893 Head to Noctilum's Dodonga[ST:n ]Caravan and get a signature.
894 Head to Oblivia's Dorian Caravan[ST:n ]and get a signature.
895 Report back to Commander[ST:n ]Vandham at the BLADE barracks.
896 Dodonga Caravan
897 Get the Dodonga Caravan elder to sign the Nopon[ST:n ]Friendship Treaty.
898 The Nopon Friendship Treaty has been signed by the[ST:n ]Dodonga Caravan.
899 qst0878_resultB
900 Head to Noctilum's Dodonga[ST:n ]Caravan.
901 Search for Koko near Noctilum's[ST:n ]Cascade Isle.
902 Defeat an agile caecus near[ST:n ]Noctilum's Cascade Isle.
903 Talk to Koko near Noctilum's[ST:n ]Cascade Isle.
904 Dorian Caravan
905 Get the Dorian Caravan leader to sign the Nopon[ST:n ]Friendship Treaty.
906 The Nopon Friendship Treaty has been signed by the[ST:n ]Dorian Caravan.
907 qst0879_resultB
908 Head to Oblivia's Dorian Caravan.
909 Pay Mujiji 30,000 credits.
910 Spy Games
911 Gather information on the Ganglion by infiltrating their[ST:n ]fortress. As it is advisable to avoid conflict, you should[ST:n ]choose a route with few enemies.
912 You acquired the data unit and unearthed the[ST:n ]Ganglion's plans for humanity.
913 qst0870_resultB
914 Return to the BLADE barracks and[ST:n ]prepare.
915 Infiltrate Oblivia's Jair Fortress and[ST:n ]obtain information.
916 Defeat three Marnucks.
917 Report back to Director General[ST:n ]Chausson inside BLADE Tower.
918 Find Pfeffen in the starboard side[ST:n ]of the Ma-non ship and have him[ST:n ]analyze the data.
919 Report back to Director General[ST:n ]Chausson inside BLADE Tower.
920 Prospective Partners
921 Chausson has decided to further expand his[ST:n ]investigation of the Ganglion across Mira.
922 It looks like the Wrothians are being hounded by the[ST:n ]Ganglion. This might be an opportunity to team up[ST:n ]with them.
923 It looks like the Wrothians are being hounded by the[ST:n ]Ganglion. This might be an opportunity to team up[ST:n ]with them.
924 Explore 20 percent of Mira.
925 Report back to Director General[ST:n ]Chausson inside BLADE Tower.
926 Head to the battleground at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Middle Hushflood[ST:n ]and gather information.
927 Gather parts from Wrothian[ST:n ]Skells.
928 Report back to Director General[ST:n ]Chausson inside BLADE Tower.
929 A Challenger Approaches
930 Deliver the letter from Director General Chausson and[ST:n ]join forces with the Wrothians.
931 You bargained with the Wrothians and eventually[ST:n ]forged an alliance.
932 qst0876_resultB
933 Head to Oblivia's Wrothian[ST:n ]Stronghold.
934 Defeat Ga Buidhe.
935 Defeat Zo Borri.
936 Defeat Zo Fwar.
937 Obtain five med kits from the[ST:n ]storage supply room in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Hilal Stronghold.
938 Obtain five med kits from Jeffrey[ST:n ]in front of the restricted hangar in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
939 Talk to Ga Jiarg in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold.
940 Rise of the Blood Lobster
941 The Blood Lobster has planted explosives around New[ST:n ]LA. Retrieve the cuddly toys that hide bombs.
942 You killed the Blood Lobster, who was actually Justin.[ST:n ]He died with a smile on his face.
943 You spared the Blood Lobster, who was actually Justin.[ST:n ]He wailed in despair at your mercy, as it spoiled his[ST:n ]grand ending.
944 Safely recover the stuffed lobsters[ST:n ]from around New LA.
945 qst0151_A02_log
946 qst0151_A03_log
947 qst0151_A04_log
948 Recover the final stuffed lobster[ST:n ]from the New LA citizen.
949 Head to Cauldros's Ganglion[ST:n ]Antropolis.
950 Defeat Blood Despair in Cauldros's[ST:n ]Ganglion Antropolis.
951 The Art of War
952 Put Sajif's battle plan into action and defeat only the[ST:n ]leader of the Lotus Keep Building Site.
953 You defeated the leader of the Lotus Keep building site[ST:n ]and routed the Ganglion, thus proving the validity of[ST:n ]Sajif's battle plan.
954 You defeated other enemies in the Lotus Keep building[ST:n ]site besides the leader—thus failing to properly enact[ST:n ]Sajif's battle plan.
955 Defeat Bastion Glennar in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Lotus Keep building site.
956 You took down Bastion Glennar[ST:n ]and his men in Noctilum's Lotus[ST:n ]Keep building site.
957 Talk to Sajif Scoppio in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
958 Defeat Bastion Glennar in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Lotus Keep building site.
959 Talk to Sajif Scoppio in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
960 Two Warriors
961 You received a task from Go Belg—but first he wants[ST:n ]you to prove your worth.
962 You showed your strength to Go Belg's disciples.[ST:n ]They will surely continue to grow.
963 You showed your strength to Go Belg's disciples.[ST:n ]They will surely continue to grow.
964 Defeat two welkin levitath[ST:n ]in Primordia.
965 Talk to Go Belg at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold at nighttime.
966 Talk to Gi Ziordo at Oblivia's[ST:n ]King's Falls.
967 Talk to Gi Ziorde at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Anvil Rock Two.
968 Defeat Gi Ziordo.
969 Talk to Gi Ziorde at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Anvil Rock Two.
970 Defeat Gi Ziorde.
971 Talk to Go Belg at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold at nighttime.
972 Talk to Gi Ziordo at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
973 Talk to Gi Ziorde at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
974 Defeat Gi Ziordo.
975 Defeat Gi Ziorde.
976 Talk to Go Belg at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold at nighttime.
977 Defeat Gi Ziorde.
978 Talk to Gi Ziordo at Oblivia's[ST:n ]King's Falls.
979 Defeat Gi Ziordo.
980 Talk to Go Belg at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold at nighttime.
981 Talk to Gi Ziordo at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
982 Talk to Gi Ziorde at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
983 Defeat Gi Ziordo.
984 Defeat Gi Ziorde.
985 Talk to Go Belg at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold at nighttime.
986 Nine Lives
987 Help Gwin's subordinate Mathias with his work.
988 After saving Aisha, Gwin had a serious talk with[ST:n ]Mathias in regards his work.
989 Meet Mathias at the integrated[ST:n ]production plant in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
990 Follow Mathias to Primordia's[ST:n ]Cliffside Beach.
991 Defeat a shallows grex at[ST:n ]Primordia's Cliffside Beach.
992 Gather three units of Kiran catnip[ST:n ]in Primordia.
993 Give the Kiran catnip to Mathias[ST:n ]at Primordia's Cliffside Beach.
994 Defeat the greedy forfex at[ST:n ]Primordia's Cliffside Beach.
995 Head to the administrative district[ST:n ]and check in on Mathias and[ST:n ]Aisha.
996 Gather information about Aisha in[ST:n ]the lower administrative district.
997 Boot Camp
998 Train with Gwin to help him get stronger.
999 After learning the importance of the fundamentals,[ST:n ]Gwin could feel that he'd gotten stronger inside.
1000 qst0855_resultB
1001 Have a practice battle with Gwin[ST:n ]in the Outfitters test hangar.
1002 Purchase a Soldier Assault Rifle[ST:n ]from the shop.
1003 qst0855_A02_log02
1004 qst0855_A02_log03
1005 Talk to Gwin in the Outfitters test[ST:n ]hangar.
1006 Complete Elma's first task.
1007 Complete Elma's second task.
1008 Complete Elma's third task.
1009 Return to the Outfitters test hangar[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
1010 Have another practice battle with[ST:n ]Gwin in the Outfitters test hangar.
1011 Prone Sweet Prone
1012 Head to Oblivia's Prone colony and rescue the captive[ST:n ]xenoforms.
1013 While they look similar to vicious Prone, the Tree Clan[ST:n ]seems comparatively virtuous. You gained Director[ST:n ]General Chausson's consent to bring them into New LA.
1014 qst0951_resultB
1015 Head to Oblivia's[ST:n ]Scabland Fortress.
1016 Search for the imprisoned[ST:n ]xenoforms inside Oblivia's[ST:n ]Scabland Fortress.
1017 Obtain the internment camp key[ST:n ]from inside Oblivia's[ST:n ]Scabland Fortress.
1018 Use the key to enter the internment[ST:n ]camp inside Scabland Fortress.
1019 Talk to Stella at BLADE Tower.
1020 Rescue at the Ensconced Citadel
1021 A strange SOS signal has been received from Noctilum[ST:n ]that may be coming from a new alien race.[ST:n ]Go there and investigate.
1022 The SOS signal was sent by a race known as the[ST:n ]Orphe. You saved them and brought them to New LA.
1023 qst0952_resultB
1024 Find the source of the SOS signal[ST:n ]near Noctilum's Suncatch Ravine.
1025 Defeat two Marnuck quartermasters[ST:n ]at Noctilum's Suncatch Ravine.
1026 Defeat four Marnuck troopers at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Suncatch Ravine.
1027 Talk to Julius in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
1028 Dead Men Tell No Tales
1029 You received a top-secret mission from the director[ST:n ]general. Head to Noctilum's Dead Man's Gulch and[ST:n ]investigate the Ganglion gathering.
1030 You rescued a species of xenoform called the[ST:n ]Zaruboggan. They have decided to relocate to[ST:n ]New LA.
1031 qst0953_resultB
1032 Head to Noctilum's Dead Man's[ST:n ]Gulch and investigate the[ST:n ]Ganglion activity.
1033 Defeat a Marnuck commander in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Dead Man's Gulch.
1034 Defeat three compulsive tainted in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Dead Man's Gulch.
1035 Talk to the mysterious xenoforms[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Dead Man's Gulch.
1036 Talk to Stella at BLADE Tower[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
1037 The Repair Job
1038 Team up with Lin and fix the electrical fault.
1039 The electrical fault was repaired. It's a patch job,[ST:n ]but it should hold for a little while.
1040 You fixed the electrical fault and replaced all the parts,[ST:n ]leaving it better than you found it. Lin seems pleased.
1041 Talk to Bart at NLA's[ST:n ]west gate.
1042 Gather three L-002 power cables[ST:n ]in Primordia's Starfall Basin.
1043 Talk to Bart at NLA's[ST:n ]west gate.
1044 Use FrontierNav to gather five[ST:n ]white cometites.
1045 Gather two energy tubes from [ST:n ]puges in Primordia.
1046 Gather four cruise deflector AiRs[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
1047 Talk to Bart at NLA's[ST:n ]west gate.
1048 qst0970_title
1049 qst0970_summary
1050 qst0970_resultA
1051 qst0970_resultB
1052 qst0970_A01_log
1053 qst0971_title
1054 qst0971_summary
1055 qst0971_resultA
1056 qst0971_resultB
1057 qst0971_A01_log
1058 qst0972_title
1059 qst0972_summary
1060 qst0972_resultA
1061 qst0972_resultB
1062 qst0972_A01_log
1063 We Were Soldiers
1064 Debris from the White Whale has been detected on the[ST:n ]shore north of New LA. Head there to retrieve it.
1065 You collected all the debris and rescued Irina.[ST:n ]Commander Vandham was very appreciative.
1066 qst0866_resultB
1067 Collect three parts of the White[ST:n ]Whale at Northpointe Beach in[ST:n ]Primordia.
1068 qst0866_A02_log
1069 Find the source of the distress call[ST:n ]in Primordia's North Janpath Plain.
1070 Defeat the intimidator simius found[ST:n ]in Primordia's North Janpath Plain.
1071 Search for Irina on the North[ST:n ]Janpath Plain in Primordia.
1072 Report back to Commander[ST:n ]Vandham at the BLADE barracks.
1073 The Skell License
1074 Pass exams from each division to earn your[ST:n ]Skell License.
1075 You obtained your Skell License, and also learned[ST:n ]more about each division in the process.
1076 qst0961_resultB
1077 Pass each of the eight division's[ST:n ]exams and obtain the eight Skell[ST:n ]license certificates.
1078 Talk to Walter in the hangar in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
1079 Head to the hangar in the[ST:n ]administrative district and pilot[ST:n ]a Skell.
1080 Proficiency Exam 1
1081 The proficiency exam from the Pathfinders.
1082 You received a certificate for completing the exam.
1083 qst0962_resultB
1084 Install a data probe at FrontierNav[ST:n ]site 117 in Primordia.
1085 Proficiency Exam 2
1086 The proficiency exam from the Interceptors.
1087 You received a certificate for completing the exam.
1088 qst0963_resultB
1089 Defeat 12 blitz blattas in Noctilum.
1090 Proficiency Exam 3
1091 The proficiency exam from the Harriers.
1092 You received a certificate for completing the exam.
1093 qst0964_resultB
1094 Defeat Shatskikh, the Flash in[ST:n ]Primordia's Northpointe Cove[ST:n ](appearances rare).
1095 Proficiency Exam 4
1096 The proficiency exam from the Reclaimers.
1097 You received a certificate for completing the exam.
1098 qst0965_resultB
1099 Obtain the solar starship map in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Humdrum Peaks.
1100 Proficiency Exam 5
1101 The proficiency exam from the Curators.
1102 You received a certificate for completing the exam.
1103 qst0966_resultB
1104 Gather eight rock armadillos[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
1105 Gather three beagflea squashes[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
1106 Gather six multi-speckled ladybugs[ST:n ]in Primordia.
1107 Proficiency Exam 6
1108 The proficiency exam from the Prospectors.
1109 You received a certificate for completing the exam.
1110 qst0967_resultB
1111 Use FrontierNav to earn over[ST:n ]15,000 credits in a single return.
1112 Proficiency Exam 7
1113 The proficiency exam from the Outfitters.
1114 You received a certificate for completing the exam.
1115 qst0968_resultB
1116 Get the examination weapon from[ST:n ]Tauler on Division Drive in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
1117 Defeat three giant grexes in[ST:n ]Primordia with a trial knife.
1118 Defeat three giant grexes in[ST:n ]Primordia with a trial assault rifle.
1119 Defeat three giant grexes in[ST:n ]Primordia with a trial sword.
1120 Proficiency Exam 8
1121 The proficiency exam from the Mediators.
1122 You received a certificate for completing the exam.
1123 qst0969_resultB
1124 Complete \"The Handy Ma-non.\"
1125 Complete \"The Pip-Squeak.\"
1126 Complete \"That's In-Credible!\"
1127 Cavern Crushers
1128 There have been eyewitness reports of the Cavern Clan[ST:n ]appearing in Primordia. Go there and investigate.
1129 You invited the injured Slovity and her squad to[ST:n ]temporarily rest up in New LA.
1130 qst0954_resultB
1131 Head to Primordia's Beasts' Lair[ST:n ]and investigate.
1132 Defeat Slovity Pagus in Primordia's[ST:n ]Beasts' Lair.
1133 Defeat the armored sphinx in[ST:n ]Primordia's Beasts' Lair.
1134 Talk to Stella at BLADE Tower.
1135 Meeting Yelv
1136 You were pressed into taking on some missions[ST:n ]by a man named Yelv. They seem like relatively[ST:n ]straightforward tasks—hopefully it won't take too long.
1137 You finished the Reclaimers mission with Yelv,[ST:n ]but it seems he was looking for something more.[ST:n ]Visit the BLADE Concourse for the next affinity mission.
1138 qst0901_resultB
1139 Complete Mission A.
1140 Complete Mission B.
1141 Complete Mission C.
1142 Talk to Yelv on North Founders[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1143 Head to the BLADE Concourse[ST:n ]with Yelv.
1144 Head to Oblivia's North Coast and[ST:n ]retrieve the debris.
1145 Defeat three hermit insidias at[ST:n ]Oblivia's North Coast.
1146 Investigate the White Whale debris[ST:n ]at Oblivia's North Coast.
1147 Talk to Eleonora at the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
1148 The Mad Monk
1149 Search for the missing BLADEs with Bozé.
1150 You completed Bozé's mission and rescued his former[ST:n ]academy student. Go to BLADE Tower for the next[ST:n ]affinity mission.
1151 You completed the mission with Bozé and helped both[ST:n ]the xenoform and Bozé's former academy student.[ST:n ]Go to BLADE Tower for the next affinity mission.
1152 Head to Noctilum's[ST:n ]Vitriol Cesspool.
1153 Head to Noctilum's Vitriol[ST:n ]Cesspool and rescue the xenoform.
1154 Talk to the survivor in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Vitriol Cesspool.
1155 Defend Noctilum's Vitriol Cesspool[ST:n ]from attack for two minutes.
1156 Defend Noctilum's Vitriol Cesspool[ST:n ]from attack for two more minutes.
1157 Talk to Reggie in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Vitriol Cesspool.
1158 Talk to Eleonora in the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse.
1159 Gather five muneria flowers in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
1160 Talk to Jejebba in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Vitriol Cesspool.
1161 Talk to the survivors in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Vitriol Cesspool.
1162 Defend Noctilum's Vitriol Cesspool[ST:n ]from attack for two minutes.
1163 Defend Noctilum's Vitriol Cesspool[ST:n ]from attack for two more minutes.
1164 Talk to Reggie in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Vitriol Cesspool.
1165 Talk to Eleonora in the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse.
1166 qst0976_title
1167 qst0976_summary
1168 qst0976_resultA
1169 qst0976_resultB
1170 qst0976_A01_log
1171 qst0973_title
1172 qst0973_summary
1173 qst0973_resultA
1174 qst0973_resultB
1175 qst0973_A01_log
1176 qst0974_title
1177 qst0974_summary
1178 qst0974_resultA
1179 qst0974_resultB
1180 qst0974_A01_log
1181 qst0975_title
1182 qst0975_summary
1183 qst0975_resultA
1184 qst0975_resultB
1185 qst0975_A01_log
1186 Data Miner
1187 Retrieve the weapon-test data from Gigio's Skell.
1188 Gigio returned to New LA with the weapon-test data.
1189 qst0111_resultB
1190 Obtain the weapon-test data from[ST:n ]the Skell in Noctilum's Rust Lake.
1191 Talk to Gigio at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Whale's Nostril.
1192 Defeat the devil mephite at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Whale's Nostril.
1193 Talk to Gigio at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Whale's Nostril.
1194 Forest Foray
1195 It seems there are many unusual forms of plant life[ST:n ]in the forest to the west of New LA.[ST:n ]Go and help Sullivan investigate.
1196 You brought back some valuable plant samples.[ST:n ]Sullivan seems incredibly interested in finding out[ST:n ]more about these new forms of Miran ecology.
1197 qst0112_resultB
1198 Gather three sekka cosmoses[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
1199 Talk to Sullivan at the integrated[ST:n ]production plant in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1200 Gather six phosphorous-tree seeds[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Rust Lake.
1201 Talk to Sullivan at the integrated[ST:n ]production plant in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1202 Mayday
1203 May's Skell has broken down in Oblivia, leaving her[ST:n ]stranded. Gather the materials she needs to repair it.
1204 You brought the repair materials to May,[ST:n ]who gave you a rare collectible for your trouble.
1205 qst0113_resultB
1206 Gather four vials of viscous[ST:n ]humour from tectinsulas in Oblivia.
1207 Gather two globs of silvery[ST:n ]cactaceous resin in Oblivia.
1208 Talk to May near Oblivia's[ST:n ]Aaroy Plain.
1209 Mayhem
1210 Help May search for materials.
1211 May has learned the value of cooperation and returned[ST:n ]to New LA ready to make friends.
1212 May seems determined to continue with her solitary[ST:n ]investigations of Oblivia.
1213 Get two ebony evello eggs[ST:n ]from wasteland evellos or others[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
1214 Get two redwood aprica antlers[ST:n ]from wise aprica or others in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
1215 Talk to May in Oblivia's Aaroy[ST:n ]Plain.
1216 Gather two magical finding rods[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
1217 Talk to May in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Aaroy Plain.
1218 That's In-Credible!
1219 Help Tutura increase the sales for the newly[ST:n ]opened arms manufacturer Candid & Credible.
1220 You defeated the indigens using Candid & Credible's[ST:n ]new product. As well as being a great advertisement,[ST:n ]you also sparked interest in Ma-non tech.
1221 You defeated the indigens using Candid & Credible's[ST:n ]new product. As well as being a great advertisement,[ST:n ]you also sparked interest in Ma-non tech.
1222 Talk to Tutura in the Ma-non ship.
1223 Use Diagonal Twins to defeat[ST:n ]seven quick evellos in Primordia[ST:n ]during the day.
1224 Talk to Tutura in the Ma-non ship.
1225 Use Hyde Dyads to defeat two[ST:n ]welkin auravises in Primordia.
1226 Talk to Tutura in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
1227 Use Hyde Dyads to defeat 10[ST:n ]iron femina suids in Primordia.
1228 Talk to Tutura in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
1229 Missing in Action
1230 Everyone is currently looking for the missing Satsu.
1231 Satsu has been found, and everyone returned safely[ST:n ]to the caravan.
1232 qst0404_resultB
1233 Search for Satsu in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Humdrum Peaks.
1234 Talk to Jitsu at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Whale's Nostril.
1235 Search for Yoyotsu at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Seabound Coil Tree.
1236 Search for Gotsu at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Sunlit Spring.
1237 Search for Mumutsu at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Decapotamon.
1238 Talk to Jitsu at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Whale's Nostril.
1239 Manhunt
1240 There have been reports that the pair who raided[ST:n ]New LA have been sighted in Noctilum.[ST:n ]Go there and investigate.
1241 You came across Celica and Rock during your search,[ST:n ]whereupon you brought them back to New LA, clearing[ST:n ]up the misunderstanding.
1242 You came across Celica and Rock during your search,[ST:n ]whereupon you brought them back to New LA, clearing[ST:n ]up the misunderstanding.
1243 Head to Noctilum's Qing Long[ST:n ]Glade to investigate.
1244 Defeat the Marnuck Soldier at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Qing Long Glade.
1245 Defeat the Marnuck Soldier at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Qing Long Glade.
1246 Head to the rally point in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Shark's Jaws.
1247 Defeat the Marnuck Commander in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Shark's Jaws.
1248 Defeat five Marnuck soldiers[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Shark's Jaws.
1249 Check on Celica at the integrated[ST:n ]production plant in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1250 Search for Dagahn and Ryyz in[ST:n ]the north of Noctilum.
1251 Defeat the Marnuck Commander[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Shark's Jaws.
1252 Defeat two Marnuck soldiers[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Shark's Jaws.
1253 Defeat [ST:quest p1=085107 p2=2 p3=0 ][ST:n ]in Noctilum's Shark's Jaws.
1254 Check on Celica at the integrated[ST:n ]production plant in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1255 Soldier of the Harriers
1256 Doug approached you with something of a tasty tale.[ST:n ]Join him on an indigen hunt.
1257 The remuneration was split 50/50, and you got to[ST:n ]hear some bits and pieces about Doug's past.
1258 qst0857_resultB
1259 Talk to Doug at the diner in the[ST:n ]industrial district.
1260 Head to Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Sandsprint Slope.
1261 Defeat six rotund caro at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Sandsprint Slope.
1262 Head into the depths of[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Sandsprint Slope.
1263 Defeat the stout caro at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Sandsprint Slope.
1264 Talk to Doug on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1265 The Duel (Part I)
1266 You have been challenged to a duel by the[ST:n ]Wrothian Gi Zang. Who knows how strong he truly is?
1267 You emerged victorious, though Gi Zang swore to[ST:n ]defeat you the next time you meet.
1268 You emerged victorious, though Gi Zang swore to[ST:n ]defeat you the next time you meet.
1269 Defeat a vice simius in Oblivia.
1270 Defeat 10 faded adseculas in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
1271 Talk to Gi Zang at Oblivia's ruins[ST:n ]on the sandbank.
1272 Defeat Gi Zang at Oblivia's[ST:n ]ruins on the sandbank.
1273 Talk to Gi Zang at Oblivia's[ST:n ]ruins on the sandbank.
1274 Talk to Gi Zang at Oblivia's[ST:n ]ruins on the sandbank.
1275 Defeat Gi Zang at Oblivia's[ST:n ]ruins on the sandbank.
1276 Talk to Gi Zang at Oblivia's[ST:n ]ruins on the sandbank.
1277 Adventure!
1278 Help Mia on her adventure.
1279 You helped on the adventure, but received no reward.
1280 qst0120_resultB
1281 Search for Mia's comm device[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Decapotamon.
1282 Hand over Mia's comm device at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Skybound Coil Tree.
1283 Head to Noctilum's Canopied[ST:n ]Nightwood and assist Mia.
1284 Defeat the wood tectinsula in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Canopied Nightwood.
1285 Talk to Mia in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Canopied Nightwood.
1286 Water Woes
1287 Ever since the Ma-non arrived, water has been in short[ST:n ]supply. Help construct a new water-purification plant[ST:n ]at the nearby lake.
1288 It's now safe for work to continue, and there were no[ST:n ]issues during the tests—but Ajoa still seems worried.
1289 There were no issues during the tests, but Ajoa still[ST:n ]seems worried. Regardless, production can now be[ST:n ]ramped up.
1290 Defeat five stagnant grexes[ST:n ]on the path to Primordia's[ST:n ]Grieving Plains.
1291 Talk to Keith at Primordia's[ST:n ]Biahno Lake.
1292 Defeat five stagnant terebras at[ST:n ]Primordia's Biahno Lake.
1293 Talk to Keith at the Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant.
1294 Talk to Ajoa at the water-[ST:n ]purification plant in the residential[ST:n ]district.
1295 Use FrontierNav to locate five[ST:n ]dawnstones.
1296 Gather five ultra filters in Oblivia.
1297 Talk to Keith at the Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant.
1298 Talk to Ajoa at the water-[ST:n ]purification plant in the[ST:n ]residential district.
1299 Renewed Will
1300 You took on a new mission together with Irina—defeat[ST:n ]the indigens whose increasing numbers have become[ST:n ]something of a problem.
1301 You took out the indigens that had been attacking[ST:n ]BLADE operatives and reaffirmed your resolve to[ST:n ]preserve the hopes of humanity on this world.
1302 qst0852_resultB
1303 Defeat four matinal evellos in[ST:n ]Primordia's Grieving Plains.
1304 A nearby BLADE team is under[ST:n ]attack. Head to Primordia's[ST:n ]Grieving Plains.
1305 Defeat the brume auravis in[ST:n ]Primordia's Grieving Plains.
1306 Frontier Spirit
1307 Reach the Ensanguined Font before Bates[ST:n ]and prove yourself.
1308 You found the spring and also helped Bates out of a [ST:n ]jam—which made quite the impression on Corwin.
1309 It seems that Bates has run into a little trouble.[ST:n ]But his team will surely take care of its[ST:n ]members' problems.
1310 Head to Noctilum's[ST:n ]Ensanguined Font.
1311 Talk to Corwin at the BLADE[ST:n ]barracks.
1312 Talk to Bates at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Everwhelm Falls.
1313 Defeat five cross Qmoevas to the[ST:n ]east of Noctilum's Everwhelm Falls.
1314 Talk to Bates at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Everwhelm Falls.
1315 Talk to Corwin at the BLADE[ST:n ]barracks in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
1316 Unknown Assailant
1317 There have been reports of a mysterious Skell targeting[ST:n ]and attacking Corwin's team. Head to their position[ST:n ]and assist.
1318 You saved Corwin's team. Their numbers have been[ST:n ]depleted, but with Raleigh's determination and the[ST:n ]team's frontier spirit, they'll surely recover.
1319 Unfortunately, Corwin couldn't be saved.[ST:n ]What will become of his team?
1320 Head to Oblivia's Lake Basel.
1321 Defeat three metal puges near[ST:n ]Oblivia's Lake Basel.
1322 Talk to Peter near Oblivia's[ST:n ]Lake Basel.
1323 Talk to Bates at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
1324 Talk to Corwin in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Banshee Cave.
1325 Talk to Corwin at the entrance to[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Banshee Cave.
1326 Defeat the Galdr raven at the[ST:n ]entrance to Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Banshee Cave.
1327 Talk to Corwin at the entrance to[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Banshee Cave.
1328 Talk to Raleigh on Division Drive[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
1329 Talk to Bates in Cauldros's[ST:n ]White Phosphor Lake.
1330 Talk to Corwin in the depths of[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Banshee Cave.
1331 Talk to Corwin at the entrance to[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Banshee Cave.
1332 Defeat the Galdr raven at the[ST:n ]entrance to Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Banshee Cave.
1333 Defeat three metal puges at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Banshee Cave.
1334 Talk to Raleigh on Division Drive[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
1335 Mystery Man
1336 Obtain the materials requested by Professor B so that[ST:n ]he can finish building his mysterious machine.
1337 Professor B finished his time machine and returned to[ST:n ]his own era.
1338 qst0701_resultB
1339 Obtain tykki sap at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Waterway Tangle.
1340 Defeat Gadd at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Waterway Tangle.
1341 Defeat three BLADE snipers at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Waterway Tangle.
1342 qst0701_A02_log03
1343 Obtain tykki sap at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Waterway Tangle.
1344 Talk to Professor B at his research[ST:n ]lab in the industrial district.
1345 Talk to Graham on Central[ST:n ]Melville Street in the commercial[ST:n ]district.
1346 Talk to Professor B at his research[ST:n ]lab in the industrial district.
1347 Talk to Professor B at his research[ST:n ]lab in the industrial district.
1348 Gather topaz wine from a clay[ST:n ]tectinsula or others in Oblivia.
1349 Talk to Professor B at his research[ST:n ]lab in the industrial district.
1350 Mighty Mia
1351 While out in Oblivia you bumped into Mia, who asked[ST:n ]you to stay and take in the spectacular view with her.
1352 You rescued Mia from the flying indigen and saw her[ST:n ]safely on her way. You've really got to stop bumping[ST:n ]into each other like this...
1353 qst0121_resultB
1354 Talk to Mia atop Oblivia's[ST:n ]Leaning Ring.
1355 Head to Oblivia's Keegan Ridge[ST:n ]and assist Mia.
1356 Defeat a falconine jacul at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Keegan Ridge.
1357 Talk to Mia at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Keegan Ridge.
1358 It's-a Mia!
1359 You bumped into Mia in Sylvalum.[ST:n ]Help her repair her busted Skell.
1360 You were under heavy fire, but somehow managed to[ST:n ]repel the enemy attack. Mia clearly sees you as a bit of[ST:n ]a role model. Guess you'll see her in Cauldros next...
1361 qst0122_resultB
1362 Gather two new cylinders from [ST:n ]guardian pugiliths or others in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
1363 Gather five lengths of missile[ST:n ]wiring in Sylvalum.
1364 Talk to Mia at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring.
1365 Investigate Mia's Skell at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Needle Rock Sandsea.
1366 Talk to Mia at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Needle Rock Sandsea.
1367 Defeat two buoyant pugiliths at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Needle Rock Sandsea.
1368 Talk to Mia at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Needle Rock Sandsea.
1369 Shotgun Diplomacy
1370 Eliza has asked you to talk to Alex and bring him to[ST:n ]his senses, if possible.
1371 You succeeded in convincing Alex that his ways were[ST:n ]in error, but his ally interfered.
1372 You failed to convince Alex. Perhaps it's simply[ST:n ]impossible for him to see eye to eye with you...
1373 Head to Oblivia's Balance Rock[ST:n ]area and meet with Alex.
1374 Head to Oblivia's Balance Rock[ST:n ]area and meet with Alex.
1375 qst0139_A02_log
1376 Defeat Lineage in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Balance Rock area.
1377 Defeat the BLADE trooper in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Balance Rock area.
1378 Defeat the BLADE sniper in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Balance Rock area.
1379 Talk to Eliza at the cathedral in[ST:n ]the residential district.
1380 Defeat Lineage in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Balance Rock area.
1381 Defeat the BLADE trooper in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Balance Rock area.
1382 Defeat the BLADE sniper in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Balance Rock area.
1383 Talk to Eliza at the cathedral in[ST:n ]the residential district.
1384 Law and Orders
1385 Rescue Law, who remained behind after failing his[ST:n ]bounty mission.
1386 You received Law's pendant.
1387 qst0110_resultB
1388 Defeat six Marnuck loaders[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
1389 Defeat two guardian pugiliths[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
1390 qst0110_A01_log03
1391 Help Law at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Samuel Incline.
1392 Talk to Wang at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring.
1393 Mia Is Missing!
1394 Mia has been kidnapped. Go free her.
1395 Mia returned safely to New LA. It also looks like she[ST:n ]might finally get the BLADE recognition she's been[ST:n ]yearning for.
1396 qst0117_resultB
1397 Search for a blue-suited xenoform[ST:n ]in Cauldros's Ganglion Antropolis.
1398 Acquire the container key from[ST:n ]HH100: Hierana in Cauldros's[ST:n ]Ganglion Antropolis.
1399 Talk to Mia in Cauldros's[ST:n ]Ganglion Antropolis.
1400 Talk to Walter at the maintenance[ST:n ]center in the administrative district.
1401 The Line of Fire
1402 Alice has tasked you with protecting Eliza during[ST:n ]her speech.
1403 You took down the sniper that was going after Eliza.[ST:n ]Alice suspects that Alex had something to do with the[ST:n ]attack.
1404 qst0140_resultB
1405 Get the first piece of intel on the[ST:n ]sniper from the maintenance[ST:n ]center in the administrative district.
1406 Get the second piece of intel on[ST:n ]the sniper from Division Drive in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
1407 Get the third piece of intel on[ST:n ]the sniper from Division Drive in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
1408 Head to Sylvalum's Hilal Meadow[ST:n ]and look for the sniper.
1409 Defeat Lightning Strike in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Hilal Meadow.
1410 Talk to Alice at the maintenance[ST:n ]center in the administrative district.
1411 Protect Eliza during her speech.
1412 Alex's Last Stand
1413 The ones responsible for the attack during Eliza's[ST:n ]speech were Alex and his followers. Track them down[ST:n ]and put an end to this once and for all.
1414 You defeated Alex. Hopefully now all xenoforms can[ST:n ]live peacefully in New LA.
1415 qst0143_resultB
1416 Talk to Cheche on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1417 Pay 10,000 credits to Cheche on[ST:n ]West Melville Street in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
1418 Head to Cauldros's[ST:n ]Kw'arah Cloister.
1419 Defeat Lineage in Cauldros's[ST:n ]Kw'arah Cloister.
1420 Defeat two impulse Qmoevas in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Kw'arah Cloister.
1421 Defeat DV482: Duvel in Cauldros's[ST:n ]Kw'arah Cloister.
1422 Talk to Eliza at Ishmael Hills in the[ST:n ]residential district.
1423 qst0145_title
1424 qst0145_summary
1425 qst0145_resultA
1426 qst0145_resultB
1427 qst0145_A01_log
1428 qst0145_A02_log
1429 qst0145_A03_log
1430 qst0145_A04_log
1431 qst0145_A05_log
1432 qst0145_A06_log
1433 qst0145_A07_log
1434 qst0145_A08_log
1435 qst0146_title
1436 qst0146_summary
1437 qst0146_resultA
1438 qst0146_resultB
1439 qst0146_A01_log
1440 qst0146_A02_log
1441 qst0146_A03_log
1442 qst0146_A04_log
1443 qst0146_A05_log
1444 qst0146_A06_log
1445 Booming Business
1446 Make Regina's wish a reality in order to secure a spot[ST:n ]for L's shop.
1447 You were able to set up L's shop with the help of the[ST:n ]Ma-non. You are now able to add augment slots to[ST:n ]your weapons and armor.
1448 qst0156_resultB
1449 Explore 30 percent of Oblivia.
1450 Talk to Regina at Armory Alley[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
1451 Gather five pieces of slimy[ST:n ]epithelium from sludge caecuses or[ST:n ]others in Noctilum.
1452 Gather five pieces of strong iron[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
1453 Gather three zedis twigs[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
1454 Head to L's shop in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
1455 Open an augment slot on a[ST:n ]piece of your equipment.
1456 Myles to Go
1457 Take supplies to the BLADEs who were attacked by[ST:n ]dangerous indigens while on duty.
1458 You successfully delivered the supplies. Myles gave you[ST:n ]some brief words of encouragement before departing.
1459 qst0157_resultB
1460 Defeat the whimsical duoguill on[ST:n ]the West Janpath Plain.
1461 Talk to Myles on the West[ST:n ]Janpath Plain.
1462 Talk to Myles on the West[ST:n ]Janpath Plain.
1463 Defeat the whimsical duoguill on[ST:n ]the West Janpath Plain.
1464 Talk to Myles on the West[ST:n ]Janpath Plain.
1465 Murder Most Foul
1466 Help Ackwar investigate the Ma-non murders.
1467 You took down the killer, but unfortunately could not[ST:n ]save Ackwar's life.
1468 You and Ackwar exposed Powell as the killer and[ST:n ]defeated him.
1469 Talk to Powell on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1470 Bring the pizza to Mikkal in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
1471 Talk to Powell on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1472 Talk to Ackwar on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1473 Talk to Gerome on North Founders[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1474 Talk to Gerome in the lowest[ST:n ]strata beneath Deliverance Park.
1475 Talk to Gerome in the lowest[ST:n ]strata beneath Deliverance Park.
1476 Talk to Ackwar on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1477 Head to Noctilum's Weeping[ST:n ]Whitewood and talk to Ackwar.
1478 Talk to Jim on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1479 Search for Ackwar in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Cliffside Camp.
1480 Defeat Grenade Pizza F in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Cliffside Camp.
1481 Talk to Jim near East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1482 Talk to Ackwar near East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1483 Head to Noctilum's Weeping[ST:n ]Whitewood and talk to Ackwar.
1484 Talk to Ackwar or Jim[ST:n ]near East Melville Street[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
1485 Search for Ackwar in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Cliffside Camp.
1486 Defeat Grenade Pizza F in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Cliffside Camp.
1487 Talk to Ackwar in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Cliffside Camp.
1488 Gather info about Gerome's[ST:n ]whereabouts in the residential[ST:n ]district.
1489 No Ma-non Need Apply
1490 Ask the provisional government for a solution to the[ST:n ]recent tensions that have flared up between the Ma-non[ST:n ]and human citizens of New LA.
1491 After hearing about the great work the Ma-non have[ST:n ]been doing, Alesa seems to have altered her opinion,[ST:n ]and has accepted Wersal as a customer.
1492 qst0252_resultB
1493 Talk to Percilla in the maintenance[ST:n ]center.
1494 Talk to Alesa on Central Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1495 Ask around the maintenance[ST:n ]center about the Ma-non who[ST:n ]fixed the broken mimeosomes.
1496 Ask around the sports complex in[ST:n ]the residential district about the[ST:n ]Ma-non helping out technicians.
1497 Ask around the diner in the[ST:n ]industrial district about the Ma-non[ST:n ]working at Candid & Credible.
1498 Talk to Alesa on Central Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
1499 The Pip-Squeak
1500 Gather the materials required to repair the Skell.[ST:n ]Following Aganeba's advice may help things proceed[ST:n ]more efficiently.
1501 You are to receive a regular supply of high-quality[ST:n ]Ma-non materials from the pizza-loving Aganeba.
1502 qst0253_resultB
1503 Gather a noka mirrorstone[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
1504 Talk to Aganeba on the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
1505 Talk to Matthew at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1506 Talk to Aganeba on the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
1507 Get a hamburger from the[ST:n ]restaurant on West Melville [ST:n ]Street in the CD during the day.
1508 Get a hot dog from the café on[ST:n ]Central Melville Street in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
1509 Get a frozen pizza from Army[ST:n ]Pizza on West Melville Street in[ST:n ]the commercial district.
1510 Talk to Aganeba on the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
1511 Rites of Ruin
1512 Make for Cauldros to save Staccata and stop Fraisie.
1513 You defeated the mysterious xenoform that had been[ST:n ]manipulating Fraisie and brought Staccata home[ST:n ]without a scratch.
1514 qst0259_resultB
1515 Go to Cauldros's Bandits' Refuge[ST:n ]and rescue Staccata.
1516 Descend to the depths of[ST:n ]Cauldros's Bandits' Refuge.
1517 Defeat the clotho puge in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Bandits' Refuge.
1518 Defeat the lachesis puge in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Bandits' Refuge.
1519 Defeat the atropos puge in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Bandits' Refuge.
1520 Defeat TW772: Trinn in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Bandits' Refuge.
1521 Head to the entrance of[ST:n ]Cauldros's Bandits' Refuge.
1522 Defeat the Twin Qmoeva in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Bandits' Refuge.
1523 Talk to Staccata in Cauldros's[ST:n ]Bandits' Refuge.
1524 Talk to Jalimbo at the cathedral in[ST:n ]the residential district.
1525 Waste Not, Want Not
1526 Examine the Zu Pharg's wreckage for salvage.
1527 You successfully salvaged parts and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Ma-non researcher, fueling scientific progress.
1528 qst0269_resultB
1529 Retrieve the cockpit wreckage in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Hilal Stronghold.
1530 Retrieve the engine wreckage in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
1531 Retrieve the Zu Pharg's wreckage[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
1532 Talk to Rutantan at the hangar[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
1533 Snipe Hunt
1534 Find and eliminate the Ganglion sniper who has been[ST:n ]shooting relentlessly at those aboard the Ma-non ship.
1535 You eliminated the sniper. The Ma-non are no longer[ST:n ]exposed to this Ganglion threat.
1536 It cost you, but at least the Ma-non are no longer[ST:n ]exposed to the Ganglion sniper threat.
1537 Head to Primordia's Talon Rock[ST:n ]Third Terrane and pursue the[ST:n ]enemy.
1538 Talk to Bihabba on the deck of[ST:n ]the Ma-non ship.
1539 Listen around New LA for info[ST:n ]about the sniper.
1540 Defeat the last Galdr above[ST:n ]Primordia's Bedrock Hold.
1541 Talk to Bihabba on the deck of[ST:n ]the Ma-non ship.
1542 qst0270_B02_log
1543 Defeat the last Galdr above[ST:n ]Primordia's Bedrock Hold.
1544 Talk to Bihabba on the deck of[ST:n ]the Ma-non ship.
1545 Hand over 500,000 credits to[ST:n ]Heradot on the Ma-non ship.
1546 The Party Line
1547 The Ma-non candidate looking to stand as a[ST:n ]spokesperson for the xenoforms of New LA is highly[ST:n ]unqualified. Ruin his chances to win.
1548 The Ma-non candidate was taken care of, and a[ST:n ]Nopon candidate chosen as the spokesperson instead.
1549 Sun'barac announced his candidacy.[ST:n ]This looks good for xeno-human relations.
1550 Gather a sibercaseras mushroom[ST:n ]in the waters off Noctilum.
1551 Gather five sturdy drakebones from[ST:n ]levitath in Noctilum.
1552 Talk to Sun'barac in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
1553 Find Adappin on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the morning and slip the[ST:n ]drug into his food.
1554 Find Adappin in Ishmael Hills[ST:n ]during the afternoon and slip the[ST:n ]drug into his food.
1555 Find Adappin at the BLADE[ST:n ]concourse at night and slip[ST:n ]the drug into his food.
1556 Listen to Adappin's speech on[ST:n ]East Melville Street in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
1557 Talk to Sun'barac in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
1558 Talk to Sun'barac in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
1559 Go to the industrial district and[ST:n ]gather information for the purpose[ST:n ]of Sun'barac's candidacy.
1560 Go to the Ma-non ship and gather[ST:n ]information for the purpose of[ST:n ]Sun'barac's candidacy.
1561 Go to the residential district and[ST:n ]gather information for the purpose[ST:n ]of Sun'barac's candidacy.
1562 Talk to Sun'barac in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
1563 Tree-mendous
1564 Three members of the Tree Clan have been kidnapped[ST:n ]by the Cavern Clan. Head to Oblivia and rescue them.
1565 You rescued the captives with no casualties,[ST:n ]and also caught a glimpse of the Tree Clan's courage,[ST:n ]for not a single one yielded to the Cavern Clan.
1566 The chief's son, Uzoma Vassago, battled to the end[ST:n ]before finally dying with honor. It seems the Tree Clan's[ST:n ]hatred of the Cavern Clan is intensifying.
1567 Head to the Cavern Clan's[ST:n ]stronghold and release the[ST:n ]captured Tree Clan members.
1568 Talk to Sevvy Belgazus in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
1569 Return to the starboard side of the[ST:n ]Ma-non ship and talk to Sevvy[ST:n ]Belgazus.
1570 Kidnapped: Oll Valdileo
1571 Oll Valdileo has been kidnapped by the Cavern Clan.[ST:n ]Rescue him.
1572 You safely rescued Oll Valdileo, after which he returned[ST:n ]to New LA.
1573 qst0302_resultB
1574 Look for Oll Valdileo in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Milligan Supply Base.
1575 Defeat Ajiba Falgo at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Milligan Supply Base and acquire[ST:n ]a key.
1576 Use Ajiba's key to open the door[ST:n ]to the cell in Oblivia's Milligan[ST:n ]Supply Base.
1577 Kidnapped: Rada Valdileo
1578 Rada Valdileo has been kidnapped by the Cavern Clan.[ST:n ]Rescue him.
1579 You safely rescued Rada Valdileo, after which he[ST:n ]returned to New LA.
1580 qst0303_resultB
1581 Search for Rada Valdileo at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Milligan Supply Base.
1582 Defeat Mujiba Falgo at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Milligan Supply Base and obtain[ST:n ]a key.
1583 Use Mujiba's key to open the door[ST:n ]to the cell in Oblivia's Milligan[ST:n ]Supply Base.
1584 Kidnapped: Uzoma Vassago
1585 The chieftain's son, Uzoma Vassago, has gone missing.[ST:n ]Locate and rescue him.
1586 You successfully rescued the kidnapped Uzoma[ST:n ]Vassago.
1587 Uzoma Vassago refused to yield to the Cavern Clan,[ST:n ]but perished at the hands of an indigen.
1588 Search for Uzoma Vassago in[ST:n ]Mesa Fortress.
1589 Approach and rescue Uzoma[ST:n ]Vassago.
1590 Defeat Vanguard Glennar in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Mesa Fortress.
1591 Talk to Uzoma Vassago in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Mesa Fortress.
1592 Defeat Vanguard Glennar in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Mesa Fortress.
1593 Defeat a gladiator simius in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Mesa Fortress.
1594 A New Life
1595 Hold a funeral ceremony for Auld in place of Bazis,[ST:n ]who must attend the birth of his child.
1596 You fed Auld Belgazus's remains to a jacul, fulfilling[ST:n ]the funeral rite. That name will be carried on by a[ST:n ]newly born life.
1597 qst0309_resultB
1598 Talk to Galba Vassago in the[ST:n ]port side of the Ma-non ship.
1599 Defeat three dune adseculas[ST:n ]at Oblivia's Kintrees.
1600 Defeat the garuda jacul at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Kintrees.
1601 Talk to Galba Vassago at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Kintrees.
1602 Talk to Bazis Wolfen in the[ST:n ]port side of the Ma-non ship.
1603 The Ultimate Price
1604 Team Quincy has been reduced to just one member.[ST:n ]Help the last survivor on a mission.
1605 During the mission, Team Gus was wiped out by[ST:n ]indigens. Perhaps it was karma.
1606 You fell into Gus's trap and could not complete the[ST:n ]mission. Quincy, however, seems to have taken a[ST:n ]liking to you.
1607 Defeat the linker scirpo at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Rust Lake.
1608 Defeat Gus at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Rust Lake.
1609 Defeat three BLADE snipers at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Rust Lake.
1610 Talk to Quincy at the lower[ST:n ]administrative district elevator.
1611 Head to Oblivia's Devil's Colony in[ST:n ]search of the Crimson Tear.
1612 Obtain the Crimson Tear in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Devil's Colony.
1613 Talk to Quincy at the lower[ST:n ]administrative district elevator.
1614 Defeat an unruly petramand at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Devil's Colony.
1615 Talk to Quincy at the lower[ST:n ]administrative district elevator.
1616 Slovity's Rampage
1617 Slovity has suddenly started attacking BLADEs.[ST:n ]Find out what caused her outburst.
1618 You defeated Megisia without injuring Slovity's men.
1619 You defeated Megisia, but couldn't help killing[ST:n ]Slovity's men.
1620 Head to Primordia's Castaway[ST:n ]Cavern.
1621 Defeat Slovity Pagus in[ST:n ]Primordia's Castaway Cavern.
1622 Talk to Slovity Pagus at the east[ST:n ]gate in the administrative district.
1623 Defeat MG062: Megisia at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Milligan Supply Base.
1624 You defeated the berserk Prone[ST:n ]at Oblivia's Milligan Supply Base.
1625 Talk to Slovity Pagus at the east[ST:n ]gate in the administrative district.
1626 Defeat MG062: Megisia at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Miligan Supply Base.
1627 Talk to Slovity Pagus at the east[ST:n ]gate in the administrative district.
1628 Slovity's Revenge
1629 Slovity has sworn revenge! Get out there and help her[ST:n ]raid the Ganglion base.
1630 You routed the Ganglion—they won't be bothering[ST:n ]Slovity's team anymore.
1631 qst0357_resultB
1632 Talk to Slovity Pagus at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Bloodpond Basin.
1633 Defeat the Milsaadi Lieutenant[ST:n ]within five minutes at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Lotus Keep building site.
1634 Talk to Slovity Pagus at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Bloodpond Basin.
1635 Talk to Slovity Pagus at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Victory Rock.
1636 Defeat the Master Milsaadi [ST:n ]within three minutes at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Jair Fortress.
1637 Talk to Slovity Pagus at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Victory Rock.
1638 Talk to Slovity Pagus at[ST:n ]Cauldros's Wildcat Fortress.
1639 Head to Slovity at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Wildcat Fortress.
1640 Defeat MG068: Megisia within[ST:n ]five minutes at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Wildcat Fortress.
1641 Muimui's Meltdown
1642 An SOS from Muimui indicated that he was under[ST:n ]attack by a pack of indigens. Go save him!
1643 Looks like Muimui's Sword of Legendaryness was[ST:n ]nothing but a toy. A future of hairbrained, get-rich-[ST:n ]quick schemes no doubt awaits...
1644 qst0406_resultB
1645 Head to Primordia's North Janpath[ST:n ]Plain.
1646 Defeat the three hungry[ST:n ]auravises on Primordia's[ST:n ]North Janpath Plain.
1647 Defeat the strong auravis on[ST:n ]Primordia's North Janpath Plain.
1648 Talk to Moimoi at the west gate[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
1649 Bread and a Circus
1650 Muimui is completely out of food, which is cause for[ST:n ]great concern. Give him the slice of bread you received[ST:n ]from Moimoi.
1651 You brought the bread to Muimui, delighting his[ST:n ]brother. Now what about the Sword of Legendaryness?
1652 qst0408_resultB
1653 Give the slice of bread to Muimui[ST:n ]at Oblivia's West Ibra Ravine.
1654 Gather five cosse beans in Oblivia.
1655 Gather three fullbelly geckos in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
1656 Talk to Muimui at Oblivia's[ST:n ]West Ibra Ravine.
1657 Talk to Moimoi at Ishmael Hills[ST:n ]in the residential district.
1658 The Sword of Legendaryness
1659 The Sword of Legendaryness has been located![ST:n ]Head up to Sylvalum with Muimui and bring it back.
1660 You obtained the Sword of Legendaryness, but[ST:n ]Moimoi's bottomless stomach consumed the reward.[ST:n ]Looks like they're back at square one.
1661 qst0409_resultB
1662 Head to Sylvalum's Seabird's Beak.
1663 Investigate Sylvalum's three radar[ST:n ]points and obtain the Sword of[ST:n ]Legendaryness.
1664 Investigate radar point 1 at[ST:n ]the South Ciel Sandsea.
1665 qst0409_A02_log02
1666 qst0409_A02_log03
1667 Talk to Walter on Division Drive[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
1668 Head to East Melville Street in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
1669 The Trading Floor
1670 Escort Mumun as he delivers his goods to the[ST:n ]Prone fortress.
1671 You collected the kiweggs requested by the Prone,[ST:n ]but received no payment for your services.
1672 The Prone demands were resolved by the sword.[ST:n ]You didn't earn much for your trouble.
1673 Head to the entrance of Oblivia's[ST:n ]Sea Whisper Valley.
1674 Head into Oblivia's[ST:n ]Sea Whisper Valley.
1675 Gather 14 kiweggs in Oblivia.
1676 Talk to a Prone Keeper in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Sea Whisper Valley.
1677 Defeat the Prone Keeper in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Sea Whisper Valley.
1678 Defeat the Prone Fighters in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Sea Whisper Valley.
1679 Sparking a Smile
1680 Fireworks have been organized to cheer up Nan.[ST:n ]Head to each of the Nopon caravans across Mira and[ST:n ]get the signed contracts.
1681 The pep returned to Nan's step after the fireworks.[ST:n ]Ngogo also looked delighted at not having to listen[ST:n ]to Nan complain.
1682 There was trouble along the way, but the fireworks[ST:n ]display was a success, and Pisa found a new objective[ST:n ]for her life.
1683 Obtain contracts from each of the[ST:n ]four Nopon caravans.
1684 Talk to Ngogo at the Nopon[ST:n ]Bazaar in the commercial district.
1685 Talk to Ngogo at BLADE Tower[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
1686 qst0414_A04_log
1687 Talk to Ngogo at BLADE Tower[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
1688 qst0414_A06_log
1689 Talk to Popote at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Forgotten Mining Frigates.
1690 Gather five coldberries in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
1691 Get three units of spicy sacrifole[ST:n ]pollen from the sacrifoles in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
1692 Talk to Popote at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Forgotten Mining Frigates.
1693 Talk to Ngogo at the Nopon[ST:n ]Bazaar in the commercial district.
1694 Unsatisfied Customer
1695 A Nopon you assisted previously came here to create a[ST:n ]restorative cure. Escort her safely back to New LA.
1696 Felice's hair had already returned to normal, but[ST:n ]Chiroro's sincerity was apparent for all to see. That[ST:n ]kind of thing is sure to get her far in the sales world.
1697 qst0415_resultB
1698 Talk to Felice in Ishmael Hills in [ST:n ]the residential district.
1699 Castle in the Sky
1700 Kuta the courier had his cargo stolen. Listen for[ST:n ]eyewitness reports as you hunt down the criminal.
1701 You obtained eyewitness reports, tracked down the[ST:n ]thief, and returned the cargo. Kuta was delighted.
1702 You encountered Bobora, whose account led you to[ST:n ]the thief and the stolen cargo. Kuta was delighted.
1703 Talk to Wanana at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring at nighttime.
1704 Talk to Nana at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring at nighttime.
1705 Retrieve Kuta's cargo from a[ST:n ]certain \"huge thing\" somewhere[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
1706 You spoke to Bobora in Sylvalum.
1707 Talk to Kuta at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring at nighttime.
1708 Retrieve Kuta's cargo from the[ST:n ]jacul ire on Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
1709 Talk to Kuta at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring at nighttime.
1710 The Big Bang
1711 Popote isn't cooperating with the fireworks project. In[ST:n ]order to get the contract, you agreed to his demands.
1712 You gave the requested materials to Popote,[ST:n ]thereby concluding the preparations. He will now[ST:n ]head to New LA while Pisa makes the fireworks.
1713 You gave the requested materials to Popote,[ST:n ]thereby concluding the preparations. Pisa will now[ST:n ]head to New LA while Popote makes the fireworks.
1714 Use FrontierNav to locate three[ST:n ]bars of infernium.
1715 Gather four bags of autiga[ST:n ]powder in Cauldros.
1716 Gather six poron tulips in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
1717 Talk to Popote at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
1718 The Divine Nopopon
1719 A Nopon claims to have seen a sacred spirit.[ST:n ]Defeat the incarnation of the Divine Nopopon in[ST:n ]Noctilum and reveal its true form.
1720 You obtained the sword of spirits from the Divine[ST:n ]Nopopon and showed it to Shinshin. While it looks[ST:n ]like a toy, its true power is immense.
1721 qst0422_resultB
1722 Defeat Nopopon's Incarnation at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Whale's Weeper.
1723 qst0422_A02_log
1724 Defeat the Divine Napopon.
1725 Defeat the Divine Nipopon.
1726 Defeat the Divine Nupopon.
1727 Talk to the Divine Nopopon at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Whale's Weeper.
1728 Talk to Shinshin at Ishmael[ST:n ]Hills in the residential district.
1729 qst0423_title
1730 qst0423_summary
1731 qst0423_resultA
1732 qst0423_resultB
1733 qst0423_A01_log
1734 qst0424_title
1735 qst0424_summary
1736 qst0424_resultA
1737 qst0424_resultB
1738 qst0424_A01_log
1739 qst0424_A02_log
1740 qst0424_A03_log
1741 qst0424_A04_log
1742 qst0424_A05_log
1743 qst0424_A06_log
1744 qst0424_A07_log
1745 qst0424_A08_log
1746 qst0508_title
1747 qst0508_summary
1748 qst0508_resultA
1749 qst0508_resultB
1750 qst0508_A01_log
1751 Lend an Ear
1752 Bring a knife to the troubled Gu Ladha.
1753 After much back and forth, Gu Ladha was appointed[ST:n ]as a liaison to the humans.
1754 Gu Ladha gained some confidence after the intense[ST:n ]sparring match. No doubt she will make a fine soldier.
1755 Purchase a Chrome Knife[ST:n ]from the shop.
1756 Purchase a Chrome Knife[ST:n ]from the shop.
1757 Purchase a Chrome Knife[ST:n ]from the shop.
1758 Talk to Gu Ladha on top of[ST:n ]BLADE Tower in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
1759 Talk to Gu Ladha on top of[ST:n ]BLADE Tower in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
1760 Talk to Zo Geil at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold during[ST:n ]the day.
1761 Get two bloodied faces from[ST:n ]claw queen Qmoevas or others[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
1762 Get three tempered blade modules[ST:n ]from rocket shrads or others[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
1763 Get an advanced core from[ST:n ]bismuth xe-dom or others in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
1764 Talk to Zo Geil in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Alexander Ridge during the day.
1765 Talk to Gu Ladha at Primordia's[ST:n ]Janpath Lake.
1766 Defeat Gu Ladha.
1767 Talk to Gu Ladha at Primordia's[ST:n ]Janpath Lake.
1768 Talk to Gu Ladha at Primordia's[ST:n ]Unicorn Rock.
1769 Defeat Ladha Caladar.
1770 Talk to Gu Ladha at Primordia's[ST:n ]Unicorn Rock.
1771 Gold Rush
1772 You have been tasked with finding the final key[ST:n ]required to open the vault housing the white gold.
1773 Ga Bewhe claimed the gold, leaving nothing for you.[ST:n ]Talk about a waste of time...
1774 qst0513_resultB
1775 Help Wang and find the key at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Cleansing Spring.
1776 Talk to Adolphus at Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
1777 Defeat Ga Bewhe at Primordia's[ST:n ]Molten Hollow.
1778 qst0513_A04_log
1779 qst0513_A05_log
1780 Plans of Attack
1781 You have received a request from Zo Zinath[ST:n ]to procure Ganglion weapon plans.
1782 You repelled the Ganglion attack and protected[ST:n ]the plans.
1783 qst0514_resultB
1784 Obtain the weapon plans from[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Badr Stronghold.
1785 Talk to Zo Zinath at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold at nighttime.
1786 Talk to Gi Nogan at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Alexander Ridge.
1787 Hold off the Ganglion onslaught[ST:n ]for three minutes.
1788 Defeat the invading Marnuck[ST:n ]surveillants within the time limit.
1789 Talk to Zo Zinath at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Wrothian Stronghold at nighttime.
1790 qst0514_A07_log
1791 qst0514_A08_log
1792 qst0514_A09_log
1793 The Gauntlet
1794 Take part in Zo Ozuchi's martial arts tournament,[ST:n ]the Wrothian Battle Gauntlet.
1795 You defeated Zo Ozuchi and won the Wrothian Battle[ST:n ]Gauntlet.
1796 qst0515_resultB
1797 Talk to Zo Ozuchi at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1798 Defeat Zo Zazhi.
1799 Talk to Zo Ozuchi at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1800 Defeat the gigas nopopotamus.
1801 Talk to Zo Ozuchi at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1802 Defeat Slovity Pagus.
1803 Talk to Zo Ozuchi at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1804 Defeat Gwin.
1805 Talk to Zo Ozuchi at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1806 Defeat the autosentry Mk.II.
1807 Talk to Zo Ozuchi at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1808 Defeat Gi Zang.
1809 Talk to Zo Ozuchi at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1810 Defeat Ozuchi Caladar.
1811 Talk to Zo Ozuchi at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
1812 The Duel (Part II)
1813 You decided to battle the guerrilla-warfare expert[ST:n ]Gi Zang in Noctilum. But first, you must find him.
1814 You found and defeated Gi Zang in Noctilum.
1815 qst0752_resultB
1816 Head to Gi Zang's location at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Elephant's Trunk.
1817 Talk to Gi Zang in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Canopied Nightwood.
1818 Defeat Gi Zang in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Canopied Nightwood.
1819 Talk to Gi Zang at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Decapotamon.
1820 Defeat Gi Zang at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Decapotamon.
1821 Talk to Gi Zang near Noctilum's[ST:n ]Fukai Pass.
1822 Defeat Gi Zang near Noctilum's[ST:n ]Fukai Pass.
1823 Talk to Gi Zang near Noctilum's[ST:n ]Fukai Pass.
1824 The Duel (Part III)
1825 This time, Gi Zang is setting off to Sylvalum for[ST:n ]training—but a pesky Prone keeps begging him to[ST:n ]take him on as an apprentice.
1826 In place of Gi Zang, you defeated the jacul rage[ST:n ]that killed Tolba Wolfen.
1827 qst0753_resultB
1828 Head to the meeting point at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
1829 Defeat three drove adseculas in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
1830 qst0753_A03_log
1831 Talk to Gi Zang north of[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
1832 Defeat Gi Zang north of[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
1833 Talk to Gi Zang at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Lower Delusian Mountains.
1834 Defeat the jacul rage at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lower[ST:n ]Delusian Mountains.
1835 Talk to Gi Zang at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Lower Delusian Mountains.
1836 The Duel (Part IV)
1837 Gi Zang's sword was stolen by a strange human.[ST:n ]Help look for it.
1838 You regained the sword. However, Gi Zang was[ST:n ]injured by a surprise attack from an enemy imitating[ST:n ]Tolba.
1839 You defeated the enemy imitating Tolba Wolfen and[ST:n ]regained the sword.
1840 Head to Cauldros's ruined city[ST:n ]of O'rrh Sim to search for the[ST:n ]strange human.
1841 Defeat the tectonic puges in[ST:n ]Cauldros's ruined city of[ST:n ]O'rrh Sim.
1842 Head to Cauldros's ruined city[ST:n ]of O'rrh Sim.
1843 Defeat the tectonic puges in[ST:n ]Cauldros's ruined city of[ST:n ]O'rrh Sim.
1844 Defeat the tectonic puges in[ST:n ]Cauldros's ruined city of[ST:n ]O'rrh Sim.
1845 Defeat MO037: Moore[ST:n ]in Cauldros's ruined[ST:n ]city of O'rrh Sim.
1846 Talk to Gi Zang in Cauldros's[ST:n ]ruined city of O'rrh Sim.
1847 Defeat MO037: Moore[ST:n ]in Cauldros's ruined[ST:n ]city of O'rrh Sim.
1848 Talk to Gi Zang in Cauldros's[ST:n ]ruined city of O'rrh Sim.
1849 Talk to Tolba Wolfen in Cauldros's[ST:n ]ruined city of O'rrh Sim.
1850 Talk to Tolba Wolfen in Cauldros's[ST:n ]ruined city of O'rrh Sim.
1851 The Lurker
1852 There have been reports of an unsavory character[ST:n ]lurking near New LA who is targeting BLADEs[ST:n ]and Wrothians. Find the responsible party.
1853 The attacker was Gi Zang all along! Thankfully you[ST:n ]were able to defeat him even after he unleashed the[ST:n ]Threefold Thunderflash.
1854 qst0755_resultB
1855 Talk to the individual at[ST:n ]Headwater Summit.
1856 Talk to Gi Zang on Primordia's[ST:n ]Talon Rock Second Terrane.
1857 Defeat Gi Zang on Primordia's[ST:n ]Talon Rock Second Terrane.
1858 Talk to Gi Zang on Primordia's[ST:n ]Talon Rock Second Terrane.
1859 Talk to Go Rogan on the deck[ST:n ]of the Ma-non ship.
1860 Sun'celeg Rises
1861 An Orphean who just recently moved to New LA[ST:n ]requested your help finding out what happened[ST:n ]to Sun'celeg.
1862 Sun'celeg perished before you could rescue him, but he[ST:n ]divided into two new Orpheans. Just what is this[ST:n ]'Ovah' the Orphe speak of?
1863 qst0551_resultB
1864 Gather info about Sun'celeg from[ST:n ]around BLADE tower.
1865 Gather info about Sun'celeg from[ST:n ]around the east gate in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
1866 Talk to Sun'barac on the deck[ST:n ]of the Ma-non ship.
1867 Search for Sun'celeg on Oblivia's[ST:n ]Stoyanov Trail.
1868 Defeat JS178: Jushe at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Stoyanov Trail.
1869 Lone Survivors
1870 A special team that has recently added Orpheans to its[ST:n ]ranks has suddenly dropped out of contact. Help them!
1871 You rescued Anna and Kan'tonam, who survived[ST:n ]in large part due to Kan'tonam's logical Orphean[ST:n ]behavior.
1872 qst0552_resultB
1873 Search for Kan'tonam in Noctilum[ST:n ]by following the smoke.
1874 Defeat an array insidia at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Coil Tree Cape.
1875 Talk to Kan'tonam at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Seabound Coil Tree.
1876 Talk to Robert in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
1877 The Probe-fessional
1878 Learn about FrontierNav from Kirsty.
1879 You learned about link combos and research probes.
1880 qst0160_resultB
1881 Install a data probe at FN site 114[ST:n ]in Primordia, then change it to a[ST:n ]mining probe G1.
1882 Install a data probe at FN site 112[ST:n ]in Primordia, then change it to a[ST:n ]mining probe G1.
1883 Use the segment map to change[ST:n ]the data probe in Primordia's FN[ST:n ]site 116 to a mining probe G1.
1884 Talk to Kirsty on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
1885 Install a research probe G1 at[ST:n ]FrontierNav site 117 in[ST:n ]Primordia.
1886 Discover the unexplored territory[ST:n ]\"Rock Cavern\" in Primordia.
1887 Talk to Kirsty on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
1888 qst0160_A05_log
1889 qst0160_A06_log
1890 A New Rival?
1891 You are now in competition with a BLADE named H.B.[ST:n ]for...some reason.
1892 Completing H.B.'s task appears to have made him view[ST:n ]you and himself as mutual rivals aiming for the top.[ST:n ]Go to the cathedral for the next affinity mission.
1893 qst0907_resultB
1894 Complete the task \"Installation.\"
1895 Complete the task \"Research.\"
1896 Complete the task \"Miranium.\"
1897 Talk to H.B. on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse.
1898 Head to Noctilum's Rust Lake to[ST:n ]rescue the BLADEs.
1899 Defeat a thieving dilus[ST:n ]at Noctilum's Rust Lake.
1900 Talk to Solan at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Rust Lake.
1901 Installation
1902 Install a data probe in Primordia.
1903 You successfully installed the data probe.
1904 qst1007_resultB
1905 Install a data probe on the plains[ST:n ]northeast of Primordia's Sayram[ST:n ]Lake.
1906 Research
1907 Generate revenue from a research probe.
1908 You earned 3,000 credits from FrontierNav.
1909 qst1008_resultB
1910 Earn 3,000 credits from[ST:n ]FrontierNav in a single return.
1911 Miranium
1912 Give the miranium to Tauler.
1913 You gave the miranium to Tauler.
1914 qst1009_resultB
1915 Give 900 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Tauler on Division Drive in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
1916 Mission A
1917 A scavenging mission taken on by Yelv from[ST:n ]BLADE HQ.
1918 You gathered the required number of rizattices.
1919 qst1004_resultB
1920 Gather three rizattices in[ST:n ]Primordia.
1921 Mission B
1922 A bounty mission taken on by Yelv from BLADE HQ.
1923 You successfully defeated the young ciniculas.
1924 qst1005_resultB
1925 Defeat two young ciniculas[ST:n ]in Primordia.
1926 Mission C
1927 A bounty mission taken on by Yelv from BLADE HQ.
1928 You defeated the metal blattas.
1929 qst1006_resultB
1930 Defeat five metal blattas in[ST:n ]Primordia.
1931 Lionhearted
1932 You received an urgent call from Ni Zain.[ST:n ]Go and help Ga Jiarg.
1933 You helped Ga Jiarg's team destroy the Skells,[ST:n ]gaining their respect in the process.
1934 You destroyed more Skells than Ga Jiarg's team,[ST:n ]gaining their respect in the process.
1935 Head to Cauldros's Ganglion[ST:n ]Weapons Hangar.
1936 qst0877_not_log
1937 Defeat three Nameless Caladars.
1938 Defeat five Nameless Caladars[ST:n ]found somewhere in Cauldros.
1939 Defeat a Nameless Caladar in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Kw'arah Cloister.
1940 Find and defeat more Nameless[ST:n ]Caladars than Ga Jiarg's team[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
1941 Defeat the final enemy at[ST:n ]Cauldros's Kw'arah Cloister.
1942 The King of Fear
1943 Eleonora has been in touch.[ST:n ]Go with H.B. and speak to the Nopon.
1944 You defeated the blood-king and saved the Tree Clan[ST:n ]and Nopon, but H.B. has some concerns about BLADE.[ST:n ]Go to BLADE Tower for the next affinity mission.
1945 qst0908_resultB
1946 Find the Nopon at Ishmael Hills in[ST:n ]the residential district.
1947 Talk to the Nopon at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Lotus Keep Building Site.
1948 Head to the blood-king's camp at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sapphire Table.
1949 Defeat Blood-king Gelvo Banth at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sapphire Table.
1950 Defeat the Prone Boxes at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sapphire Table.
1951 Defeat the Prone Hearthkeepers at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sapphire Table.
1952 Report to Pulala in the residential[ST:n ]district.
1953 Talk to Eleonora in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
1954 Explore 30 percent or more of[ST:n ]Noctilum.
1955 Talk to Eleonora in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
1956 Talk to the Nopon at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Lotus Keep Building Site.
1957 Head to the blood-king's camp at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sapphire Table.
1958 Defeat Blood-king Gelvo Banth at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sapphire Table.
1959 Defeat the Prone Boxes at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sapphire Table.
1960 Defeat the Prone Hearthkeepers at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Sapphire Table.
1961 Report to Pulala in the residential[ST:n ]district.
1962 Blitzkrieg
1963 A large-scale military maneuver is about to begin.[ST:n ]Together with Frye, you'll be launching an assault on[ST:n ]Primordia's Bedrock Hold.
1964 The mission was a success. Even better,[ST:n ]Frye and Phog reconciled and went drinking.
1965 qst0911_resultB
1966 Defeat the Menacing Marnuck in[ST:n ]Primordia's Bedrock Hold.
1967 Defeat the Marnuck Gunner in[ST:n ]Primordia's Bedrock Hold.
1968 Defeat the guard Qmoeva in[ST:n ]Primordia's Bedrock Hold.
1969 Head to the East Gate Plain in[ST:n ]Primordia and rescue Phog.
1970 Hold off the enemy onslaught on[ST:n ]the East Gate Plain in Primordia[ST:n ]for three minutes.
1971 Blitzkrieg
1972 A large-scale military maneuver is about to begin.[ST:n ]Together with Phog, you'll be defending New LA.
1973 The mission was a success. Even better,[ST:n ]Frye and Phog reconciled and went drinking.
1974 qst0915_resultB
1975 Talk to Walter on the East Gate[ST:n ]Plain in Primordia and begin the[ST:n ]defense.
1976 Hold off the enemy onslaught on[ST:n ]the East Gate Plain in Primordia[ST:n ]for three minutes.
1977 Head to Primordia's Bedrock Hold[ST:n ]and rescue Frye.
1978 Hold off the enemy onslaught at[ST:n ]Primordia's Bedrock Hold for five[ST:n ]minutes.
1979 Arms and the Man
1980 It seems that Yelv is a bit bored with his current[ST:n ]missions. Listen to local gossip and find something[ST:n ]interesting for him to do.
1981 You found Yelv's partner's left arm and promised to[ST:n ]help find the rest of him. Go to North Founders Street[ST:n ]for the next affinity mission.
1982 qst0902_resultB
1983 Eavesdrop in the commercial[ST:n ]district and look for some[ST:n ]interesting work.
1984 Head to the Sunshine Café in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
1985 Look for the washed-up wreckage[ST:n ]on Oblivia's Great Washington[ST:n ]Isle.
1986 Defeat three unyielding forfexes on[ST:n ]Oblivia's Great Washington Isle.
1987 Investigate the wreckage on[ST:n ]Oblivia's Great Washington Isle.
1988 Head to the Sunshine Café in the[ST:n ]commercial district.
1989 Defeat 10 tough blattas in[ST:n ]Primordia.
1990 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
1991 Look for the washed-up wreckage[ST:n ]on Oblivia's Great Washington[ST:n ]Isle.
1992 Defeat three unyielding forfexes on[ST:n ]Oblivia's Great Washington Isle.
1993 Investigate the wreckage on[ST:n ]Oblivia's Great Washington Isle.
1994 Planetary Pioneer (Part I)
1995 Continue the survey of Primordia using FrontierNav.
1996 You completed the survey task of Primordia,[ST:n ]contributing to the gradual recovery of New LA.
1997 qst0161_resultB
1998 Complete \"Primordia[ST:n ]Trailblazing 1.\"
1999 Complete \"Primordia[ST:n ]Trailblazing 2.\"
2000 Complete \"Primordia[ST:n ]Trailblazing 3.\"
2001 Talk to Kirsty on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2002 Primordia Trailblazing 1
2003 Find the required miranium for the rebuilding work of[ST:n ]New LA and give it to Kirsty.
2004 You gave the miranium to Kirsty.[ST:n ]It should last her for a while.
2005 qst0162_resultB
2006 Give 750 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Kirsty on the BLADE Concourse in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
2007 Primordia Trailblazing 2
2008 Defeat the indigens who keep attacking the Pathfinders[ST:n ]in Primordia.
2009 You defeated the indigens. Now the Pathfinders can go[ST:n ]about their business.
2010 qst0163_resultB
2011 Defeat five juvenile simius in[ST:n ]Primordia during the day.
2012 Primordia Trailblazing 3
2013 Acquire the data unit FN093 for Kirsty.
2014 You obtained data unit FN093.[ST:n ]What kind of information is inside?
2015 qst0164_resultB
2016 Obtain the data unit FN093 in[ST:n ]Primordia's Green Threshold.
2017 Planetary Pioneer (Part II)
2018 Continue the exploration of Noctilum using FrontierNav.
2019 You completed the Noctilum exploration task.[ST:n ]Now they'll have no trouble repairing their worn-down[ST:n ]BLADE equipment.
2020 qst0165_resultB
2021 Complete \"Noctilum[ST:n ]Trailblazing 1.\"
2022 Complete \"Noctilum[ST:n ]Trailblazing 2.\"
2023 Complete \"Noctilum[ST:n ]Trailblazing 3.\"
2024 Talk to Kirsty beside BLADE Tower.
2025 Noctilum Trailblazing 1
2026 Gather the resources required for repairing BLADE[ST:n ]equipment.
2027 You gathered the required precious resources.[ST:n ]The repairs can now continue.
2028 qst0166_resultB
2029 Use FrontierNav to locate five[ST:n ]pieces of aurorite.
2030 Noctilum Trailblazing 2
2031 Gather the collectibles required for repairing BLADE[ST:n ]equipment.
2032 You gathered the required collectibles.[ST:n ]The repairs can now continue.
2033 qst0167_resultB
2034 Gather eight HI9 ion thrusters[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
2035 Noctilum Trailblazing 3
2036 Acquire the secret data unit FN094 for Kirsty.
2037 You obtained data unit FN094.[ST:n ]What kind of information is inside?
2038 qst0168_resultB
2039 Obtain data unit FN094 near[ST:n ]Noctilum's Elephant's Trunk.
2040 Planetary Pioneer (Part III)
2041 On behalf of New LA's new xenoform immigrants,[ST:n ]use FrontierNav to further the exploration of Oblivia.
2042 You completed the Oblivia exploration task.[ST:n ]As FrontierNav was able to locate large amounts of[ST:n ]resources, Ma-non interest in its capabilities has grown.
2043 qst0169_resultB
2044 Complete \"Oblivia Trailblazing 1.\"
2045 Complete \"Oblivia Trailblazing 2.\"
2046 Complete \"Oblivia Trailblazing 3.\"
2047 Talk to Kirsty on Central Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
2048 Oblivia Trailblazing 1
2049 Gather a large amount of miranium and bring it to[ST:n ]Kirsty in order to aid xenoform resettlement.
2050 You gave the miranium to Kirsty.[ST:n ]It should last her for a while.
2051 qst0170_resultB
2052 Give 2,500 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Kirsty on Central Melville Street.
2053 Oblivia Trailblazing 2
2054 Gather the required collectibles in Oblivia.
2055 You gathered the required collectibles,[ST:n ]thus solving the resource shortage.
2056 qst0171_resultB
2057 Gather seven moleworms in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
2058 Oblivia Trailblazing 3
2059 Acquire the secret data unit FN095 for Kirsty.
2060 You obtained the data unit FN095.[ST:n ]What information could be inside?
2061 qst0172_resultB
2062 Obtain the data unit FN095 in[ST:n ]Oblivia's FrontierNav site 313.
2063 Planetary Pioneer (Part IV)
2064 You've been earning a lot of notice.[ST:n ]Continue using FrontierNav as you explore Sylvalum.
2065 You completed the Sylvalum exploration task.[ST:n ]You also learned from Kirsty about the second-gen[ST:n ]version of FrontierNav hidden inside the data unit.
2066 qst0173_resultB
2067 Complete \"Sylvalum[ST:n ]Trailblazing 1.\"
2068 Complete \"Sylvalum[ST:n ]Trailblazing 2.\"
2069 Complete \"Sylvalum[ST:n ]Trailblazing 3.\"
2070 Talk to Kirsty on Division Drive[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
2071 Sylvalum Trailblazing 1
2072 Find the required precious resources[ST:n ]at the heart of Sylvalum.
2073 You found the required precious resources.[ST:n ]Kirsty was happy with the quality of your work.
2074 qst0174_resultB
2075 Use FrontierNav to locate 10[ST:n ]pieces of aurorite.
2076 Use FrontierNav to locate 10[ST:n ]pieces of arc sand ore.
2077 Sylvalum Trailblazing 2
2078 Defeat the indigen rampaging around Sylvalum.
2079 You successfully defeated the indigen.[ST:n ]Hopefully now the Pathfinders can continue their work.
2080 qst0175_resultB
2081 Defeat five nectar scirpos in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
2082 Sylvalum Trailblazing 3
2083 Acquire the secret data unit FN096 for Kirsty.
2084 You obtained the data unit FN096.[ST:n ]What kind of information is inside?
2085 qst0176_resultB
2086 Obtain the data unit FN096 in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's FrontierNav site 408.
2087 Planetary Pioneer (Part V)
2088 Obtain the final data unit in Cauldros. Analysis of the[ST:n ]second-gen FrontierNav is now just one step away!
2089 You completed the exploration of Cauldros and handed[ST:n ]over the final data unit. Return here when analysis of[ST:n ]the unit is complete.
2090 qst0177_resultB
2091 Complete \"Cauldros[ST:n ]Trailblazing 1.\"
2092 Complete \"Cauldros[ST:n ]Trailblazing 2.\"
2093 Complete \"Cauldros[ST:n ]Trailblazing 3.\"
2094 Talk to Kirsty at Ishmael Hills in[ST:n ]the Residential District.
2095 Cauldros Trailblazing 1
2096 Gather the required miranium and bring it to Kirsty[ST:n ]in order to help the citizens of New LA.
2097 You found the miranium and gave it to Kirsty.
2098 qst0178_resultB
2099 Give 5,500 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Kirsty at Ishmael Hills in the[ST:n ]residential district.
2100 Cauldros Trailblazing 2
2101 Defeat the indigens rampaging around Cauldros.
2102 You defeated the indigens. Hopefully the investigation[ST:n ]of Cauldros can proceed smoothly now.
2103 qst0179_resultB
2104 Defeat three deadland caro in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
2105 Cauldros Trailblazing 3
2106 Acquire the secret data unit FN097 for Kirsty.
2107 You obtained data unit FN097.[ST:n ]Now it's just a matter of waiting for the analysis.
2108 qst0180_resultB
2109 Obtain the data unit FN097 at[ST:n ]Cauldros's FrontierNav site 505.
2110 My Dream
2111 You took on a new job with Irina's acquaintance,[ST:n ]the Murderess. And with a name like that,[ST:n ]would could possibly go wrong?
2112 You submitted to the Murderess,[ST:n ]and she took all the money for the job.[ST:n ]...What a jerk.
2113 You confronted the Murderess and had to beat back[ST:n ]the attacks of her followers. ...What a jerk.
2114 Investigate the White Whale debris[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Middle Hushflood.
2115 You investigated the debris and[ST:n ]confronted the Murderess.
2116 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2117 Defeat Running Shark at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Middle Hushflood.
2118 Defeat the BLADE sniper at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Middle Hushflood.
2119 Defeat the BLADE trooper at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Middle Hushflood.
2120 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2121 Fathers and Sons
2122 You received an emergency call from some Prospectors.[ST:n ]Head to the rescue point in Primordia and help out.
2123 Kiefer is the son and Leland the father. You caught a[ST:n ]glimpse into the details of their relationship.
2124 qst0853_resultB
2125 Talk to Kiefer Cole in Primordia's[ST:n ]Stonelattice Cavern.
2126 Talk to Leland Cole inside[ST:n ]Primordia's Stonelattice Cavern.
2127 Investigate the minerals in[ST:n ]Primordia's Stonelattice Cavern and[ST:n ]retrieve five pieces of flemtide.
2128 Talk to Leland Cole in Primordia's[ST:n ]Stonelattice Cavern.
2129 Talk to Kiefer Cole at[ST:n ]BLADE Tower.
2130 Foggy Dilemma
2131 Some of the data probes in Oblivia seem to be[ST:n ]malfunctioning. Look into it with the Prospector, Phog.
2132 The data probes were dug up by the Ganglion.[ST:n ]After completing the task and earning his trust,[ST:n ]Phog will now join you on future missions.
2133 qst0913_resultB
2134 Investigate the data probe at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Twin Arches.
2135 Investigate the data probe on[ST:n ]Oblivia's Aaroy Plain.
2136 Investigate the data probe at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Twin Arches.
2137 Regroup and investigate the data[ST:n ]probe on Oblivia's Aaroy Plain.
2138 Defeat the Qmoeva Divider on[ST:n ]Oblivia's Aaroy Plain.
2139 Defeat the Marnuck Crafter on[ST:n ]Oblivia's Aaroy Plain.
2140 Defeat the Marnuck Analysts on[ST:n ]Oblivia's Aaroy Plain.
2141 Nagi's Time
2142 After setting off to inspect a piece of the Lifehold,[ST:n ]Secretary Nagi dropped out of contact.[ST:n ]Investigate his whereabouts with utmost secrecy.
2143 Secretary Nagi survived, but there were many others[ST:n ]who were not so lucky.
2144 qst0872_resultB
2145 Look for Nagi at Primordia's[ST:n ]Northpointe Beach.
2146 Head to the northern part of[ST:n ]Northpointe Beach and check[ST:n ]on the situation.
2147 Climbing the Ladder
2148 Work with H.B. to complete the task.
2149 You completed the task with H.B., but there is still that[ST:n ]rather formidable matter of Commander Vandham to[ST:n ]overcome.
2150 qst0909_resultB
2151 Defeat three soldier insidias near[ST:n ]Noctilum's Fukai Pass.
2152 Look around Noctilum's[ST:n ]Weeping Whitewood.
2153 Defeat the empress insidia in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Weeping Whitewood.
2154 Head to the administrative district[ST:n ]and report.
2155 Close Comrades
2156 You took on a Pathfinder task with Doug in place of[ST:n ]Lao. Head to Noctilum and investigate.
2157 The investigation into the UM responses isn't quite[ST:n ]ready, but Lin's mood improved once she was offered[ST:n ]some tea.
2158 qst0856_resultB
2159 Collect data at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Decapotamon.
2160 Collect data at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Decapotamon.
2161 Collect data at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Decapotamon.
2162 Collect the fourth piece of data at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Qing Long Glade.
2163 Defeat five arrow germivores in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Qing Long Glade.
2164 Defeat five arrow germivores in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Qing Long Glade.
2165 Defeat the arrow cinicula in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Qing Long Glade.
2166 Talk to Lao at Barista Court in[ST:n ]the commercial district.
2167 The Nopon Heir
2168 The \"Nopon heir\" is apparently quite ill.[ST:n ]Work with Tora to find the materials for a cure.
2169 You found the material you needed from the[ST:n ]Ruler of Fates. Has he perhaps accepted us?
2170 qst0863_resultB
2171 Get three aeviter star wings from[ST:n ]sand aeviters or others in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
2172 Get an obsidian fragment from[ST:n ]eternal millesaurs or others in[ST:n ]Primordia.
2173 Talk to Tora in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2174 Head to Noctilum's Divine Roost.
2175 Get a guardian etherscale from[ST:n ]Telethia, the Endbringer at[ST:n ]the Divine Roost.
2176 Talk to Tora in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2177 Yelv's Partner
2178 Using the locations where the arms and legs were[ST:n ]found, determine the location where Yelv's friend fell[ST:n ]and search for him.
2179 Yelv's childhood friend may have died, but Yelv now[ST:n ]seems more determined than ever to see his work[ST:n ]as a Reclaimer through to the very end.
2180 qst0903_resultB
2181 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2182 Explore over 60 percent of Oblivia.
2183 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2184 Head to the calculated location at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Eddie's Conquest.
2185 Defeat the gale Milsaadi at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Eddie's Conquest.
2186 Approach the wreckage at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Eddie's Conquest and[ST:n ]investigate.
2187 Head to the crash site at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Eddie's Conquest.
2188 Defeat the gale Milsaadi at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Eddie's Conquest.
2189 Approach the wreckage at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Eddie's Conquest and[ST:n ]investigate.
2190 Data Probe Challenge
2191 You decided to help Hugo. Give him the miranium[ST:n ]required to build battle probes.
2192 You gave Hugo the miranium, allowing him to[ST:n ]build the fuel recovery probe he designed[ST:n ]while onboard the White Whale.
2193 qst0181_resultB
2194 Hand 10,000 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Hugo at the Outfitters test hangar[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
2195 Data Probe Progress
2196 Give the required miranium to Hugo and help build the[ST:n ]next battle probe.
2197 You gave Hugo the miranium, allowing him to build[ST:n ]the melee attack probe he designed while onboard[ST:n ]the White Whale.
2198 qst0182_resultB
2199 Give 15,000 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Hugo at the integrated production[ST:n ]plant in the industrial district.
2200 Data Probe Breakthrough
2201 Give the required miranium to Hugo and help build[ST:n ]yet another battle probe.
2202 You gave Hugo the miranium, allowing him to build[ST:n ]the ranged attack probe he designed while onboard[ST:n ]the White Whale.
2203 qst0183_resultB
2204 Give 20,000 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Hugo in the Outfitters test hangar.
2205 Data Probe Evolution
2206 In order to get companies to recognize Hugo's work,[ST:n ]give Hugo the miranium he requires to build the next[ST:n ]battle probe.
2207 You gave Hugo the miranium, allowing him to build[ST:n ]the EZ debuff probe he designed on the Whale.[ST:n ]Will companies finally pay attention to his work?
2208 qst0184_resultB
2209 Give 30,000 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Hugo at the Outfitters test hangar[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
2210 Data Probe Revolution
2211 Help the indefatigable Hugo build the battle probe.
2212 Hugo built the attribute resistance probe. Hugo received[ST:n ]adulation from his peers for his work, and was in turn[ST:n ]invited to lead a new research project.
2213 qst0185_resultB
2214 Give 40,000 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Hugo at the Outfitters test hangar[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
2215 The Membership
2216 Acquire some arc sand ore in order to become a[ST:n ]special member of the financial group Shimmer &[ST:n ]Savvy.
2217 You delivered the arc sand ore to May May and[ST:n ]became a bronze member of Shimmer & Savvy.
2218 qst0186_resultB
2219 Use FrontierNav to locate five[ST:n ]pieces of arc sand ore.
2220 Talk to May May in the starboard[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
2221 The Silver Membership
2222 Find some aurorite in order to rank up your[ST:n ]membership in the financial group Shimmer & Savvy.
2223 You delivered the aurorite to May May and became[ST:n ]a silver member of Shimmer & Savvy.
2224 qst0187_resultB
2225 Use FrontierNav to locate 15[ST:n ]pieces of aurorite.
2226 Talk to May May in the starboard[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
2227 The Gold Membership
2228 Find some aurorite and arc sand ore in order to rank[ST:n ]up your membership in the financial group Shimmer &[ST:n ]Savvy.
2229 You delivered the aurorite and arc sand ore to May[ST:n ]May and became a gold member of Shimmer & Savvy.
2230 qst0188_resultB
2231 Use FrontierNav to locate 30[ST:n ]pieces of aurorite.
2232 Use FrontierNav to locate 10[ST:n ]pieces of arc sand ore.
2233 Talk to May May on the starboard[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
2234 The Platinum Membership
2235 Find some aurorite and arc sand ore in order to rank[ST:n ]up your membership in the financial group Shimmer &[ST:n ]Savvy.
2236 You delivered the aurorite and arc sand ore to[ST:n ]May May and became a platinum member of[ST:n ]Shimmer & Savvy.
2237 qst0189_resultB
2238 Use FrontierNav to locate 50[ST:n ]pieces of aurorite.
2239 Use FrontierNav to locate 20[ST:n ]pieces of arc sand ore.
2240 Talk to May May on the starboard[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
2241 Orphean Pluck
2242 To ease the miranium shortage, Non'barac has set off[ST:n ]to mine the resource directly. See if you can help her.
2243 You rescued Non'barac and supplied San'luarb[ST:n ]with miranium.
2244 qst0190_resultB
2245 Talk to Non'barac at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Delusians South Summit.
2246 Talk to San'luarb at the integrated[ST:n ]production plant in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2247 Give 4,200 units of miranium to[ST:n ]San'luarb at the integrated[ST:n ]production plant.
2248 Wrothian Innovation
2249 The master craftswoman Go Sirho has shown some[ST:n ]interest in miranium. Give her materials and teach her[ST:n ]about data probes.
2250 You gave Gi Sirho the miranium and taught her how to[ST:n ]use data probes. How will the Wrothians make use of[ST:n ]FrontierNav in the future?
2251 qst0191_resultB
2252 Give 10,000 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Go Sirho on East Melville Street in[ST:n ]the commercial district.
2253 Talk to Go Sirho on Oblivia's[ST:n ]South Coast.
2254 Talk to Kirsty at Ishmael Hills in[ST:n ]the residential district.
2255 Use FrontierNav to locate 10[ST:n ]pieces of arc sand ore.
2256 Talk to Kirsty at Ishmael Hills in[ST:n ]the residential district.
2257 Talk to Go Sirho on Oblivia's[ST:n ]South Coast.
2258 The Root of All Evil
2259 Tobias seems to be spoiling for a fight.[ST:n ]In order to shut him up, use FrontierNav to boost[ST:n ]your earnings.
2260 Tobias left after his defeat. You've sure attracted the[ST:n ]attention of a troublesome fellow...
2261 qst0192_resultB
2262 Use FrontierNav to earn 70,000[ST:n ]credits in a single return.
2263 Talk to Tobias at the BLADE[ST:n ]barracks in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2264 Entrepreneurial Spirit
2265 Tobias has challenged you again. Use data probes to[ST:n ]acquire more sightseeing profits.
2266 Tobias accepted his defeat. There are clearly some[ST:n ]deep-seated reasons why he is so insistent on earning[ST:n ]money with FrontierNav.
2267 qst0193_resultB
2268 Use FrontierNav to earn 130,000[ST:n ]credits in a single return.
2269 Talk to Tobias in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
2270 Talk to Tobias in Cauldros's[ST:n ]O'rrh Sim castle ruins.
2271 Defeat Vainamo, the Bellower in[ST:n ]Cauldros's O'rrh Sim castle ruins.
2272 Talk to Tobias in Cauldros's[ST:n ]O'rrh Sim castle ruins.
2273 Bozé's Way
2274 One of Bozé's students is missing in Noctilum.[ST:n ]Work with Bozé to find her.
2275 You were unable to rescue Bozé's student, causing you[ST:n ]to return to New LA with a true sense of frustration.[ST:n ]Go to BLADE Tower for the next affinity mission.
2276 qst0905_resultB
2277 Head to Noctilum's Qing Long[ST:n ]Glade.
2278 Head to Noctilum's[ST:n ]Ensconced Citadel.
2279 Head inside the Ensconced Citadel.
2280 Defeat the Zealot Glennar in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Ensconced Citadel.
2281 Defeat two Prone fighters in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Ensconced Citadel.
2282 qst0905_A04_log03
2283 Investigate Clarissa's corpse at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Ensconced Citadel.
2284 Brotherly Love
2285 There have been reports of a new kind of resource[ST:n ]in Sylvalum. Go on a joint mission with the Prospectors[ST:n ]and Interceptors and see what's what.
2286 You witnessed the birth of a new mineral called[ST:n ]phogrium. It was a successful mission all around.
2287 qst0912_resultB
2288 Investigate the resources near[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Badr Stonebridge.
2289 Investigate the resources near[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Anvil Rock One.
2290 Investigate the resources near[ST:n ]Sylvalum's North Cinderdunes.
2291 Investigate the resources[ST:n ]in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]South Hardheart Canyon.
2292 Talk to Walter on Division Drive[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
2293 Rapid Misfire
2294 Looks like a weapons test went bad.[ST:n ]Help Alexa rescue the injured.
2295 You succeeded in rescuing Mika and Camber.[ST:n ]Alexa spoke of a Black Skell that once saved her life.[ST:n ]Who could have been the pilot?
2296 qst0921_resultB
2297 Head to the accident site at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Decapotamon.
2298 Search for Camber near Noctilum's[ST:n ]Decapotamon.
2299 Investigate the Skells at the[ST:n ]accident site at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Decapotamon.
2300 Talk to Mika at Noctilum's[ST:n ]Decapotamon.
2301 Defeat the Scout Galdr at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Decapotamon.
2302 Defeat two scout Qmoevas at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Decapotamon.
2303 Mia Grows Up
2304 The recent BLADE recruit Mia has been in touch.[ST:n ]Time to go on a mission with her.
2305 You learned about Mia's upbringing and parents.[ST:n ]Such things will no doubt be a driving factor in her[ST:n ]future development.
2306 qst0926_resultB
2307 Talk to Nan at the Nopon Bazaar[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
2308 Get a lucky rainbow whisker from[ST:n ]the balaenas in Primordia.
2309 Acquire a floatstone shard from[ST:n ]Primordia's Talon Rock Summit.
2310 Use FrontierNav to locate a piece[ST:n ]of bonjelium.
2311 Talk to Nan at the Nopon Bazaar[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
2312 Talk to Mamara at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Dorian Caravan.
2313 Talk to Dadato at one of[ST:n ]Oblivia's floating islands.
2314 Head to Oblivia's Dorian Caravan.
2315 Elma's Task A
2316 Defeat silver suids to help Gwin train.
2317 Gwin seems to have mastered this portion of his[ST:n ]training.
2318 qst1001_resultB
2319 Defeat two silver suids using a[ST:n ]Soldier Assault rifle in Primordia.
2320 Elma's Task B
2321 Defeat silver femina suids to help Gwin train.
2322 Gwin seems to have mastered this portion of his[ST:n ]training.
2323 qst1002_resultB
2324 Defeat two silver femina suids with[ST:n ]a Soldier Assault rifle in Primordia.
2325 Elma's Task C
2326 Defeat tough armored suids to help Gwin train.
2327 Gwin seems to have mastered this portion of his[ST:n ]training.
2328 qst1003_resultB
2329 Defeat two tough armored suids[ST:n ]with a Soldier Assault rifle in[ST:n ]Primordia.
2330 Material Hunt A
2331 Find the materials for the new product known as a[ST:n ]\"ball of honeysmoke.\"
2332 You found the materials for the ball of honeysmoke.
2333 qst1010_resultB
2334 Gather 10 units of chameleon[ST:n ]sand in Oblivia.
2335 Gather 10 pieces of gluttonutan[ST:n ]clay in Noctilum.
2336 Material Hunt B
2337 Find the materials for the new product known as a[ST:n ]\"high-temperature pot.\"
2338 You found the materials for the high-temperature pot.
2339 qst1011_resultB
2340 Use FrontierNav to locate two[ST:n ]pieces of boiled-egg ore.
2341 Find five gun snakes in Cauldros.
2342 Material Hunt C
2343 Find the materials for the new product known as an[ST:n ]\"electric hammock.\"
2344 You found the materials for the electric hammock.
2345 qst1012_resultB
2346 Get three multi-wires from the[ST:n ]shrads of Cauldros.
2347 Find four abyssal crickets in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
2348 L's Conundrum
2349 Gather new materials to help L expand his business.
2350 L was able to make a highly innovative new product.[ST:n ]Hopefully the customers like it...
2351 qst0862_resultB
2352 Complete \"Material Hunt A.\"
2353 Complete \"Material Hunt B.\"
2354 Complete \"Material Hunt C.\"
2355 Head to L's shop in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
2356 Then and Now
2357 Elma has requested your help for a special task.[ST:n ]It's not really the kind of thing you can turn down...
2358 You defeated Elma's nemesis, and also rescued[ST:n ]the Reclaimers. But you can't relax yet. The fight to[ST:n ]forge a new home on Mira has just begun.
2359 qst0867_resultB
2360 Head to Primordia's Fallshorn Isle[ST:n ]on a clear evening.
2361 Defeat the demise ictus on[ST:n ]Fallshorn Isle.
2362 Head to the Keegan Ridge in[ST:n ]Oblivia and find the Reclaimers.
2363 Defeat two gleaming sphinxes in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Keegan Ridge.
2364 Fitting In
2365 Just as Celica and Rock seemed to be slowly getting[ST:n ]used to life in New LA, trouble occurred.
2366 It seems that Celica and Rock have found their own[ST:n ]unique way to contribute to New LA.
2367 qst0869_resultB
2368 Check the situation at the[ST:n ]construction site in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2369 Talk to Mujiji at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Dorian Caravan.
2370 Head to Oblivia's Floating Reef[ST:n ]and find four pieces of aerozium.
2371 Defeat the stratospheric balaena on[ST:n ]Oblivia's Floating Reef.
2372 Talk to Rock in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2373 Search for information about[ST:n ]aerozium in the commercial[ST:n ]district.
2374 A Day in the Life
2375 You decided to observe Commander Vandham at work[ST:n ]for an entire day. Go follow him around.
2376 Commander Vandham certainly keeps New LA running.[ST:n ]But the poor guy really needs a vacation...
2377 qst0874_resultB
2378 Head to Barista Court in the[ST:n ]morning.
2379 Head to the hangar during[ST:n ]the afternoon.
2380 Get a blue electrical tentacle from[ST:n ]placid duoguills or others in[ST:n ]Primordia.
2381 Talk to Cedric at the hangar in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
2382 Investigate the BLADE Tower[ST:n ]door at night.
2383 Defeat the sailing grex in[ST:n ]Primordia's Biahno Grassland.
2384 Return to BLADE Tower and report[ST:n ]to Commander Vandham.
2385 Gather info in the administrative[ST:n ]district on the commander's[ST:n ]nighttime place of work.
2386 What the Skell?!
2387 Alexa is feeling down after the failed weapon test.[ST:n ]Help cheer her up.
2388 Alexa made up with Mika and was allowed to ride her[ST:n ]Skell, which helped lift her spirits. Go to the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar for next affinity mission.
2389 qst0920_resultB
2390 Talk to Camber at the hangar[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
2391 Get five standard blade modules[ST:n ]from fleet shrads in Cauldros.
2392 Gather six pan-analysis chips[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
2393 Talk to Camber at the hangar[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
2394 Talk to Tika at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2395 Defeat three canyon cantors in[ST:n ]Sylvalum with the Sparkjet Rifle[ST:n ]at nighttime.
2396 Defeat Rodriguez, the Twin-Tusked[ST:n ]in Cauldros with the Sparkjet Rifle.
2397 Talk to Tika at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2398 Look for eyewitness accounts[ST:n ]along the road from the industrial[ST:n ]district, then find the criminal.
2399 The Matchmaker
2400 Shingo has taken a liking to someone. You agreed[ST:n ]to give him some advice on how to approach her.
2401 Amazingly enough, Tatsu's plan worked.[ST:n ]Shingo now has a girlfriend.
2402 qst0859_resultB
2403 Head to North Founders Street[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
2404 Use FrontierNav to locate three[ST:n ]lumps of Enduron lead.
2405 Talk to Omari on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
2406 Talk to Jeshero in the starboard[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
2407 Order some Army Pizzas on West[ST:n ]Melville Street in the commercial[ST:n ]district.
2408 Talk to Jeshero in the starboard[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
2409 Head to North Founders Street[ST:n ]in the commercial district.
2410 New in New LA
2411 Celica came up with an idea on how she and Rock[ST:n ]could better contribute to New LA, then went into the[ST:n ]wilderness. Follow her and ensure that she is safe.
2412 Celica successfully completed her work and became a[ST:n ]BLADE member. Rock, on the other hand,[ST:n ]found work in construction.
2413 qst0868_resultB
2414 Head to BLADE Tower in the[ST:n ]administrative district and speak[ST:n ]with Commander Vandham.
2415 Head to the BLADE barracks[ST:n ]entrance in the administrative[ST:n ]district and talk to Rock.
2416 Search for Celica in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Behemoth's Shadows.
2417 Head into the deepest reaches of[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Behemoth's Shadows.
2418 Defeat the Dimnet Xiphias in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Behemoth's Shadows.
2419 Talk to Celica in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Behemoth's Shadows.
2420 Talk to Commander Vandham at[ST:n ]BLADE Tower in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2421 Find information on Celica's[ST:n ]whereabouts in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2422 Find information on Celica's[ST:n ]whereabouts in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2423 Find information on Rock's[ST:n ]whereabouts in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2424 Two Peas in a Pod
2425 Vandham wants to discuss the development of a new[ST:n ]weapon with you.
2426 Due to some quick thinking by Vandham, he was able[ST:n ]to complete the development of the new weapon.[ST:n ]You also caught a glimpse into Lin's past.
2427 qst0875_resultB
2428 Head to the Outfitters test hangar[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
2429 Talk to Alan at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2430 Talk to Brenna at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2431 Get three Qmoevan capacitors[ST:n ]from the Qmoevas in Oblivia.
2432 Talk to Alan at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2433 Talk to Brenna at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2434 Use FrontierNav to locate three[ST:n ]pieces of marine rutile.
2435 Talk to Brenna at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2436 Report to Vandham inside the[ST:n ]BLADE barracks in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
2437 Use FrontierNav to locate three[ST:n ]pieces of marine rutile.
2438 Talk to Brenna at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2439 Talk to Alan at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2440 Get three Qmoevan capacitors[ST:n ]from the Qmoevas in Oblivia.
2441 Talk to Alan at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2442 Report to Vandham inside the[ST:n ]BLADE barracks in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
2443 Bozé's Ignorance
2444 A number of Pathfinders have been attacked by a[ST:n ]particularly aggressive indigen. Team up with Bozé to[ST:n ]defeat it.
2445 You repelled the xenoforms and defeated the indigen.[ST:n ]It seems there is little hope of Bozé's xenophobia[ST:n ]abating any time soon...
2446 You repelled the xenoforms using a Ma-non device and[ST:n ]defeated the indigen. Bozé seems to have opened his[ST:n ]mind a little...
2447 Head to Cauldros's Infernal Ledges[ST:n ]and take down the indigen known[ST:n ]as Trigger Scintimure.
2448 The Ma-non device helped prevent[ST:n ]the Definian attack from getting off[ST:n ]the ground.
2449 Head to the designated area[ST:n ]inside Cauldros's Infernal Ledges.
2450 Defeat ST816: Stalio in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Infernal Ledges.
2451 Defeat three Definians in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Infernal Ledges.
2452 Defeat Trigger Scintimure in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Infernal Ledges.
2453 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2454 Defeat ST816: Stalio in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Infernal Ledges.
2455 Defeat Trigger Scintimure in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Infernal Ledges.
2456 Talk to Eleonora at the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse on the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2457 Bottoms Up
2458 Out of pity for an individual named Frye, you decided[ST:n ]to take on an Interceptor task. Your goal is to defeat[ST:n ]the enemy reported to be patrolling parts of Sylvalum.
2459 Despite having spent the night drinking, you were able[ST:n ]to finish the mission. Frye seems extremely grateful,[ST:n ]and has expressed interest in working with you again.
2460 qst0910_resultB
2461 Defeat two sapphire forfexes in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Seabird's Beak area.
2462 Defeat three creek unafulges in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Seabird's Beak area.
2463 Defeat three strange liceors in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Needle Rock Sandsea.
2464 Defeat two white progen at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Seabird's Beak.
2465 Defeat a gaff pugilith at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Seabird's Beak.
2466 Weaponized
2467 Alexa from the Outfitters has requested your help with[ST:n ]testing a new type of weapon.
2468 You helped Alexa test the Ramjet Rifle, and she gave[ST:n ]you a prototype version in return. Go to the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar for the next affinity mission.
2469 You helped Alexa test the prototype weapon. Go to the[ST:n ]Outfitters test hangar for the next affinity mission.
2470 Defeat Alexa Special at the[ST:n ]Outfitters Test Hangar.
2471 Head to Sylvalum's Needle[ST:n ]Rock Sandsea.
2472 Use the Ramjet Rifle to defeat five[ST:n ]trump papils at Sylvalum's Needle[ST:n ]Rock Sandsea.
2473 qst0919_A03_log02
2474 qst0919_A03_log03
2475 Report to Tika at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar.
2476 Use the Ramjet Rifle to defeat a [ST:n ]trump arenatect in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Needle Rock Sandsea.
2477 Report to Tika at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar.
2478 The Little Rich Girl
2479 You joined the Murderess and Yolanda on their hunt.[ST:n ]Use an especially weak weapon to defeat an indigen.
2480 You won the bet with Yolanda and captured Lan'cord,[ST:n ]thus completing your mission with the Murderess.
2481 You lost the bet with Yolanda, but caught Lan'cord,[ST:n ]thus completing your mission with the Murderess.
2482 Defeat a disaster vigent with the[ST:n ]Scrap Duo in Primordia.
2483 Talk to Yolanda on Division Drive[ST:n ]in the administrative district and[ST:n ]give up.
2484 Talk to Yolanda on Division[ST:n ]Drive in the administrative district.
2485 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2486 Obtain the research data.
2487 Secure Lan'cord.
2488 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2489 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2490 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2491 Hope Springs Eternal
2492 Head to Cauldros with Hope and save the Nopon[ST:n ]Caravan there.
2493 You successfully completed your task and—along with[ST:n ]Hope—vowed to bring happiness to the people of[ST:n ]New LA.
2494 qst0922_resultB
2495 Talk to Lularita at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
2496 Defeat five mold caro at[ST:n ]the Scholes Battlegrounds.
2497 Talk to Lularita at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Drongo Caravan.
2498 Report to Ornella in the residential[ST:n ]district.
2499 A False Hope
2500 Multiple BLADE members are missing, and the victims[ST:n ]all seem to be associated with Hope somehow.[ST:n ]Work with her to unravel the mystery.
2501 It seems that Ornella was behind the disappearances.[ST:n ]Despite Hope's pleas, Ornella took her own life.
2502 qst0923_resultB
2503 Gather intel on the disappearances[ST:n ]from the commercial district.
2504 Ask Ada in the administrative[ST:n ]district for information.
2505 Meet Ada at Primordia's South[ST:n ]Janpath Plain between 0:00[ST:n ]and 05:00.
2506 Defeat SN333: Jisanne[ST:n ]at Primordia's South Janpath Plain.
2507 Defeat two Milsaadi corroders at[ST:n ]Primordia's South Janpath Plain.
2508 Defeat two Milsaadi destroyers at[ST:n ]Primordia's South Janpath Plain.
2509 Serial Thriller
2510 Find the person responsible for the murders and clear[ST:n ]the Murderess's name.
2511 The killer has been discovered and...dealt with.[ST:n ]Now the Murderess—Sharon—is one step closer to[ST:n ]reclaiming her family name of Effinger.
2512 qst0918_resultB
2513 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2514 Find the first piece of intel on the[ST:n ]incident from Division Drive in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
2515 Find the second piece of intel near[ST:n ]the hangar in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2516 Find the third piece of intel near[ST:n ]the maintenance center in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
2517 Talk to Eleonora on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2518 Talk to Martin at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Lake Ciel.
2519 Talk to Dart at Oblivia's[ST:n ]King's Falls.
2520 Defeat Interfearence at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Lake Ciel.
2521 Talk to Irina at the maintenance[ST:n ]center in the administrative district.
2522 Talk to Martin at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Lake Ciel.
2523 Defeat Interfearence at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Lake Ciel.
2524 Talk to Irina at the maintenance[ST:n ]center in the administrative district.
2525 Reporting for Duty
2526 Orton's team has been taken by the Ganglion.[ST:n ]Work with Secretary Nagi to save them.
2527 You were able to rescue Orton, but the rest of his[ST:n ]squad didn't make it.
2528 qst0873_resultB
2529 Head to Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Hilal Stronghold.
2530 Talk to the survivors inside[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Hilal Stronghold.
2531 Head to Sylvalum's Badr[ST:n ]Stronghold and rescue[ST:n ]the survivors.
2532 Repel the Marnuck commander.
2533 Repel two Marnuck soldiers.
2534 Head to the maintenance center in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
2535 A Present for Hope
2536 Cheer up Hope by looking for information regarding[ST:n ]her father's missing journal.
2537 The words of appreciation from those around her have[ST:n ]greatly lifted Hope's spirits.
2538 qst0924_resultB
2539 Find the first piece of intel on the[ST:n ]crash in the upper level of the[ST:n ]administrative district.
2540 Find the second piece of intel on[ST:n ]the crash in the upper level of[ST:n ]the administrative district.
2541 Find the third piece of intel on the[ST:n ]crash in the upper level of the[ST:n ]administrative district.
2542 Talk to Ada at Deliverance Park[ST:n ]in the residential district.
2543 Talk to Quentin on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
2544 Talk to Lularita at Cauldros's[ST:n ]Mount M'gando.
2545 Investigate the wreckage[ST:n ]at Cauldros's Forgotten[ST:n ]Mining Frigates.
2546 Talk to Ada at Deliverance Park[ST:n ]in the residential district.
2547 A Grim Undertaking
2548 Find the corpse of Thea's fiancé, Quegga,[ST:n ]in Oblivia and perform Prone funeral rites.
2549 You sent Quegga's spirit into an indigen.[ST:n ]Wearing the dancer's outfit he left her,[ST:n ]Thea has begun to dance once more.
2550 qst0305_resultB
2551 Investigate Quegga's corpse in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Barbarich Desert.
2552 Get three lumps of bone-in thigh[ST:n ]meat from evellos or others[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
2553 Investigate Quegga's corpse in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Barbarich Desert.
2554 Ask Hala Gorida on the Ma-non[ST:n ]ship about Quegga's gift.
2555 Quegga's Gift
2556 Head to the cave mentioned in Quegga's note and look[ST:n ]for his hidden gift.
2557 Quegga's parting gift to Thea was a dancer's[ST:n ]costume.
2558 qst0307_resultB
2559 Following Quegga's note, search[ST:n ]for Quegga's gift in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Scabland Fortress.
2560 A Great Divide
2561 Phog seems keen to make amends with someone from[ST:n ]his past. With that in mind, go investigate the strange[ST:n ]things that were found in Oblivia.
2562 You successfully completed the mission, and also[ST:n ]learned that Frye is Phog's brother—they aren't on the[ST:n ]best terms currently, but hopefully can work it out.
2563 qst0914_resultB
2564 Head to Oblivia's South Coast.
2565 Defeat five oc-serv yabars on[ST:n ]Oblivia's South Coast.
2566 Talk to Solan at the maintenance[ST:n ]center in the administrative district.
2567 Find a massive ring fragment in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Barbarich Desert.
2568 Find a butte ruin fragment at the[ST:n ]Ruins on the Butte.
2569 Acquire a North Coast riddle rock[ST:n ]from Oblivia's North Coast.
2570 Talk to Solan at the maintenance[ST:n ]center in the administrative district.
2571 Lesson from the Grave
2572 Unravel the Mysteroid's riddle and find its treasure,[ST:n ]which is said to have the power to lay waste to entire[ST:n ]worlds.
2573 The treasure was love. Which is...awesome?
2574 qst0801_resultB
2575 Investigate the grave at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]East Ciel Sandsea.
2576 Investigate the grave at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Needle Rock Sandsea.
2577 Investigate the grave at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]North Ciel Sandsea.
2578 Talk to Kupee at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring during the day.
2579 Find the Mysteroid's treasure at the[ST:n ]specified coordinates in Sylvalum.
2580 Talk to Kupee at Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Cleansing Spring during the day.
2581 Professorial
2582 Professor B went out to gather materials and has not[ST:n ]returned. Veven is starting to worry, so see if you can[ST:n ]track him down and bring him home.
2583 You successfully returned Professor B to New LA. He[ST:n ]seems hell bent on using his position as president of[ST:n ]Factory 1.21 to make some serious profit in the future.
2584 qst0703_resultB
2585 Search for Professor B in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's North Cinderdunes.
2586 Search for Professor B in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Secluded Lava Lake.
2587 Defeat the Marnuck Hunter in [ST:n ]Sylvalum's Secluded Lava Lake[ST:n ]and obtain the keycard.
2588 Talk to Professor B in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Secluded Lava Lake.
2589 Talk to Professor B in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]North Cinderdunes.
2590 Defeat Dolba the Wrecker[ST:n ]within 10 minutes in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]North Cinderdunes.
2591 Defeat Gadd within 10 minutes in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's North Cinderdunes.
2592 Defeat the BLADE sniper within 10[ST:n ]minutes in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]North Cinderdunes.
2593 Talk to Veven at Professor B's[ST:n ]research lab in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2594 BLADE Level Basics
2595 Listen to Eleonora's explanation about BLADE levels.
2596 You learned that earning a certain amount of division[ST:n ]points will increase your BLADE level, and that you can[ST:n ]speak to Eleonora to receive rewards.
2597 Increase your BLADE level to level 2.
2598 Talk to Eleonora at the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2599 A Girl's Wings
2600 The Skell flight module has failed in testing a few too[ST:n ]many times. See if you can help it get through[ST:n ]development.
2601 The lifetime of research begun by Lin's parents has now[ST:n ]been completed. Humanity's dream of taking to the[ST:n ]skies in Skells can now finally be realized.
2602 qst0925_resultB
2603 Get an upgraded coil from the[ST:n ]oc-servs of Sylvalum.
2604 Get a light-speed jet fin from the[ST:n ]aetrygons of Oblivia.
2605 Head to the Outfitters test hangar[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
2606 Install a data probe at FrontierNav[ST:n ]site 110.
2607 Go to Vandham at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2608 Gorkwa Games
2609 Troylan's gorkwa is broken.[ST:n ]Repair it with a little help from the Ma-non.
2610 You retrieved the gorkwa. Lulladu is also safe and[ST:n ]sound.
2611 qst0603_resultB
2612 Talk to Lulladu in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
2613 Get a hi-spec sensor module[ST:n ]from the zigs of Sylvalum.
2614 Get a hulking incisor from the[ST:n ]potamuses of Primordia.
2615 Talk to Lulladu in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
2616 Talk to Troylan in the port side[ST:n ]of the Ma-non ship.
2617 Head to Lulladu's shop in the[ST:n ]central industrial district.
2618 Head to Cauldros's White[ST:n ]Phosphor Lake and stop[ST:n ]Lulladu.
2619 Talk to Troylan in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
2620 qst0402_title
2621 qst0402_summary
2622 qst0402_resultA
2623 qst0402_resultB
2624 qst0402_A01_log
2625 New Frontier
2626 From Mira to the stars! Help Kirsty create the next[ST:n ]generation of FrontierNav.
2627 With some unexpected help, Kirsty was able to bring[ST:n ]her team's plan one step closer to fruition. Though she's[ST:n ]still a tad wary, she's glad to have a partner.
2628 qst0194_resultB
2629 Give 20,000 units of miranium to[ST:n ]Kirsty at the water-purification[ST:n ]plant in the residential district.
2630 Use FrontierNav to acquire 50[ST:n ]units of arc sand ore.
2631 Give 50 units of arc sand ore to[ST:n ]Kirsty at the water-purification[ST:n ]plant in the residential district.
2632 Talk to Tobias in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
2633 Give 100,000 credits to Tobias in[ST:n ]the central industrial district.
2634 Talk to Kirsty at the water-[ST:n ]purification plant in the residential[ST:n ]district.
2635 Turf War
2636 A Pathfinder troubled by his team's lack of manpower[ST:n ]has asked you to look into the cause of malfunctioning[ST:n ]data probes.
2637 A turf war among the Sylooth was the cause of the[ST:n ]damaged data probes. The Pathfinder is going to treat[ST:n ]the situation as a challenge to overcome.
2638 qst0958_resultB
2639 Head to the Delusians North[ST:n ]Summit and look for clues about[ST:n ]the destroyed data probe.
2640 Head to the Delusians South[ST:n ]Summit and investigate[ST:n ]the Sylooth.
2641 Defeat the cunning Sylooth on the[ST:n ]Delusians South Summit.
2642 Defeat the Daunting Sylooth on the[ST:n ]Delusians South Summit.
2643 Talk to Enrai in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2644 Black Lifehold
2645 Look for the Lifehold unit containing the medical data[ST:n ]to help cure the suffering Nopon.
2646 Bobora and Henahena should have had a joyful[ST:n ]reunion, but instead Bobora was bounced skyward[ST:n ]by Henahena and disappeared into the distance.
2647 qst0978_resultB
2648 Explore 50 percent of Cauldros.
2649 Head to Cauldros's Slavebird Isle[ST:n ]and investigate the Lifehold unit.
2650 Talk to Milly at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Dorian Caravan during the day.
2651 Talk to Bobora at Oblivia's[ST:n ]Beehive Rock.
2652 Talk to Milly at Oblivia's Dorian[ST:n ]Caravan during the day.
2653 Gather info on Wanderer Bora-[ST:n ]bora from the Nopon caravans.
2654 qst0978_A06_log_01
2655 qst0978_A06_log_02
2656 White Lifehold
2657 Upon Lara Mara's insistence, you have accepted a[ST:n ]mission to investigate the piece of the Lifehold[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
2658 There was a bit of trouble with the Ganglion, but you[ST:n ]were successfully able to retrieve the data. It seems to[ST:n ]be a communication transcript of some kind.
2659 qst0977_resultB
2660 Search for the Lifehold unit at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Northern Searoad.
2661 Defend against the Milsaadi[ST:n ]for three minutes on Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Northern Searoad.
2662 qst0977_A03_log
2663 Defeat the Gale Qmoevas on[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Northern Searoad.
2664 Defeat the Haze Milsaadi on[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Northern Searoad.
2665 Defeat the Milsaadi Fates on[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Northern Searoad.
2666 Investigate the Lifehold unit at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Northern Searoad.
2667 Talk to Lara Mara at Armory Alley[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
2668 The Good Thief
2669 Phoskeran dropped out of contact while searching for[ST:n ]voltant in Primordia. Locate and check up on him.
2670 You convinced the thief to return the voltant.
2671 The voltant was discarded into the reservoir,[ST:n ]but thanks to Phoskeran, no permanent damage[ST:n ]was done.
2672 Investigate the trailer at Primordia's[ST:n ]Northpointe Beach.
2673 Defeat the vigil forfexes.
2674 Investigate the trailer at Primordia's[ST:n ]Northpointe Beach.
2675 Talk to Phoskeran near the diner[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
2676 Talk to Piers at BLADE Tower[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
2677 Look for the criminal at the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant.
2678 Look for the criminal at the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant.
2679 Talk to Horonalderon near the[ST:n ]diner in the industrial district.
2680 Talk to Horonalderon near the[ST:n ]diner in the industrial district.
2681 The Voltant Visionary
2682 Head to Noctilum and rescue Arsenican,[ST:n ]who went there to devoltanize.
2683 You brought Arsenican home safely. It seems that the[ST:n ]Zaruboggan value devoltanizing above life itself.
2684 qst0604_resultB
2685 Head to Noctilum's Vitriol[ST:n ]Cesspool and rescue Arsenican.
2686 Defeat the purge purgovent and[ST:n ]protect Arsenican.
2687 Talk to Arsenican in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Vitriol Cesspool.
2688 Talk to Trachlo Lythren in the[ST:n ]central industrial district.
2689 Child of Mira
2690 Find a gorkwa for Arsenican's offspring,[ST:n ]Orleron.
2691 Despite being raised like any other Zaruboggan,[ST:n ]Orleron was still able to form a strong friendship with[ST:n ]Vera.
2692 Despite his humanlike characteristics, Orleron is[ST:n ]committed to fulfilling his duties as a Zaruboggan.
2693 Talk to Orleron in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
2694 Talk to Arsenican at the[ST:n ]integrated production plant in the[ST:n ]industrial district.
2695 Retrieve the gorkwa from the[ST:n ]Zaruboggan corpse in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Abyss Reservoir.
2696 Talk to Orleron in the port side[ST:n ]of the Ma-non ship.
2697 Get a vial of vigent blood from[ST:n ]the vigents of Cauldros.
2698 Talk to Orleron in the port side[ST:n ]of the Ma-non ship.
2699 Talk to Arsenican at the[ST:n ]integrated production plant in the[ST:n ]industrial district.
2700 Retrieve the gorkwa from the[ST:n ]Zaruboggan corpse in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Abyss Reservoir.
2701 Talk to Orleron on North Founders[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
2702 Head to Cauldros's White[ST:n ]Phosphor Lake.
2703 The Divine Napopon
2704 Head to Oblivia and show the Divine[ST:n ]Napopon incarnate your strength.
2705 You defeated the Divine Napopon incarnate.
2706 qst1013_resultB
2707 Defeat the Napopon incarnate[ST:n ]in Oblivia's Azure Lagoon.
2708 The Divine Nipopon
2709 Head to Cauldros and show the Divine[ST:n ]Nipopon incarnate your strength.
2710 You defeated the Divine Nipopon incarnate.
2711 qst1014_resultB
2712 Defeat the Nipopon incarnate in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Old Ceremonial Hollow.
2713 The Divine Nupopon
2714 Head to Sylvalum and show the Divine[ST:n ]Nupopon incarnate your strength.
2715 You defeated the Divine Nupopon incarnate.
2716 qst1015_resultB
2717 Defeat the Nupopon incarnate in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Quay Hollows.
2718 House Call
2719 You have been tasked with finding some lumenoa[ST:n ]leaves for the sickly Nan'celeg.
2720 A new type of Orphean life has been born.[ST:n ]Their ecology truly is an enigma.
2721 qst0555_resultB
2722 Acquire a lumenoa leaf from[ST:n ]Cauldros's Far Isle of Tzu'o.
2723 Talk to Nan'celeg in the port[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
2724 Search for the new Orphean[ST:n ]division in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Upper Hushflood.
2725 Defeat the brazen falsaxum in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Upper Hushflood.
2726 Talk to Nan'celeg in the port[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
2727 A Fateful Choice
2728 The Orphean betaforms have vanished into Noctilum.[ST:n ]Locate and rescue them.
2729 Run'tonam and company were wiped out.[ST:n ]You informed On'tonam of Run'tonam's demise.
2730 Run'tonam and company were wiped out.[ST:n ]You were able to bring her Ovah home.
2731 Search for Mun'luarb in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Divine Roost.
2732 Search for Man'celeg in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Divine Roost.
2733 Search for Rin'luarb in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Divine Roost.
2734 Search for Run'tonam in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Divine Roost.
2735 Talk to On'tonam in the residential[ST:n ]district cathedral.
2736 Defeat Telethia, the Endbringer[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Divine Roost.
2737 Talk to On'tonam in the residential[ST:n ]district cathedral.
2738 No-show Nen'celeg
2739 Nan'celeg is concerned about the missing Nen'celeg.[ST:n ]Find her and bring her home.
2740 You were able to bring back Nen'celeg,[ST:n ]but it looks like there's more trouble around the corner.
2741 qst0556_resultB
2742 Search for Nen'celeg in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Sunlit Spring.
2743 Search for Nen'celeg in Noctilum's[ST:n ]Qing Long Glade.
2744 Defeat the dryland auravis in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Qing Long Glade.
2745 qst0556_A03_log02
2746 qst0556_A04_log
2747 Talk to Nan'celeg in the port[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
2748 Good Neighbors
2749 Help engineer autosentries to protect the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant and New[ST:n ]LA's supply of senirapa water.
2750 The autosentries passed the test and will be[ST:n ]installed at the Biahno water-purification plant.
2751 qst0564_resultB
2752 Use FrontierNav to locate four[ST:n ]ouroboros crystals.
2753 Gather five eradicator eyepieces[ST:n ]from Oblivia.
2754 Talk to Tan'celeg at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2755 Talk to Tan'celeg at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2756 Defeat the autosentry at the[ST:n ]Outfitters test hangar in the[ST:n ]industrial district.
2757 Haywire!
2758 The Biahno water-purification plant autosentries[ST:n ]seem to be malfunctioning. Help repair them.
2759 Lan'cord, an Orphean who sided with the Ganglion,[ST:n ]was the one behind the autosentries going rogue.
2760 qst0565_resultB
2761 Talk to Tan'celeg at the Outfitters[ST:n ]test hangar in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2762 Head to Primordia's Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant.
2763 Defeat six autosentries at[ST:n ]Primordia's Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant.
2764 Investigate the shut-down switch at[ST:n ]Primordia's Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant.
2765 Talk to Rosie at Primordia's Biahno[ST:n ]water-purification plant.
2766 A Dubious Operation
2767 Help with the voltant recovery work.
2768 You reported Roselle's crime to HQ and protected[ST:n ]Shiraton.
2769 You decided to look the other way when it came to[ST:n ]Roselle's plan to charge high prices for disposing of[ST:n ]dangerous pollutants.
2770 Get the hazardous container from[ST:n ]Jeffrey at the hangar in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
2771 Get the hazardous fuel cell from[ST:n ]Graham, who can be found in the[ST:n ]commercial or industrial districts.
2772 Get the toxic chemical bomb from[ST:n ]Pfeffen in the starboard side of the[ST:n ]Ma-non ship.
2773 Return to Shiraton on West[ST:n ]Melville Street in the commercial[ST:n ]district.
2774 Head to Primordia's Seaswept Rise[ST:n ]and help Shiraton.
2775 Defeat Gold Courage at[ST:n ]Primordia's Seaswept Rise.
2776 Good Fortun
2777 For the sake of Erio's sisters, rescue Fortun from the[ST:n ]Definian platoon.
2778 The Definian queen, Fortun, looked nothing like any of[ST:n ]the other Definians.
2779 qst0651_resultB
2780 Search for the Definian platoon in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Anvil Sandplain.
2781 Defeat SG002: Slenna in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Anvil Sandplain.
2782 Defeat the three Definian guards[ST:n ]in Sylvalum's Anvil Sandplain.
2783 Defeat the cliff Galdr in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Anvil Sandplain.
2784 Talk to Fortun in Sylvalum's[ST:n ]Anvil Sandplain.
2785 Talk to HT665: Erio at the[ST:n ]central industrial district.
2786 Definian Love
2787 Can Definian love prevail? Help Lyvia find a potential[ST:n ]partner and find out!
2788 The one Lyvia chose! And believe it or not,[ST:n ]Erio also seems to be in love with you.
2789 qst0653_resultB
2790 Talk to Maxim on West Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
2791 Talk to Kent D. Carr in the[ST:n ]maintenance center in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
2792 Talk to Giotto on the BLADE[ST:n ]Concourse in the administrative[ST:n ]district.
2793 Talk to Lyvia at Ishmael Hills[ST:n ]in the residential district.
2794 Find a snowy angelhair[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
2795 Get a muranadium in Cauldros.
2796 Find a primitive colossus statue[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
2797 Talk to Lyvia at Ishmael Hills[ST:n ]in the residential district.
2798 Definian Love
2799 Can Definian love prevail? Help Lyvia find a potential[ST:n ]partner and find out!
2800 The one Lyvia chose! And believe it or not,[ST:n ]Erio also seems to be in love with you.
2801 qst0655_resultB
2802 Talk to Gina on East Melville[ST:n ]Street in the commercial district.
2803 Talk to Lucy in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
2804 Talk to Sara-Ariel on Division[ST:n ]Drive in the administrative district.
2805 Talk to Lyvia at Ishmael Hills[ST:n ]in the residential district.
2806 Find a penginion in Sylvalum.
2807 Find a nirvana jonquil in[ST:n ]Primordia.
2808 Find a hummingstone in Primordia.
2809 Talk to Lyvia at Ishmael Hills[ST:n ]in the residential district.
2810 Attack on Biahno Hills
2811 You have been tasked with escorting a weapons-[ST:n ]research study group.
2812 In an unexpected turn of events, Suriella turned out to[ST:n ]be a disguised Definian spy and was arrested.
2813 qst0654_resultB
2814 Talk to Yusof at Primordia's[ST:n ]Biahno Hills.
2815 Talk to Lara Nara at BLADE Tower[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
2816 Head to the commercial district[ST:n ]and search for the Definian.
2817 Head to the scene of the crime[ST:n ]in the central industrial district.
2818 Head to the small island to the[ST:n ]west of New LA.
2819 Defeat DE913: Dieara[ST:n ]in Primordia.
2820 Fortun and Glory
2821 Erio has asked you to look for Fortun.
2822 Erio has taken Fortun back home to New LA.
2823 qst0804_resultB
2824 Talk to Avi at Armory Alley in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
2825 Talk to Fritz at Armory Alley in[ST:n ]the administrative district.
2826 Head to Oblivia's Rooney[ST:n ]Cavern to meet the[ST:n ]weapon shipment.
2827 Defeat LV757: Lyvia in Oblivia's[ST:n ]Rooney Cavern.
2828 Gather intel on Lyvia from people[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
2829 Yardley's Scheme
2830 Yardley is looking for materials to repair a machine.
2831 You found the materials required to fix the machine.[ST:n ]Yardley will repay you once he is back on his feet.
2832 Find a California sunset[ST:n ]in Primordia.
2833 Gather four L-002 space analyzers[ST:n ]from Primordia.
2834 Talk to Yardley in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
2835 House of Cards
2836 Find and return the lost keycard to the designated[ST:n ]location at the designated time to receive a reward[ST:n ]of 100,000 credits.
2837 Yardley can help you change your mimeosome's look.[ST:n ]However, the operation can only be done in the dead[ST:n ]of night, when Yardley is present.
2838 Acquire the missing keycard from[ST:n ]somewhere in New LA.
2839 Deliver the keycard to Yardley in[ST:n ]the commercial district during[ST:n ]the afternoon.
2840 Talk to Yardley below the[ST:n ]administrative district late at night.
2841 Off the Record
2842 Show off both your wit and the[ST:n ]full power of a mimeosome.[ST:n ](Navigation unavailable)
2843 You learned the final level of the[ST:n ]archaeological skill from Solan.
2844 In the court of the forest gods,[ST:n ]a brood of sentinels here do flock.
2845 Across the table where titans feast[ST:n ]hides an insect you must defeat.
2846 If you seek a pure white shell,[ST:n ]to the east does it now dwell.
2847 In fields of green in New LA, ask[ST:n ]in the morning to find the way.
2848 Off the Record
2849 Show off both your wit and the[ST:n ]full power of a mimeosome.[ST:n ](Navigation unavailable)
2850 You learned the final level of the mechanical skill[ST:n ]from Solan.
2851 Soar deep into the skies and seek[ST:n ]the forgotten land's ultimate peak.
2852 After dawn o'er land of white,[ST:n ]a rare red foe appears to smite.
2853 Etchings of ancient beasts to find?[ST:n ]Seek a stony shore in fired climes.
2854 In suburban glory in a setting sun,[ST:n ]the afflicted tell of what's to come.
2855 Off the Record
2856 Show off both your wit and the[ST:n ]full power of a mimeosome.[ST:n ](Navigation unavailable)
2857 You learned the final level of the[ST:n ]biological skill from Solan.
2858 Take this elevated corn to hand,[ST:n ]atop the peaks of a delusional[ST:n ]land.
2859 Atop the forest's eternal cascade,[ST:n ]a bitter baron awaits the blade.
2860 Above an early land do hover,[ST:n ]courting birds whose seal you[ST:n ]covet.
2861 Where ordnance takes first breath,[ST:n ]collect your spoils after sunset.
2862 Hackers
2863 Secure Lan'cord's research data.
2864 You successfully secured Lan'cord's data.
2865 Access the consoles in the[ST:n ]Ganglion bases in each region[ST:n ]to obtain the data.
2866 Securing Lan'cord
2867 Catch the mad Orphean scientist Lan'cord.
2868 Just as instructed, you succeeded in capturing[ST:n ]Lan'cord alive.
2869 Access the consoles in the[ST:n ]Ganglion bases in each region[ST:n ]to find Lan'cord.
2870 Find Lan'cord's whereabouts at[ST:n ]the Ganglion base.
2871 Talk to Lan'cord at Oblivia's [ST:n ]Lake Basel.
2872 Find miranium to help further research its properties[ST:n ]and allow us to use it more efficiently.
2873 Food development using Mira's bountiful supply of fruit[ST:n ]is underway at New LA's integrated production plant.[ST:n ]Gather materials for research.
2874 Brass suids are interfering with data probe installation.[ST:n ]Go defeat the troublesome indigens.
2875 Sakuraba Industries has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
2876 We're looking for like-minded people to help gather[ST:n ]sanelac pearls.
2877 We require crush rings. Further details are on a strictly[ST:n ]need-to-know basis.
2878 A tyrant is giving the Harriers a hard time.[ST:n ]Help them hunt down Archibolt, the Revolutionary.
2879 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We ask your help in defeating Sirene, the Lost.
2880 My dog ran off to the Biahno River in Primordia.[ST:n ]Someone please bring him home!
2881 We need somebody to bring us acorn abacuses.[ST:n ]We're looking to get a better understanding of the[ST:n ]economic activities of those who were here before us.
2882 Some lake mortifoles have been attacking BLADEs,[ST:n ]and we need your help taking them down.
2883 We're looking for materials to be used in the[ST:n ]manufacture of next season's clothing line.[ST:n ]Our product demands only the finest!
2884 A certain someone has started breaking plates now.[ST:n ]Please bring us some sea anemone platters to use[ST:n ]until production is ramped up.
2885 We're interested in studying native Miran lifeforms,[ST:n ]and would be most grateful if you could bring us some[ST:n ]golden mortifole feathers for research.
2886 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Desdemona, the Subterranean.
2887 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by some particularly aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the zeppelin blattas and prevent further damage.
2888 The wasteland evello population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it!
2889 I'm looking for opaque mirrors to use in making[ST:n ]dressing mirrors with a unique design.[ST:n ]Help me out and I'll reward you handsomely.
2890 We want to use miranium to help run the integrated[ST:n ]production plant. Please bring us as much as you can.
2891 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We need your help in defeating[ST:n ]Melanya, the Sound Sleeper.
2892 A group of white ovis is causing massive disruption[ST:n ]to data probe installation work out in the field.[ST:n ]Your help is requested in taking them out.
2893 Can somebody please bring us materials for a new[ST:n ]weapon prototype?
2894 We're being overrun by a herd of echo germivores![ST:n ]Please help us push them back.
2895 There are still a number of items discarded from the[ST:n ]White Whale that could serve some use. For starters,[ST:n ]please bring us some cordless transformers.
2896 A tyrant is damaging an important resource supply.[ST:n ]Take down Yune, the Ambusher before we lose any[ST:n ]more of it.
2897 We need you to bring us some shrad eyes for use[ST:n ]in repairing Skells.
2898 The rust blatta population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it!
2899 We're investigating possible new energy types.[ST:n ]Please bring us some charged cayennes for research.
2900 Please bring us some exalting paint to help with Skell[ST:n ]recoloring work.
2901 In order to increase mining efficiency, we want to[ST:n ]examine native soil. Please bring us some zalon dirt.
2902 We're short of the materials required for repairing[ST:n ]Skells and heavy machinery. Please bring us miranium.
2903 We are looking to conduct further research into the[ST:n ]reproductive patterns of the local wildlife.[ST:n ]Please bring us some zizi rabbits for research.
2904 Please bring us a suid fillet ASAP.[ST:n ]Our customers demand steak!
2905 Grenada GG has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
2906 We want to give our loyal BLADEs in the field[ST:n ]something nice to eat for breakfast. If you come[ST:n ]across any ajira melons, we'd love to have them!
2907 We're struggling in our efforts to acquire samples of[ST:n ]the local plants. We ask your assistance in acquiring[ST:n ]some arnacian orewood.
2908 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Tourteau, the Delectable.
2909 Roderick, the Fleet-Footed is making trouble for BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. End the tyrant's reign.
2910 There is a unique type of moss with powerful soap-like[ST:n ]properties that grows near the waterfalls in Primordia.[ST:n ]Bring us a sample for further research.
2911 We ask your help in gathering materials for the[ST:n ]manufacture of new equipment prototypes.
2912 A group of amrita scirpos is causing massive[ST:n ]disruption to data probe installation out in the field.[ST:n ]Your help is requested in taking them out.
2913 Help us study the characteristics of the local saltat[ST:n ]population by bringing us a saltat horn.
2914 There are still a number of items discarded from the[ST:n ]White Whale that could serve some use.[ST:n ]Please bring us some gesture gloves.
2915 Some cobalt forfexes have been attacking BLADEs,[ST:n ]and we need your help taking them down.
2916 A tyrant is giving the Harriers a hard time.[ST:n ]Help them hunt down Schneider, the Cliffpercher.
2917 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by some particularly aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the recluse thalluses and prevent further damage.
2918 Stupid group of coral purgovents is disrupting[ST:n ]supply of goods to Nopon caravans![ST:n ]Go punch them in face! Meh-meh!
2919 We're looking for sandstone etchings to help us better[ST:n ]understand Miran history. Bring us any examples you[ST:n ]come across.
2920 I am looking to make some fine cutlery for the local[ST:n ]restaurant trade. Please bring me a beryl aetrygon horn[ST:n ]if you come across one.
2921 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Celedonio, the Battle-Tested.
2922 There have been a string of BLADE casualties attributed[ST:n ]to sorcerer papils. I want you to clear them out.
2923 I'm in the process of making a necklace for a specific[ST:n ]client and require a number of giant blue pearls.[ST:n ]If you bring me some, I'll make sure you're rewarded.
2924 A life without glamor is a life without joy! And I would[ST:n ]be so unbelievably grateful if you could bring me some[ST:n ]samples of the beautiful queen's rapture.
2925 The chirps of glassy crickets have been shown to calm[ST:n ]the nerves of those out in the field. Collect a few to[ST:n ]help provide comfort to some loyal BLADEs.
2926 Protective hard skins offer both high defensive strength[ST:n ]and low weight. Bring us a few pieces for use by the[ST:n ]Skell maintenance teams.
2927 A group of porter puges is causing disruptions to[ST:n ]data probe installation work out in the field.[ST:n ]Your help is requested in taking them out.
2928 Sakuraba Industries has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
2929 We're looking for materials to be used in the[ST:n ]manufacture of next season's clothing line.[ST:n ]Our product demands only the finest materials!
2930 We're planning on throwing a huge party for New[ST:n ]LA and require something special for the lighting.[ST:n ]Please bring us a collection of shooting fireflies.
2931 Blade Bouquet Angelita is being mean to Nopon![ST:n ]Make dumb tyrant pay!
2932 Bring New LA arms manufacturers the miranium they[ST:n ]require to maintain current production rates.
2933 I love my music and require a number of lea lilies to[ST:n ]help me make a new type of instrument. Oh, and I'm[ST:n ]due to play live soon, so if you could maybe hurry...
2934 We're being overrun by a herd of shadow adseculas![ST:n ]Help us push them back.
2935 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by some particularly aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the docile ovis and prevent further damage.
2936 We need you to bring us some broken pincers for use[ST:n ]in repairing Skells.
2937 Please bring us some auroran bones from the various[ST:n ]caves of Primordia. They are potentially hazardous,[ST:n ]so be careful.
2938 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Hephaestus, the Absconder.
2939 I'd love to make some new dishes using locally sourced[ST:n ]ingredients. At the moment I'm experimenting with the[ST:n ]socha guava, so bring me any you find.
2940 Relations with the Nopon have been improving recently.[ST:n ]In order to further these bonds, there's a certain item[ST:n ]I'd like you to gather.
2941 We'd like to test whether we could use transparent[ST:n ]membranes in a water-filtration device at the water[ST:n ]plant. Bring us a number of samples if you find any.
2942 Sakuraba Industries has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
2943 We are looking to conduct further research into the[ST:n ]reproductive patterns of the local wildlife. Please bring[ST:n ]us some tectinsula back moss for research.
2944 We require some samples of hexagauge for research[ST:n ]into the enemies' technological capabilities.
2945 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We ask your help in defeating[ST:n ]Oskar, the Summer Squall.
2946 Edgardo, the Carefree is making trouble for BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. End the tyrant's reign.
2947 The prowler ovis population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
2948 We're running low on will pepper. Help resupply stocks[ST:n ]before the local gourmands' stomachs start to grumble.
2949 I've lost a locket containing a photograph of my[ST:n ]parents. Please bring it back if you find it.[ST:n ]It means so much to me!
2950 I've been asked to make an antique-looking chandelier,[ST:n ]but I'm lacking certain materials. Please bring me some[ST:n ]aprica back moss if you find any.
2951 A tyrant is giving the Harriers a hard time.[ST:n ]Help them hunt down Eliane, the Unmoved.
2952 Pollen lepyxes are interfering with Nopon transport[ST:n ]routes! Go stop them before supply of excellent[ST:n ]Nopon goods dries up!
2953 We're looking for materials to be used in the[ST:n ]manufacture of next season's clothing line.[ST:n ]Our product demands only the finest!
2954 We're looking for some denemozumi mice for research.[ST:n ]Bring us any you come across.
2955 I'd like you to bring me a vegetable with relaxation[ST:n ]properties to use in a stress-relief menu.
2956 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We ask your help in defeating Asana, the Azure Star.
2957 There have been a string of BLADE casualties attributed[ST:n ]to thug caecuses. I want you to clear them out.
2958 Dumb Marnuck Aspirer are prowling around outskirts[ST:n ]of Nopon caravans. We need friend to stop them!
2959 The coast visigel population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
2960 We need a number of octopus regulators for Skell[ST:n ]repair work. Leave no Skell behind!
2961 With the recent improvement in Nopon-human relations,[ST:n ]interest in their customs and culture has also increased.[ST:n ]Find some dark lanterns for study.
2962 Large volumes of miranium are required in order to[ST:n ]stabilize the running of the water-purification plant.[ST:n ]Help us keep our supplies intact.
2963 We're researching the unusual types of flora found in[ST:n ]Noctilum, and require some flowering morrow fern to[ST:n ]boost our collection.
2964 It looks as though a species known as the grinding[ST:n ]squirrel is responsible for creating the huge caves in[ST:n ]Primordia. Bring us some for research.
2965 We're looking for samples of ancient allure to help us[ST:n ]better understand Miran history. Bring us any examples[ST:n ]you come across.
2966 A group of placid duoguills are causing massive[ST:n ]disruption to data probe installation work in the field.[ST:n ]Your help is requested in taking them out.
2967 A tyrant is damaging an important resource supply.[ST:n ]Take down Mesgen the Fairweathered before we lose[ST:n ]any more of it.
2968 Casper the Unhealthy Eater is on the rampage and[ST:n ]preventing important work from being completed.[ST:n ]We need your assistance in taking him down.
2969 Forest suids have been attacking BLADEs,[ST:n ]and we need your help taking them down.
2970 Sakuraba Industries has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
2971 We ask your help gathering materials for the[ST:n ]manufacture of new equipment prototypes.
2972 If we had some 3D printers, we could increase our[ST:n ]working efficiency tenfold. If you stumble across any,[ST:n ]please feel free to donate them.
2973 We are interested in studying native Miran lifeforms,[ST:n ]and would be most grateful if you could bring us some[ST:n ]moving thallus tails for research.
2974 Bring us some terebra oil grease to help with Skell[ST:n ]repair operations.
2975 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Yessenia, the Husky-Voiced.
2976 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by some particularly aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the clay tectinsulas and prevent further damage.
2977 Please bring us some hard pom-poms. You would not[ST:n ]believe how useful they are for cleaning Skells.
2978 We're being overrun by a herd of stray mephites![ST:n ]Please help us push them back.
2979 Bring us some spine-o-correctors to help get the[ST:n ]population back into shape.
2980 Nopon need friend to track down whip scorpions[ST:n ]for new type of defensive weapon. Hurry up!
2981 Ferdinand, the Fortuitous has been terrorizing[ST:n ]poor innocent Nopon! Make it stop, meh-meh!
2982 The sparrow adsecula population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
2983 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We ask your help in defeating Mikulas, the Keystone.
2984 We need your help gathering materials for the[ST:n ]manufacture of new equipment prototypes.
2985 We're looking into rock formations in Sylvalum and[ST:n ]require some grandan rocks for our collection.
2986 The local shops have sold out of star sand.[ST:n ]Please help them replenish their stocks.
2987 We're being overrun by a herd of blazing lophids.[ST:n ]Please help us push them back.
2988 Bring me ingredients for a new type of cologne.[ST:n ]New LA needs a better fragrance!
2989 Out voltant stocks are running low. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Please bring us some belzadozebu scallions[ST:n ]to help boost levels.
2990 There have been a string of BLADE casualties attributed[ST:n ]to Marnucks. I want you to clear them out.
2991 We're investigating the possibilities of using megajolt[ST:n ]rattles in a new weapon. Gather the required amount[ST:n ]for research purposes.
2992 In order to ensure that the New LA arms manufacturers[ST:n ]can maintain current production rates, bring them the[ST:n ]miranium they require.
2993 Food development using Mira's bountiful supply of[ST:n ]vegetables is underway at New LA's integrated[ST:n ]production plant. Gather materials for research.
2994 It seems as though high accelerators may be of some[ST:n ]use in Skell repairs. Bring us some samples if you[ST:n ]come across any.
2995 We require US-X space suits in order to help make[ST:n ]clothing for the Ma-non.
2996 BLADE operations are being blocked by ocean lophids.[ST:n ]Find them and remove the threat.
2997 There have been a string of BLADE casualties attributed[ST:n ]to jade scirpos. I want you to clear them out.
2998 To further our understanding of native Miran ecology,[ST:n ]we're looking to increase our collection of ball[ST:n ]mosquitoes.
2999 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by some particularly aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the inferno ictuses and prevent further damage.
3000 The jocular saltat population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
3001 Nopon need friend to find sharp germivore jaws so[ST:n ]we can build more tents. So comfy! Such breezes!
3002 Savvy Nopon merchant is looking to increase stock of[ST:n ]loathsome blobs. Big money waiting for friend who[ST:n ]can track some down!
3003 Alfombra, the Transcendent is making trouble[ST:n ]for BLADEs in the field. End the tyrant's reign.
3004 Nopon friends need some green simius manes to[ST:n ]make soft, fluffy mats for sleeping on. Please help!
3005 It seems that a unique type of toxic crystal is formed in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Vitriol Cesspool. If you get your hands[ST:n ]on any, please donate them for research.
3006 We're being overrun by a herd of lake falsaxum![ST:n ]Please help us push them back.
3007 Genuine frames are required for Skell repair work.[ST:n ]Bring us any you find.
3008 Stupid thunder duoguills have surrounded Nopon[ST:n ]caravan! Friends must make them pay!
3009 I have a feeling octo-suka will be the next big thing in[ST:n ]the New LA dining scene. Get me some samples of the[ST:n ]raw ingredient, and I'll turn it into something tasty!
3010 Ludvik, the Picky Eater is on the rampage and[ST:n ]preventing important work from being completed.[ST:n ]Your assistance is required in taking it down.
3011 Multicolor murra wings are the main ingredient for the[ST:n ]ever-popular rainbow wingtips dish. But current stocks[ST:n ]are low, so help us replenish our supplies.
3012 Some mechanoids are damaging an important[ST:n ]resource supply. Take down the knight puges before[ST:n ]we lose any more of it.
3013 Source a few reinforced plungers for Skell repair work.
3014 You can find an intriguing substance called taoman[ST:n ]acid in Sylvalum. Please bring us some samples of the[ST:n ]stuff for further research.
3015 A tyrant is giving the Harriers a hard time.[ST:n ]Help them hunt down Lockhart, the Killer of Hope.
3016 A tyrant is damaging an important resource supply.[ST:n ]Take down Sadar, the Unhinged before we lose any[ST:n ]more of it.
3017 The fleet shrad population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
3018 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating the[ST:n ]Night Combat Puge.
3019 Ugly critters keep sneaking into Nopon caravan![ST:n ]Friends must go find odorous tentacles so we[ST:n ]can chase them away!
3020 We're conducting research into new types of food[ST:n ]found on Mira. Please bring us some iron akebi fruit[ST:n ]to help aid our research.
3021 We wish to learn more about what happened at[ST:n ]Cauldros's Emerian Battlegrounds. Locate and bring[ST:n ]us any artifacts you think may be useful.
3022 My cat ran off to King's Falls in Oblivia.[ST:n ]Someone please bring him home!
3023 We're researching the unusual types of flora found in[ST:n ]Oblivia, and require some gudo rocamboles to boost[ST:n ]our collection.
3024 We require your help in sourcing T-ray lights for[ST:n ]our studies of xenotech research.
3025 There have been a string of BLADE casualties attributed[ST:n ]to lake papils. I want you to clear them out.
3026 We are interested in studying native Miran lifeforms,[ST:n ]and would be most grateful if you could bring us some[ST:n ]slimy tongues for research.
3027 We are investigating possible new energy types. [ST:n ]Please bring us some grosium cores for research.
3028 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We ask your help in defeating Dieter, the Epicure.
3029 Grenada GG has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
3030 We need a large number of katoan leaves to meet[ST:n ]the current demand for emergency lighting.
3031 Clemente, the Iron Meteor has developed taste for[ST:n ]Nopon flesh! ...And yes, it hard to blame him since[ST:n ]Nopon so succulent. But friends must stop him anyway!
3032 I have been tasked with building a luxurious bath for a[ST:n ]certain high flier in New LA, but am short of fine[ST:n ]aprica wood. Please look into this for me.
3033 Aria, the Zauberflöte is on the rampage and preventing[ST:n ]important work from being completed. Your assistance[ST:n ]is required in taking it down.
3034 The scourer grex population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
3035 You have been tasked with retrieving a storage drive[ST:n ]dropped by a BLADE member after he was attacked[ST:n ]on duty in Oblivia.
3036 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by some particularly aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the javelin insidias and prevent further damage.
3037 If it's not too much trouble, could you maybe bring[ST:n ]me the the the materials I need for a new equipment[ST:n ]prototype?
3038 A life without glamor is a life without joy. I would be[ST:n ]so unbelievably grateful if you could bring me some[ST:n ]samples of angel stone.
3039 Sviatoslav, the Reproachful is making trouble for BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. End the tyrant's reign.
3040 A group of villainous caecuses are causing massive[ST:n ]disruption to data probe installation work in the field.[ST:n ]Your help is requested in taking them out.
3041 Nopon dressers are finest in all the land,[ST:n ]but we need starmakers to build them.[ST:n ]Friend must help us out!
3042 Stupid pack of hushed murra have Nopon caravan[ST:n ]surrounded! Friend must go punch them until they leave!
3043 A tyrant is keeping us from an important resource[ST:n ]supply. Take down Dobromila the Alluring before our[ST:n ]losses spread.
3044 Please source a number of new cylinders for use in[ST:n ]Skell repair work.
3045 I'm looking into making a type of armor able to stand[ST:n ]up to Ganglion technology, okay? So so so can[ST:n ]someone bring me some shimmering skins, maybe?
3046 We're being overrun by a herd of rocket jaculs![ST:n ]Please help us push them back.
3047 Maple oil is a vital ingredient for many of New LA's[ST:n ]most popular dishes. Stocks are low at the moment,[ST:n ]so please help us replenish them.
3048 We are running short of tent material for use in our[ST:n ]base camps. Please bring us the required materials.
3049 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We ask your help in defeating Eddy, the Electric Heat.
3050 A tyrant is giving the Harriers a hard time.[ST:n ]Help them hunt down Dawid, the Destrier.
3051 You need to retrieve a damaged data probe left in[ST:n ]Cauldros. It is vital it doesn't fall into enemy hands.
3052 We're looking to turn our invention into an actual[ST:n ]marketable product, if that makes sense? But we need[ST:n ]someone to bring us some miranium first, okay?
3053 Shido persimmons are so good! Please bring[ST:n ]more before I explode in hunger fit.
3054 I'm in the process of making a ring for a very specific[ST:n ]client and require a couple of lepyx sunstones.[ST:n ]Bring me any you come across and you'll be rewarded.
3055 Demand for mirage scopes has gone through the roof,[ST:n ]and we just don't have enough in stock.[ST:n ]Help us replenish our supplies!
3056 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Ridill, the Arrogant.
3057 There have been a string of BLADE casualties attributed[ST:n ]to reaver auravises. I want you to clear them out.
3058 There are still a number of items discarded from the[ST:n ]White Whale that could serve some use.[ST:n ]Please bring us some centrifugal beam generators.
3059 BLADE work is being hindered by vermilion insidias.[ST:n ]You are tasked with taking them out.
3060 Friends need to deal with band of false thalluses that[ST:n ]keep attacking poor Nopon. Meh-meh-meh!
3061 There is great demand among the male citizens of[ST:n ]New LA for ornate progen horns. Help us build up[ST:n ]our supplies.
3062 Nopon tired of stupid alien people stomping[ST:n ]all over nice planet. We're leaving! Meh![ST:n ]...Er, as soon as we get some boats.
3063 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We ask your help in defeating Shinhwa, the Sagacious.
3064 We ready for battle against Cavern Clan.[ST:n ]Bring us warbones for weapons.
3065 Heart stones are proving a popular gift at the[ST:n ]moment. Nopon merchants will pay well if you[ST:n ]add to their stocks.
3066 Grenada GG has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
3067 Bring auravis croaking bags to help keep[ST:n ]underlings in line!
3068 Vittorio, the Battle-Scarred is making trouble for BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. End the tyrant's reign.
3069 Supersonic Ramus hates lovable Nopon.[ST:n ]How crazy! Friends must take tyrant down[ST:n ]before more adorable Nopon get hurt!
3070 I'm thinking about using local fruit to make a new[ST:n ]type of refined wine. Bring me large volumes of[ST:n ]emerald grapes to help in the manufacturing process.
3071 My dog ran off to the Cavernous Abyss in Sylvalum.[ST:n ]Someone please bring him home!
3072 Gloam turbas have been attacking BLADEs,[ST:n ]and we need your help taking them down.
3073 Bring me some ziggian long antennae for use in Skell[ST:n ]repair work.
3074 Andrei, the Cunning is on the rampage and preventing[ST:n ]important work from being completed.[ST:n ]Your assistance is required to take it down.
3075 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by some particularly aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the warlord ictuses and prevent further damage.
3076 Bring me a couple of advanced thrusters for use in[ST:n ]Skell repair work.
3077 Grenada GG has requested that you acquire some[ST:n ]weapon data.
3078 A tyrant is damaging an important resource supply.[ST:n ]Take down Prinsipe, the Ravenous before we lose any[ST:n ]more of it.
3079 Very important xeno client is looking for voltant[ST:n ]scanners. Big, big money is on line, so friend[ST:n ]must be extra careful with them!
3080 We are investigating possible new types of energy.[ST:n ]Please bring us some rogebra shockstones for research.
3081 A tyrant is giving the Harriers a hard time.[ST:n ]Help them hunt down Izgnanie the Smoldering.
3082 We are researching xenoform weapon technology,[ST:n ]but require large amounts of miranium to make[ST:n ]any progress. All donations are appreciated.
3083 We require a number of exploding pansies to alert [ST:n ]those stationed in camps to the presence of[ST:n ]approaching enemies.
3084 The viridian saltat population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
3085 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by some particularly aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the pit mortifoles and prevent further damage.
3086 It would be greatly appreciated if you could bring me[ST:n ]some meaty evello eggs for the morning omelet rush.
3087 I'm thinking about decorating my shop with a display[ST:n ]of unusual and fantastical flowers. Please bring me[ST:n ]some sweet nerines to help begin my collection.
3088 Bogdan, the Dense is making trouble for BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. End the tyrant's reign.
3089 Nopon friends want to make special jam as present[ST:n ]for Tatsu. Go find ingredients now!
3090 There have been a string of BLADE casualties attributed[ST:n ]to terrible germivores. I want you to clear them out.
3091 My cat ran off to Qing Long Glade in Noctilum.[ST:n ]Someone please bring her home!
3092 Please bring me a large number of galjim crystals.
3093 A tyrant is damaging an important resource supply.[ST:n ]Take down Si-el, the Vacuous before we lose any[ST:n ]more of it.
3094 A pack of native forfexes are preventing data probe[ST:n ]installation work from proceeding smoothly.[ST:n ]Defeat the pack so that operations can continue.
3095 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Ernest, the Contemplative.
3096 I'm in the process of making an earring for a very[ST:n ]wealthy client and require a gremlin stone.[ST:n ]Your work will, of course, be generously rewarded.
3097 Sakuraba Industries has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
3098 Please find us some dobobora broccoli—[ST:n ]we're conducting extremely vital research.
3099 There are still a number of items discarded from the[ST:n ]White Whale that could be of use to us.[ST:n ]Please bring us some 5th gen recyclers.
3100 We're collecting the belongings of our fallen comrades.[ST:n ]We'd like you to gather thunderbolt emblems if you[ST:n ]happen to find them.
3101 Camille, the Immortal is attacking Nopon caravans![ST:n ]Friends must make him pay!
3102 Nopon friends need green jacul wings to help complete[ST:n ]beautiful fan. High-quality craftsmanship demands[ST:n ]high-quality materials!
3103 Stupid band of sand aeviters keep attacking Nopon.[ST:n ]Friends must take them out!
3104 BLADE members require camocloaks. If we use them,[ST:n ]we should be able to sneak past the indigens[ST:n ]undetected—saving a lot of hassle.
3105 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We ask your help in defeating Stola, the Unchained.
3106 The broadsword pugilith population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
3107 Friends must bring Nopon oc-serv hands so we can [ST:n ], so we can \"re-home\" money discarded[ST:n ]in Great Reef Lake!
3108 I need planters to help things grow in Oblivia.[ST:n ]Please bring some.
3109 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Eisen, the Ebon Rock.
3110 A tyrant is giving the Harriers a hard time.[ST:n ]Help them hunt down Coil, the Never-Ending.
3111 Can somebody please bring me a particular rock[ST:n ]sample from the underground cave at Mount M'gando?[ST:n ]You'll be helping greatly with my research.
3112 My Ovah is telling me that I should develop something[ST:n ]of use to New LA. Please bring me the miranium I[ST:n ]need to construct a prototype.
3113 Please bring me some kyatara onions.[ST:n ]They'd be perfect for the flowerbeds in the residential[ST:n ]and industrial districts.
3114 We are interested in studying native Miran lifeforms,[ST:n ]and would be most grateful if you could bring us some[ST:n ]muscled simius bulges for research.
3115 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by some particularly aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the everlasting millesaurs as soon as possible.
3116 Nopon need certain strain of Primordia grass to make[ST:n ]tasty jam. Friend must take to skies and grab sample[ST:n ]of jelly weeds!
3117 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]Please help us defeat Hayreddin, the Territorial.
3118 I'm looking for seeds of the garudo pellionia minima[ST:n ]for use in activating Ovah. Your help would be [ST:n ]appreciated.
3119 Lambert, the Divine Wind has developed taste for[ST:n ]Nopon meat. Not funny! Not funny at ALL![ST:n ]Go kill stupid tyrant already!
3120 I'm looking for someone to gather materials for new[ST:n ]weapon prototypes, if that's all right?
3121 The merciful dilus population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
3122 Gather some bananaleaves for a new type of delicious[ST:n ]dessert.
3123 The Outfitters suffered a test failure in Noctilum,[ST:n ]you know? We should probably find the wreckage[ST:n ]before the Ganglion do, don't you think?
3124 Friends must defeat dumb mortal simius.[ST:n ]...Well? Get to defeating already! Meh-meh!
3125 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Silvestre the Morning Light.
3126 Gather amber dilus eye to give as treat to underlings!
3127 Ouroboros bracelets are big hit with Prone these days.[ST:n ]We need to stock lots!
3128 To complete the construction of New LA, we need the[ST:n ]power of the White Whale. Please obtain some[ST:n ]L-002 degeneration reactors.
3129 Barnabas, the Despot is making trouble for BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. End the tyrant's reign.
3130 Sakuraba Industries has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
3131 There is great demand among the female citizens of[ST:n ]NLA for lucky cervus saplings. Help us build up our[ST:n ]supplies.
3132 There have been a string of BLADE casualties attributed[ST:n ]to lively tersquals. I want you to clear them out.
3133 In preparation for the day when we need them,[ST:n ]I want you to gather a number of cluster papayas.[ST:n ]I'm certain they'll prove to be of use.
3134 A tyrant is giving the Harriers a hard time.[ST:n ]Help them hunt down Anselm, the Triumphant.
3135 Candelario, the Bronze is on the rampage and[ST:n ]preventing important work from being completed.[ST:n ]Your assistance is required.
3136 Nightmare pineapples will be next big thing.[ST:n ]Go gather lots! Meh-meh!
3137 We need more ingredients for our popular dish,[ST:n ]roast tersqual. Collect some tersqual eel kebab.
3138 Grenada GG has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
3139 Gather a Galdr head for Skell repairs.
3140 The film is set to shoot. All they need is blood—a LOT.
3141 A tyrant is interfering with FrontierNav expansion.[ST:n ]We ask your help in defeating Vainamo, the Bellower.
3142 Nopon friends need miranium to build new weapons.[ST:n ]So hurry up! Chop-chop!
3143 We're developing new ground gear that can withstand[ST:n ]ultra-high temperatures. We need you to gather some[ST:n ]bogano weed to make a prototype.
3144 Will someone please bring us materials so that we[ST:n ]might research a new weapon prototype?
3145 A tyrant is damaging an important resource supply.[ST:n ]Take down Caesar, the Hundred-Eyed before we[ST:n ]lose any more of it.
3146 I believe that we should move New LA to a dirtier[ST:n ]location. *fsssh* However, certain items are needed[ST:n ]before we can make such a thing happen.
3147 We're being overrun by a herd of native scirpos![ST:n ]Please help us push them back.
3148 Whole areas filled with vital resources are being laid[ST:n ]waste to by a couple of aggressive indigens.[ST:n ]Defeat the daylight aprica and prevent further damage.
3149 A rampaging tyrant is causing serious harm to BLADEs[ST:n ]in the field. We ask your assistance in defeating[ST:n ]Sarcosuchus, the Iron-Eater.
3150 Bring me ingredients for a new type of cologne.[ST:n ]New LA needs a better fragrance!
3151 Sakuraba Industries has requested that you acquire[ST:n ]some weapon data.
3152 If we can decipher the workings of the scales of justice,[ST:n ]we may be able to discover a new type of energy.
3153 Boss insist he need luxury bed made of eternal moss.[ST:n ]And what boss want, boss get!
3154 There have been a string of BLADE casualties to[ST:n ]tempest auravises. I want you to clear them out.
3155 Gold-Scaled Vilem is keeping Nopon[ST:n ]awake at night! Take down stupid tyrant[ST:n ]so we can get beauty sleep.
3156 The large number of malium petramands are slowing[ST:n ]up BLADE work in the field. Thin them out.
3157 Please gather some charupa leaves.[ST:n ]We need them for traditional Tree Clan remedy.
3158 Heropon of the year is coming home soon.[ST:n ]Gather drums of valor for big celebration!
3159 I'd like to request certain materials for use in[ST:n ]prototyping a new line of weapons.
3160 We've got indigens horning in on some precious[ST:n ]resources. Take those hermit ictuses out.
3161 A tyrant is damaging an important resource supply.[ST:n ]Take down Goliath the Stronghold before we lose[ST:n ]any more of it.
3162 Friend must gather thick coronid hide for use in[ST:n ]making rugged rucksack.
3163 It seems data from a past civilization is recorded in[ST:n ]intelligent liquid metal. We'll need quite a bit of it for[ST:n ]a complete analysis.
3164 The professor is starting on a new weapon nobody's[ST:n ]ever tried before. He says he wants a new energy[ST:n ]source, too.
3165 Laurencio, the Fog Bow is making trouble for[ST:n ]BLADEs in the field. End the tyrant's reign.
3166 The terbium petramand population is out of control.[ST:n ]Go control it.
3167 Ya-rhat the Thundercloud is getting in way of Nopon[ST:n ]business! Stop tyrant so we can make money in peace.
3168 The plan is to turn a hidden cantor hoard into fine[ST:n ]jewelry. I need you to find me one.
3169 I would like to bring a new human training method[ST:n ]back to the Wrothians. Please locate a supply of[ST:n ]mega muscle builders.
3170 There's a tyrant giving even the Harriers a hard time.[ST:n ]Lend them support in hunting Vortice, the Deific Blast.
3171 My dog's run off to the north of Mount M'gando in[ST:n ]Cauldros. Someone please bring him home!
3172 I seek warriors who will come tyrant hunting with me.[ST:n ]Release yourself to this! Kaaaaaatsu!
3173 Now hiring weapon-prototype testers![ST:n ]Report to the Outfitters test hangar.
3174 I want to give my love a natural pearl, but they're so[ST:n ]rare, no one in New LA sells them. Please help.
3175 I could really use some help here...
3176 Report to the client for briefing. [ST:n ]They are waiting at the integrated production plant.
3177 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in the central industrial district.
3178 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting on Division Drive.
3179 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting on West Melville Street.
3180 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in Deliverance Park.
3181 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in Ishmael Hills.
3182 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at the water-purification plant.
3183 Report to the client for briefing. They are waiting in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
3184 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at the integrated production plant.
3185 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at East Melville Street.
3186 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at the Outfitters test hangar.
3187 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at the cathedral.
3188 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at BLADE Tower.
3189 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at the hangar.
3190 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting on the deck of the Ma-non ship.
3191 Report to the client for briefing. They are waiting in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
3192 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in the port side of the Ma-non ship.
3193 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in Deliverance Park.
3194 Report to the client for briefing. They are waiting in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
3195 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in the central industrial district.
3196 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting on East Melville Street.
3197 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in the maintenance center.
3198 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting near Ishmael Hills.
3199 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in Deliverance Park.
3200 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in the port side of the Ma-non ship.
3201 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in Ishmael Hills.
3202 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting on West Melville Street.
3203 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at the Outfitters test hangar.
3204 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in the central industrial district.
3205 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in the central industrial district.
3206 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting on Central Melville Street.
3207 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at BLADE Tower.
3208 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at Professor B's lab.
3209 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at the Outfitters test hangar.
3210 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting on West Melville Street.
3211 Please help me with this request from an especially[ST:n ]adorable Nopon.
3212 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at BLADE Tower.
3213 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at BLADE Tower.
3214 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at BLADE Tower.
3215 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at BLADE Tower.
3216 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting in the central industrial district.
3217 It's about goddamn time you took the Skell license test![ST:n ]I'll meet you in your barracks.
3218 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at Armory Alley.
3219 Report to the client for briefing.[ST:n ]They are waiting at the Outfitters test hangar.
3220 Your miranium contribution should keep research[ST:n ]moving along.
3221 You gathered some cranjelly and delivered it to the[ST:n ]plant.
3222 You hunted brass suids in Primordia as requested.
3223 You helped gather Titanium Knife II test data.
3224 You helped the Curators collect sanelac pearls.
3225 You collected crush rings and delivered them to the[ST:n ]Curators.
3226 You rid Primordia of Archibolt, the Revolutionary.
3227 You defeated Sirene, the Lost in Primordia as requested.
3228 You brought the runaway dog home. As a reward,[ST:n ]you can now keep a Labrador in your barracks.
3229 You gathered acorn abacuses for the economist.
3230 You hunted lake mortifoles in Noctilum as requested.
3231 You gathered scirpo silk and delivered it to the[ST:n ]apparel maker.
3232 You gathered sea anemone platters and delivered them[ST:n ]to the café employee.
3233 You gathered golden mortifole feathers and delivered[ST:n ]them to the biologist.
3234 You slew Noctilum's Desdemona, the Subterranean.
3235 You hunted zeppelin blattas in Oblivia as requested.
3236 You hunted wasteland evellos in Oblivia as requested.
3237 You gathered opaque mirrors and delivered them[ST:n ]to the general store manager.
3238 Your miranium contribution helped improve the[ST:n ]operating rate of the integrated production plant.
3239 You rid Oblivia of Melanya, the Sound Sleeper.
3240 You hunted white ovis in Sylvalum as requested.
3241 You gathered glowing retinas for Sakuraba Industries.
3242 You hunted echo germivores in Sylvalum as requested.
3243 You gathered cordless transformers and delivered them[ST:n ]to the Reclaimers.
3244 You slew Yune, the Ambusher in Sylvalum.
3245 You gathered shrad eyes and delivered them to the[ST:n ]mechanic.
3246 You hunted rust blattas in Cauldros as requested.
3247 You gathered charged cayenne and delivered it to[ST:n ]Grenada GG.
3248 You gathered exalting paint and delivered it to the[ST:n ]mechanic.
3249 You gathered zalon dirt for the Prospectors.
3250 Your miranium contribution allowed Skell repairs to[ST:n ]proceed smoothly.
3251 You gathered zizi rabbits and delivered them to the[ST:n ]biologist.
3252 You gathered a suid fillet and delivered it to the[ST:n ]diner chef.
3253 You helped gather Soldier Avagar test data.
3254 You gathered ajira melons and delivered them to the[ST:n ]culinarian.
3255 You gathered arnacian orewood and delivered it to the[ST:n ]Curators.
3256 You slew Tourteau, the Delectable in Primordia.
3257 You slew Roderick, the Fleet-Footed in Primordia.
3258 Your delivery of cleansing moss helped the water-[ST:n ]purification plant develop new tech.
3259 You collected a blue forfex shell and delivered it to[ST:n ]Grenada GG.
3260 You hunted amrita scirpos in Noctilum as requested.
3261 You gathered a saltat horn and delivered it to the[ST:n ]biologist.
3262 You gathered gesture gloves and delivered them to the[ST:n ]Reclaimers.
3263 You hunted cobalt forfexes in Noctilum as requested.
3264 You slew Schneider, the Cliffpercher in Noctilum.
3265 You hunted recluse thalluses in Oblivia as requested.
3266 You hunted coral purgovents in Oblivia as requested.
3267 You gathered sandstone etchings and delivered them to[ST:n ]the historian.
3268 You gathered a beryl aetrygon horn and delivered it[ST:n ]to the general store manager.
3269 You slew Celedonio, the Battle-Tested in Oblivia.
3270 You hunted sorcerer papils in Sylvalum as requested.
3271 You gathered giant blue pearls and delivered them to[ST:n ]Omari.
3272 You gathered queen's raptures and delivered them to[ST:n ]the BLADE member.
3273 You gathered glassy crickets and delivered them to the[ST:n ]general store manager.
3274 You gathered some hard skin and delivered it to the[ST:n ]mechanic.
3275 You hunted porter puges in Cauldros as requested.
3276 You helped gather Warrior Dual Guns test data.
3277 You gathered some black petramand silk and delivered[ST:n ]it to the apparel maker.
3278 You gathered shooting fireflies and delivered them to[ST:n ]the New LA resident.
3279 You slew Angelita, the Blade Bouquet in Cauldros.
3280 Your miranium contribution eased the pressure on[ST:n ]operations for Sakuraba Industries.
3281 You gathered lea lilies and delivered them to the[ST:n ]BLADE member.
3282 You hunted shadow adseculas in Primordia as[ST:n ]requested.
3283 You hunted docile ovis in Primordia as requested.
3284 You gathered broken pincers and delivered them to the[ST:n ]mechanic.
3285 You gathered auroran bones and delivered them to[ST:n ]BLADE HQ.
3286 You slew Hephaestus, the Absconder in Primordia.
3287 You gathered socha guavas and delivered them to the[ST:n ]diner chef.
3288 You gathered babaco leaves and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Interceptors.
3289 You gathered transparent membranes and delivered[ST:n ]them to the engineer at the water-purification plant.
3290 You helped collect Warrior Raygun test data.
3291 You gathered some tectinsula back moss and[ST:n ]delivered it to the botanist.
3292 You gathered hexagauges and delivered them to[ST:n ]BLADE HQ.
3293 You slew Oskar, the Summer Squall in Noctilum.
3294 You slew Edgardo, the Carefree in Oblivia.
3295 You hunted prowler ovis in Oblivia as requested.
3296 You gathered will peppers and delivered them to the[ST:n ]restaurant owner.
3297 You found the only existing photograph.[ST:n ]The client was overjoyed.
3298 You gathered some aprica back moss and delivered it[ST:n ]to the general store manager.
3299 You slew Eliane, the Unmoved in Oblivia.
3300 You hunted pollen lepyxes in Sylvalum as requested.
3301 You gathered some shimmering silk and delivered it to[ST:n ]the apparel maker.
3302 You gathered denemozumi mice and delivered them to[ST:n ]the medical researcher.
3303 You gathered some yaya sesame and delivered it to[ST:n ]the diner chef.
3304 You slew Asana, the Azure Star in Sylvalum.
3305 You hunted thug caecuses in Cauldros as requested.
3306 You hunted multiple Marnuck Aspirers in Cauldros[ST:n ]as requested.
3307 You hunted coast visigels in Cauldros as requested.
3308 You gathered octopus regulators and delivered them to[ST:n ]the mechanic.
3309 You gathered dark lanterns and delivered them to the[ST:n ]Mediators.
3310 Your miranium contribution ensured the stable operation[ST:n ]of the water-purification plant.
3311 You gathered flowering morrow ferns and delivered[ST:n ]them to the botanist.
3312 You gathered grinding squirrels and delivered them to[ST:n ]the geologist.
3313 You gathered ancient allures and delivered them to the[ST:n ]historian.
3314 You hunted placid duoguills in Primordia as requested.
3315 You slew Mesgen, the Fairweathered in Primordia.
3316 You slew Casper, the Unhealthy Eater in Primordia.
3317 You hunted forest suids in Noctilum as requested.
3318 You helped gather Chrome Shield test data.
3319 You gathered insidia mohawks and delivered them to[ST:n ]Meredith & Co.
3320 You gathered 3D printers and delivered them to the[ST:n ]mechanic.
3321 You gathered moving thallus tails and delivered them[ST:n ]to the biologist.
3322 You gathered some terebra oil grease and delivered it[ST:n ]to the mechanic.
3323 You slew Yessenia, the Husky-Voiced in Noctilum.
3324 You hunted clay tectinsulas in Oblivia as requested.
3325 You gathered hard pom-poms and delivered them to[ST:n ]the mechanic.
3326 You hunted stray mephites in Oblivia as requested.
3327 You gathered spine-o-correctors and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Nopon Commerce Guild.
3328 You gathered whip scorpions and delivered them to the[ST:n ]Nopon.
3329 You slew Ferdinand, the Fortuitous in Oblivia.
3330 You hunted sparrow adseculas in Sylvalum as[ST:n ]requested.
3331 You slew Mikulas, the Keystone in Sylvalum.
3332 You gathered vivohast crescent hooks and delivered[ST:n ]them to Meredith & Co.
3333 You gathered grandan rocks and delivered them to the[ST:n ]geologist.
3334 You were asked to help out again next time their[ST:n ]stock runs low.
3335 You hunted blazing lophids in Cauldros as requested.
3336 You gathered some alluring lophid extract and delivered[ST:n ]it to the apparel maker.
3337 You gathered belzadozebu scallions and delivered them[ST:n ]to the Zaruboggan.
3338 You hunted Marnuck soldiers in Cauldros as requested.
3339 You gathered megajolt rattles and delivered them to[ST:n ]Meredith & Co.
3340 Your miranium contribution ensured stable operations[ST:n ]for Meredith & Co.
3341 You gathered some shinuyuni garlic and delivered it to[ST:n ]the plant.
3342 You gathered high accelerators and delivered them to[ST:n ]the mechanic.
3343 You gathered US-X space suits and delivered them to[ST:n ]the apparel maker.
3344 You hunted ocean lophids in Primordia as requested.
3345 You hunted jade scirpos in Primordia as requested.
3346 You gathered ball mosquitoes and delivered them to the[ST:n ]biologist.
3347 You hunted inferno ictuses in Primordia as requested.
3348 You hunted jocular saltats in Noctilum as requested.
3349 You gathered sharp germivore jaws and delivered them[ST:n ]to the Dodonga Caravan.
3350 You gathered loathsome blobs and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Nopon Commerce Guild.
3351 You slew Alfombra, the Transcendent in Noctilum.
3352 You gathered green simius manes and delivered them[ST:n ]to the Dodonga Caravan.
3353 A poison can just as easily become a cure. The sample[ST:n ]you supplied will be used to research new medicines.
3354 You hunted lake falsaxum in Oblivia as requested.
3355 You gathered genuine frames and delivered them to the[ST:n ]mechanic.
3356 You hunted thunder duoguills in Oblivia as requested.
3357 You gathered octo-sukas and delivered them to the[ST:n ]restaurant owner.
3358 You slew Ludvik, the Picky Eater in Oblivia.
3359 You gathered some multicolor murra wings and[ST:n ]delivered them to the diner chef.
3360 You hunted knight puges in Sylvalum as requested.
3361 You gathered reinforced plungers and delivered them to[ST:n ]the mechanic.
3362 You gathered taoman acid and delivered it to the[ST:n ]meteorologist.
3363 You slew Lockhart, the Killer of Hope in Sylvalum.
3364 You slew Sadar, the Unhinged in Sylvalum.
3365 You hunted fleet shrads in Cauldros as requested.
3366 You slew the Night Combat Puge in Cauldros.
3367 You gathered odorous tentacles and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Drongo Caravan.
3368 You gathered iron akebi fruits and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Orphean.
3369 You found the Emerian relic and delivered it to the[ST:n ]historian.
3370 You brought the runaway cat home. As a reward,[ST:n ]you can now keep a silver tabby in your barracks.
3371 You gathered gudo rocamboles and delivered them to[ST:n ]the botanist.
3372 You gathered T-ray lights and delivered them to[ST:n ]BLADE HQ.
3373 You hunted lake papils in Primordia as requested.
3374 You gathered slimy tongues and delivered them to the[ST:n ]biologist.
3375 You gathered grosium cores and delivered them to[ST:n ]Meredith & Co.
3376 You slew Dieter, the Epicure in Primordia.
3377 You helped collect Ophidian Psylans test data.
3378 You gathered katoan leaves and delivered them to the[ST:n ]general store owner.
3379 You slew Clemente, the Iron Meteor in Noctilum.
3380 You gathered some fine aprica wood and delivered it[ST:n ]to the general store manager.
3381 You slew Aria, the Zauberflöte in Noctilum.
3382 You hunted scourer grexes in Oblivia as requested.
3383 The stored data was still intact, and can now be safely[ST:n ]preserved.
3384 You hunted javelin insidias in Oblivia as requested.
3385 You gathered some adsecula oil drops and delivered[ST:n ]them to Candid & Credible.
3386 You gathered angel stones and delivered them to the[ST:n ]female BLADE.
3387 You slew Sviatoslav, the Reproachful in Oblivia.
3388 You hunted villainous caecuses in Sylvalum[ST:n ]as requested.
3389 You gathered starmakers and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Dopang Caravan.
3390 You hunted hushed murras in Sylvalum as requested.
3391 You slew Dobromila, the Alluring in Sylvalum.
3392 You gathered new cylinders and delivered them to the[ST:n ]mechanic.
3393 You gathered shimmering skins and delivered them to[ST:n ]Candid & Credible.
3394 You hunted rocket jaculs in Cauldros as requested.
3395 You gathered some maple oil and delivered it to the[ST:n ]diner chef.
3396 You gathered bogano sleeping bags and delivered them[ST:n ]to BLADE HQ.
3397 You slew Eddy, the Electric Heat in Cauldros.
3398 You slew Dawid, the Destrier in Cauldros.
3399 You recovered the damaged data probe and delivered[ST:n ]it to BLADE HQ.
3400 Your miranium contribution has the Ma-non working[ST:n ]on new inventions with more passion than ever.
3401 You gathered some shido persimmons and delivered[ST:n ]them to the male Prone.
3402 You gathered lepyx sunstones and delivered them[ST:n ]to Omari.
3403 You gathered mirage scopes and delivered them to the[ST:n ]general store owner.
3404 You slew Ridill, the Arrogant in Primordia.
3405 You hunted reaver auravises in Primordia as requested.
3406 You gathered centrifugal beam generators and delivered[ST:n ]them to the Reclaimers.
3407 You hunted vermilion insidias in Noctilum as requested.
3408 You hunted false thalluses in Noctilum as requested.
3409 You gathered ornate progen horns and delivered[ST:n ]them to the general store manager.
3410 You gathered Logunie's driftwood boats and delivered[ST:n ]them to the Nopon Commerce Guild.
3411 You slew Shinhwa, the Sagacious in Noctilum.
3412 You gathered warbones and delivered them to the[ST:n ]male Prone.
3413 You found a heart stone and delivered it to the female[ST:n ]BLADE.
3414 You helped collect Chromoly Parce test data.
3415 You gathered some auravis croaking bags and[ST:n ]delivered them to the Dorian Caravan.
3416 You slew Vittorio, the Battle-Scarred in Oblivia.
3417 You slew Ramus, the Supersonic in Sylvalum.
3418 You gathered emerald grapes and delivered them to the[ST:n ]restaurant owner.
3419 You brought the runaway dog home. As a reward,[ST:n ]you can now keep a beagle in your barracks.
3420 You hunted gloam turbas in Sylvalum as requested.
3421 You gathered some ziggian long antennae and[ST:n ]delivered them to the mechanic.
3422 You slew Andrei, the Cunning in Sylvalum.
3423 You hunted warlord ictuses in Cauldros as requested.
3424 You gathered advanced thrusters and delivered them to[ST:n ]the mechanic.
3425 You helped collect Cermet Slair test data.
3426 You slew Prinsipe, the Ravenous in Cauldros.
3427 You gathered voltant scanners and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Drongo Caravan.
3428 You gathered rogebra shockstones and delivered them[ST:n ]to Orphean Technologies.
3429 You slew Izgnanie, the Smoldering in Cauldros.
3430 Your miranium contribution advanced the state of xeno[ST:n ]civilization research.
3431 You gathered exploding pansies and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Interceptors.
3432 You hunted viridian saltats in Primordia as requested.
3433 You hunted pit mortifoles in Primordia as requested.
3434 You gathered meaty evello eggs and delivered them to[ST:n ]the restaurant owner.
3435 You gathered sweet nerines and delivered them to the[ST:n ]café manager.
3436 You slew Bogdan, the Dense in Primordia.
3437 You gathered cloudy eyeballs and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Dodonga Caravan.
3438 You hunted terrible germivores in Noctilum[ST:n ]as requested.
3439 You brought the runaway cat home. As a reward,[ST:n ]you can now keep a calico in your barracks.
3440 You gathered galjim crystals and delivered them to[ST:n ]the male BLADE.
3441 You slew Si-el, the Vacuous in Noctilum.
3442 You hunted native forfexes in Oblivia as requested.
3443 You slew Ernest, the Contemplative in Oblivia.
3444 You found a gremlin stone and delivered it to Omari.
3445 You helped collect Cermet Blades test data.
3446 You gathered some dobobora broccoli and delivered it[ST:n ]to the Orphean.
3447 You gathered 5th gen recyclers and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Reclaimers.
3448 You gathered thunderbolt emblems and delivered them[ST:n ]to the Wrothian.
3449 You slew Camille, the Immortal in Sylvalum.
3450 You gathered some green jacul wings and delivered[ST:n ]them to the Dopang Caravan.
3451 You hunted sand aeviters in Sylvalum as requested.
3452 You gathered camocloaks and delivered them to the[ST:n ]Pathfinders.
3453 You slew Stola, the Unchained in Sylvalum.
3454 You hunted broadsword pugiliths in Cauldros[ST:n ]as requested.
3455 You gathered oc-serv hands and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Drongo Caravan.
3456 You gathered planters and delivered them to the Prone.
3457 You slew Eisen, the Ebon Rock in Cauldros.
3458 You slew Coil, the Never-Ending in Cauldros.
3459 You recovered the Mount M'gando stone and delivered[ST:n ]it to the Pathfinders.
3460 Your miranium contribution allowed the Orphe to[ST:n ]begin development work on new everyday essentials.
3461 You gathered kyatara onions and delivered them to the[ST:n ]female New LA resident.
3462 You gathered muscled simius bulges and delivered them[ST:n ]to the biologist.
3463 You hunted everlasting millesaurs in Primordia as[ST:n ]requested.
3464 You gathered a sample of jelly weeds and delivered[ST:n ]it to the Dodonga Caravan.
3465 You slew Hayreddin, the Territorial in Primordia.
3466 You gathered garudo pellionia minima and delivered it[ST:n ]to the Orphean.
3467 You slew Lambert, the Divine Wind in Noctilum.
3468 You gathered an ingrown virago claw and delivered it[ST:n ]to Factory 1.21.
3469 You hunted merciful diluses in Noctilum as requested.
3470 You gathered bananaleaves and delivered them to the[ST:n ]café manager.
3471 You recovered the new-weapon remains and delivered[ST:n ]them to Candid & Credible.
3472 You hunted mortal simius in Oblivia as requested.
3473 You slew Silvestre, the Morning Light in Oblivia.
3474 You found an amber dilus eye and delivered it to[ST:n ]the Dorian Caravan.
3475 You gathered ouroboros bracelets and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Nopon Commerce Guild.
3476 You recovered the L-002 degeneration reactors and[ST:n ]delivered them to the Energy Development Bureau.
3477 You slew Barnabas, the Despot in Oblivia.
3478 You helped collect Carbide Saber test data.
3479 You found a lucky cervus sapling and delivered it to[ST:n ]the general store manager.
3480 You hunted lively tersquals in Sylvalum as requested.
3481 You gathered cluster papayas and delivered them to[ST:n ]the Mediators.
3482 You slew Anselm, the Triumphant in Sylvalum.
3483 You slew Candelario, the Bronze in Sylvalum.
3484 You gathered nightmare pineapples and delivered them[ST:n ]to the Nopon Commerce Guild.
3485 You found a tersqual eel kebab and delivered it to the[ST:n ]restaurant owner.
3486 You helped collect Delta Retic test data.
3487 You found a Galdr head and delivered it to the[ST:n ]mechanic.
3488 You gathered some cliord oil and delivered it to the[ST:n ]director for use in his upcoming zombie epic.
3489 You slew Vainamo, the Bellower in Cauldros.
3490 Your miranium contribution allowed the Nopon[ST:n ]Commerce Guild to explore a new endeavor.
3491 You gathered bogano weeds and delivered them to[ST:n ]Sakuraba Industries.
3492 You gathered thick cinicula horns and delivered them to[ST:n ]Six Stars.
3493 You slew Caesar, the Hundred-Eyed in Primordia.
3494 You gathered tractor beetles and delivered them to the[ST:n ]Zaruboggan.
3495 You hunted native scirpos in Primordia as requested.
3496 You hunted daylight aprica in Primordia as requested.
3497 You slew Sarcosuchus, the Iron-Eater in Noctilum.
3498 You gathered distilled sap and delivered it to the[ST:n ]apparel maker.
3499 You helped collect Delta Machine test data.
3500 You gathered scales of justice and delivered them to the[ST:n ]physicist.
3501 You gathered some eternal moss and delivered it to[ST:n ]the Dorian Caravan.
3502 You hunted tempest auravises in Oblivia as requested.
3503 You slew Vilem, the Gold-Scaled in Oblivia.
3504 You hunted malium petramands in Oblivia as requested.
3505 You gathered charupa leaves and delivered them to the[ST:n ]Prone.
3506 You gathered drums of valor and delivered them to the[ST:n ]Nopon Commerce Guild.
3507 You gathered a sample of quality vigent claws and[ST:n ]delivered it to Orphean Technologies.
3508 You hunted hermit ictuses in Sylvalum as requested.
3509 You slew Goliath, the Stronghold in Sylvalum.
3510 You gathered a thick coronid hide and delivered it to[ST:n ]the Dopang Caravan.
3511 You gathered some intelligent liquid metal and delivered[ST:n ]it to BLADE HQ.
3512 You gathered brilliant green liquid and delivered it to[ST:n ]Factory 1.21—though you're keeping your hopes low.
3513 You slew Laurencio, the Fog Bow in Sylvalum.
3514 You hunted terbium petramands in Cauldros as[ST:n ]requested.
3515 You slew Ya-rhat, the Thundercloud in Cauldros.
3516 You found a hidden cantor hoard and delivered it to[ST:n ]Omari.
3517 You gathered mega muscle builders and delivered them[ST:n ]to the Wrothian.
3518 You slew Vortice, the Deific Blast in Cauldros.
3519 You brought the runaway dog home. As a reward,[ST:n ]you can now keep a dalmatian in your barracks.
3520 You accepted Bozé Lowes's request.
3521 You accepted Alexa's request.
3522 You found a pearl necklace for Cedric to use in place[ST:n ]of the natural pearls he requested.
3523 You accepted Phog Christoph's request.
3524 You accepted Sullivan's request.
3525 You accepted Roscoe's request.
3526 You accepted Raleigh's request.
3527 You accepted Alex's request.
3528 You accepted Alice's request.
3529 You accepted Eliza's request.
3530 You accepted Ajoa's request.
3531 You accepted May May's request.
3532 You accepted San'luarb's request.
3533 You accepted Go Sirho's request.
3534 You accepted Matthew's request.
3535 You accepted Jalimbo's request.
3536 You accepted Tutura's request.
3537 You accepted Lara Mara's request.
3538 You accepted Bihabba's request.
3539 You accepted Sevvy Belgazus's request.
3540 You accepted Hala Gorida's request.
3541 You accepted Naza Tenpanzi's request.
3542 You accepted Zarch Quokett's request.
3543 You accepted Moimoi's request.
3544 You accepted Muimui's request.
3545 You accepted Sherry's request.
3546 You accepted Kun'luarb's request.
3547 You accepted Kon'luarb's request.
3548 You accepted Nan'celeg's request.
3549 You accepted Min'barac's request.
3550 You accepted Julius's request.
3551 You accepted Tan'celeg's request.
3552 You accepted Trachlo Lythren's request.
3553 You accepted HT665: Erio's request.
3554 You accepted HT665: Erio's request.
3555 You accepted Lara Nara's request.
3556 You accepted Veven's request.
3557 You accepted Veven's request.
3558 You accepted Shiraton's request.
3559 You accepted Mia's request.
3560 You accepted Stella's request.
3561 You accepted Julius's request.
3562 You accepted Stella's request.
3563 You accepted Stella's request.
3564 You accepted Enrai's request.
3565 You accepted Vandham's request.
3566 You accepted Lara Mara's request.
3567 You accepted Vandham's request.
3568 Deliver 700 units of miranium to[ST:n ]the miranium researcher in[ST:n ]New LA's industrial district.
3569 Gather four cranjellies in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3570 Hunt four brass suids in Primordia.
3571 Equip a Titanium Knife II and[ST:n ]hunt four creeping blattas in[ST:n ]Primordia during the daytime.
3572 Gather four sanelac pearls in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3573 Gather five crush rings in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3574 Slay Archibolt, the Revolutionary at[ST:n ]Primordia's Biahno Lake while it's[ST:n ]raining.
3575 Slay Sirene, the Lost at Primordia's[ST:n ]Sickle Rock Rise.
3576 Retrieve the runaway dog from the[ST:n ]area of Primordia's Biahno River.
3577 Gather three acorn abacuses in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3578 Hunt five lake mortifoles in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3579 Gather one unit of scirpo silk from[ST:n ]scirpos in Noctilum.
3580 Gather three sea anemone platters[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
3581 Gather two golden mortifole[ST:n ]feathers from lake mortifoles in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3582 Slay Desdemona, the Subterranean[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Rustpool Banks.
3583 Hunt three zeppelin blattas in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3584 Hunt five wasteland evellos[ST:n ]in Oblivia.
3585 Gather two opaque mirrors from[ST:n ]soldier grexes in Oblivia.
3586 Give 1,200 units of miranium to[ST:n ]the integrated-plant developer[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
3587 Slay Melanya, the Sound Sleeper [ST:n ]in Oblivia's Oblivia Ingress.
3588 Hunt five white ovis in Sylvalum.
3589 Gather two glowing retinas from[ST:n ]lake visigels in Sylvalum.
3590 Hunt eight echo germivores in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3591 Gather five cordless transformers[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
3592 Slay Yune, the Ambusher in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Seabird's Beak[ST:n ](appearances rare).
3593 Gather three shrad eyes from[ST:n ]quick shrads in Cauldros.
3594 Hunt four rust blattas in Cauldros.
3595 Gather five servings of charged[ST:n ]cayenne from Cauldros.
3596 Gather three bottles of exalting[ST:n ]paint in Cauldros.
3597 Gather three piles of zalon dirt in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3598 Deliver 1,800 units of miranium to[ST:n ]the male mechanic in New LA's[ST:n ]administrative district.
3599 Gather three zizi rabbits in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3600 Harvest one suid fillet from a[ST:n ]brass suid in Primordia.
3601 Equip a Soldier Avagar and hunt[ST:n ]four night vespers in Primordia[ST:n ]at nighttime.
3602 Gather eight ajira melons in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3603 Gather two units of arnacian[ST:n ]orewood in Primordia.
3604 Slay Tourteau, the Delectable at[ST:n ]Primordia's Cliffside Beach at[ST:n ]nighttime.
3605 Slay Roderick, the Fleet-Footed in[ST:n ]Primordia's West Janpath Plain[ST:n ]during the day.
3606 Find one clump of cleansing moss[ST:n ]in Primordia.
3607 Harvest one blue forfex shell from[ST:n ]cobalt forfexes in Noctilum.
3608 Hunt five amrita scirpos in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3609 Harvest one saltat horn from[ST:n ]jocular saltats in Noctilum.
3610 Gather six gesture gloves in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3611 Hunt three cobalt forfexes in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3612 Slay Schneider, the Cliffpercher in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3613 Hunt three recluse thalluses in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3614 Hunt five coral purgovents in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3615 Gather eight sandstone etchings in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3616 Harvest one beryl aetrygon horn[ST:n ]from quick aetrygons in Oblivia.
3617 Slay Celedonio, the Battle-Tested in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Keegan Ridge.
3618 Hunt five sorcerer papils in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3619 Gather two giant blue pearls from[ST:n ]strange liceors in Sylvalum.
3620 Gather five queen's raptures in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3621 Gather three glassy crickets in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3622 Gather four hard skins in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3623 Hunt three porter puges in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3624 Equip Warrior Dual Guns and[ST:n ]hunt four thulium petramands[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3625 Gather two strands of petramand[ST:n ]black silk from praseodymium[ST:n ]petramands in Cauldros.
3626 Gather four shooting fireflies in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3627 Slay Angelita, the Blade Bouquet[ST:n ]at Cauldros's Mount M'gando.
3628 Deliver 2,400 units of miranium to[ST:n ]the Sakuraba Industries worker in[ST:n ]New LA's commercial district.
3629 Gather six lea lilies in Noctilum.
3630 Hunt six shadow adseculas in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3631 Hunt six docile ovis in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3632 Gather five broken pincers from[ST:n ]beach forfexes in Primordia.
3633 Gather two auroran bones in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3634 Slay Hephaestus, the Absconder on[ST:n ]Primordia's East Gate Plain[ST:n ]at nighttime.
3635 Gather seven socha guavas in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3636 Gather 12 babaco leaves in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3637 Gather five transparent membranes[ST:n ]from spring unafulges in Noctilum.
3638 Equip a Warrior Raygun and hunt[ST:n ]two raging simius in Noctilum.
3639 Gather two clumps of tectinsula[ST:n ]back moss from hermit tectinsulas[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
3640 Gather four hexagauges in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3641 Slay Oskar, the Summer Squall at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Rust Lake during the[ST:n ]day.
3642 Slay Edgardo, the Carefree at[ST:n ]Oblivia's North Coast.
3643 Hunt six prowler ovis in Oblivia.
3644 Gather three will peppers in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3645 Find a locket in Oblivia.
3646 Gather two aprica back moss from[ST:n ]wise aprica in Oblivia.
3647 Slay Eliane, the Unmoved in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Barbarich Desert.
3648 Hunt three pollen lepyxes in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3649 Gather three units of shimmering[ST:n ]silk from abyss sacrifoles in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3650 Gather eight denemozumi mice in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3651 Gather four bunches of yaya[ST:n ]sesame in Sylvalum.
3652 Slay Asana, the Azure Star at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
3653 Hunt four thug caecuses in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3654 Hunt six Marnuck Aspirers in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3655 Hunt four coast visigels in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3656 Gather four octopus regulators in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3657 Gather five dark lanterns in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3658 Deliver 3,600 units of miranium to[ST:n ]the New LA Waterworks chief in[ST:n ]New LA's residential district.
3659 Gather five flowering morrow ferns[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
3660 Gather 11 grinding squirrels in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3661 Gather six ancient allures in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3662 Hunt two placid duoguills in[ST:n ]Primordia at nighttime.
3663 Slay Mesgen, the Fairweathered at[ST:n ]Primordia's Sayram Lake.
3664 Slay Casper, the Unhealthy Eater[ST:n ]in Primordia at nighttime.
3665 Hunt five forest suids in Noctilum.
3666 Equip a Chrome Shield and hunt[ST:n ]five spring unafulges in Noctilum.
3667 Gather two insidia mohawks[ST:n ]from insidias in Noctilum.
3668 Gather four 3D printers in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3669 Gather three moving thallus tails[ST:n ]from false thalluses in Noctilum.
3670 Gather three bottles of terebra oil[ST:n ]grease from nomad terebras in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3671 Slay Yessenia, the Husky-Voiced in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Garden Spring.
3672 Hunt seven clay tectinsulas in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3673 Gather three hard pom-poms from[ST:n ]ovis in Oblivia.
3674 Hunt six stray mephites in Oblivia.
3675 Gather 10 spine-o-correctors in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3676 Gather four whip scorpions in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3677 Slay Ferdinand, the Fortuitous in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Lake Basel.
3678 Hunt four sparrow adseculas in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3679 Slay Mikulas, the Keystone in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's West Ciel Sandsea.
3680 Gather two vivohast crescent hooks[ST:n ]from carrion vivohasts in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3681 Gather four grandan rocks in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3682 Find one unit of star sand in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3683 Hunt five blazing lophids in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3684 Gather three units of alluring[ST:n ]lophid extract from blazing lophids[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3685 Gather two belzadozebu scallions[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3686 Hunt four Marnuck soldiers in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3687 Gather seven megajolt rattles in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3688 Deliver 4,000 units of miranium to[ST:n ]the Meredith & Co. worker in[ST:n ]New LA's administrative district.
3689 Gather 10 bulbs of shinuyuni[ST:n ]garlic in Oblivia.
3690 Gather seven high accelerators in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3691 Gather six US-X space suits in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3692 Hunt three ocean lophids in[ST:n ]Primordia (appearances rare).
3693 Hunt five jade scirpos in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3694 Gather 10 ball mosquitoes in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3695 Hunt three inferno ictuses in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3696 Hunt two jocular saltats in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3697 Gather three sharp germivore jaws[ST:n ]from terror germivores in Noctilum.
3698 Gather seven loathsome blobs in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3699 Slay Alfombra, the Transcendent in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3700 Gather three green simius manes[ST:n ]from angry simius in Noctilum.
3701 Find one violet crystal in Noctilum.
3702 Hunt six lake falsaxum in Oblivia.
3703 Gather two genuine frames from[ST:n ]palace queen qmoevas in Oblivia.
3704 Hunt four thunder duoguills in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3705 Gather 12 octo-sukas in Oblivia.
3706 Slay Ludvik, the Picky Eater in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Keegan Ridge during[ST:n ]the day.
3707 Gather two multicolor murra wings[ST:n ]from silent murras in Cauldros.
3708 Hunt six knight puges in Sylvalum.[ST:n ]
3709 Gather three reinforced plungers[ST:n ]from quos in Sylvalum.
3710 Gather five vials of taoman acid[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
3711 Slay Lockhart, the Killer of Hope[ST:n ]at Sylvalum's Lake Ciel[ST:n ](appearances rare).
3712 Slay Sadar, the Unhinged at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Hilal Stronghold[ST:n ]at nighttime.
3713 Hunt five fleet shrads in Cauldros.[ST:n ]
3714 Slay the Night Combat Puge at[ST:n ]Cauldros's ruined city of O'rrh Sim[ST:n ]at nighttime.
3715 Gather three odorous tentacles[ST:n ]from bluff gerrids in Cauldros.
3716 Gather three iron akebi fruits in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3717 Recover one Emerian relic in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3718 Retrieve the runaway cat from[ST:n ]around Oblivia's King's Falls.
3719 Gather seven gudo rocamboles in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3720 Gather four T-ray lights in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3721 Hunt seven lake papils in[ST:n ]Primordia during the day.
3722 Gather 10 slimy tongues from[ST:n ]young grexes in Primordia.
3723 Gather three grosium cores in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3724 Slay Dieter, the Epicure at[ST:n ]Primordia's Talon Rock Second[ST:n ]Terrane.
3725 Equip an Ophidian Psylans and[ST:n ]hunt three spear insidias in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3726 Gather 10 katoan leaves in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3727 Slay Clemente, the Iron Meteor[ST:n ]at Noctilum's Nopon Braidbridge.
3728 Gather two units of fine aprica[ST:n ]wood from forest aprica in[ST:n ]Noctilum during the day.
3729 Slay Aria, the Zauberflöte at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Rust Lake.
3730 Hunt six scourer grexes in Oblivia.
3731 Recover the missing drive in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3732 Hunt six javelin insidias in Oblivia.
3733 Gather three adsecula oil drops[ST:n ]from adseculas in Oblivia.
3734 Gather eight angel stones in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3735 Slay Sviatoslav, the Reproachful at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Balance Rock while it's[ST:n ]raining.
3736 Hunt five villainous caecuses in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3737 Gather five starmakers in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3738 Hunt five hushed murras[ST:n ]in Sylvalum.
3739 Slay Dobromila, the Alluring at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
3740 Gather two new cylinders from[ST:n ]guardian pugiliths in Sylvalum.
3741 Gather 11 shimmering skins in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3742 Hunt four rocket jaculs[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3743 Gather two bottles of maple oil[ST:n ]from ciniculas in Cauldros.
3744 Gather six bogano sleeping bags[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3745 Slay Eddy, the Electric Heat at[ST:n ]Cauldros's Titan's Table.
3746 Slay Dawid, the Destrier in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Emerian Battlegrounds.
3747 Recover the damaged data probe[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3748 Deliver 5,700 units of miranium to[ST:n ]the male Ma-non on the[ST:n ]Ma-non ship.
3749 Gather 13 shido persimmons in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3750 Gather two lepyx sunstones from[ST:n ]wood lepyxes in Primordia.
3751 Gather nine mirage scopes in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3752 Slay Ridill, the Arrogant around[ST:n ]Primordia's Northpointe Beach[ST:n ](appearances rare).
3753 Hunt two reaver auravises in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3754 Gather 11 centrifugal beam[ST:n ]generators in Primordia.
3755 Hunt three vermilion insidias in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3756 Hunt three false thalluses in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3757 Gather two ornate progen horns[ST:n ]from holy progen in Noctilum.
3758 Gather seven Logunie's driftwood[ST:n ]boats in Noctilum.
3759 Slay Shinhwa, the Sagacious[ST:n ]in Noctilum's Decapotamon.
3760 Gather six warbones in Oblivia.
3761 Recover a heart stone in Oblivia.
3762 Equip a Chromoly Parce and[ST:n ]hunt four ancient progen in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3763 Gather two auravis croaking bags[ST:n ]from blast auravises in Oblivia.
3764 Slay Vittorio, the Battle-Scarred at[ST:n ]Oblivia's River Isle.
3765 Slay Ramus, the Supersonic at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
3766 Gather seven emerald grapes in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3767 Retrieve the runaway dog from[ST:n ]around Sylvalum's Cavernous[ST:n ]Abyss.
3768 Hunt six gloam turbas in Sylvalum.
3769 Gather two ziggian long antennae[ST:n ]from assault barrager zigs in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3770 Slay Andrei, the Cunning in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Lower Delusian[ST:n ]Mountains.
3771 Hunt six warlord ictuses in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3772 Gather two advanced thrusters[ST:n ]from cavalier puges in Cauldros.
3773 Equip a Cermet Slair and hunt[ST:n ]five erbium petramands in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3774 Slay Prinsipe, the Ravenous in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Forgotten Mining[ST:n ]Frigates at nighttime.
3775 Gather three voltant scanners in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3776 Gather nine rogebra shockstones[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3777 Slay Izgnanie, the Smoldering at[ST:n ]Cauldros's Sunset Falls.
3778 Deliver 9,300 units of miranium to[ST:n ]the xeno anthropologist in New[ST:n ]LA's industrial district.
3779 Gather 17 exploding pansies in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3780 Hunt four viridian saltats in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3781 Hunt four pit mortifoles in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3782 Gather three meaty evello eggs[ST:n ]from quick evellos in Primordia[ST:n ]during the day.
3783 Gather 10 sweet nerines in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3784 Slay Bogdan, the Dense at[ST:n ]Primordia's Seaswept Base.
3785 Gather three cloudy eyeballs from[ST:n ]merciful diluses in Noctilum.
3786 Hunt five terrible germivores in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3787 Retrieve the runaway cat from[ST:n ]around Noctilum's Qing Long[ST:n ]Glade.
3788 Gather eight galjim crystals in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3789 Slay Si-el, the Vacuous in[ST:n ]Noctilum's Qing Long Glade.
3790 Hunt seven native forfexes in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3791 Slay Ernest, the Contemplative at[ST:n ]Oblivia's King's Falls.
3792 Acquire a gremlin stone from[ST:n ]the falsaxum in Oblivia.
3793 Equip Cermet Blades and hunt[ST:n ]five fearsome ictuses in Oblivia.
3794 Gather three heads of dobobora[ST:n ]broccoli in Oblivia.
3795 Gather five 5th gen recyclers in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3796 Gather six thunderbolt emblems in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3797 Slay Camille, the Immortal at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Cleansing Spring.
3798 Gather two green jacul wings from[ST:n ]jade jaculs in Sylvalum.
3799 Hunt four sand aeviters in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3800 Gather 11 camocloaks in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3801 Slay Stola, the Unchained at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Delusians South Summit[ST:n ]during rising energy mist.
3802 Hunt five broadsword pugiliths in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3803 Gather three oc-serv hands from[ST:n ]selenium oc-servs in Cauldros.
3804 Gather 12 planters in Cauldros.
3805 Slay Eisen, the Ebon Rock in[ST:n ]Cauldros at nighttime.
3806 Slay Coil, the Never-Ending in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Dragonbone Promontory[ST:n ]during an electromagnetic storm.
3807 Recover the Mount M'gando stone[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3808 Deliver 7,000 units of miranium to[ST:n ]the Orphean in the port side of[ST:n ]the Ma-non ship.
3809 Gather 15 kyatara onions in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3810 Gather three muscled simius bulges[ST:n ]from young simius in Primordia[ST:n ]during the day.
3811 Hunt two everlasting millesaurs in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3812 Harvest one clump of jelly weeds[ST:n ]in Primordia.
3813 Slay Hayreddin, the Territorial in[ST:n ]Primordia's East Gate Plain.
3814 Gather five garudo pellionia[ST:n ]minima in Primordia.
3815 Slay Lambert, the Divine Wind in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3816 Harvest one ingrown virago claw[ST:n ]from fiendish viragoes in[ST:n ]Noctilum during the day.
3817 Hunt three merciful diluses in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3818 Gather five bananaleaves in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3819 Recover the new-weapon remains[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
3820 Hunt five mortal simius in Oblivia.
3821 Slay Silvestre, the Morning Light at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Drowning Ring.
3822 Harvest one amber dilus eye from[ST:n ]lake diluses in Oblivia.
3823 Gather six ouroboros bracelets in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3824 Gather four L-002 degeneration[ST:n ]reactors in Oblivia.
3825 Slay Barnabas, the Despot in[ST:n ]Oblivia's Aaroy Plain.
3826 Equip a Carbide Saber and hunt[ST:n ]one assault launcher zig in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3827 Harvest one lucky cervus sapling[ST:n ]from cervuses in Sylvalum.
3828 Hunt five lively tersquals in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3829 Gather five cluster papayas in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3830 Slay Anselm, the Triumphant at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Delusians South Summit.
3831 Slay Candelario, the Bronze at[ST:n ]Sylvalum's Samuel Incline.
3832 Gather four nightmare pineapples[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3833 Harvest one tersqual eel kebab[ST:n ]from tersquals in Cauldros.
3834 Equip a Delta Retic and hunt[ST:n ]three barbed rook Qmoevas in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3835 Harvest one Galdr head from[ST:n ]Galdr in Cauldros.
3836 Gather six bottles of cliord oil in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3837 Slay Vainamo, the Bellower at[ST:n ]Cauldros's Capital Wreckage.
3838 Deliver 12,000 units of miranium[ST:n ]to the Nopon Commerce Guild[ST:n ]buyer in the commercial district.
3839 Gather seven bogano weeds in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3840 Gather five thick cinicula horns[ST:n ]from copper ciniculas in Primordia.
3841 Slay Caesar, the Hundred-Eyed at[ST:n ]Primordia's Stonelattice Cavern.
3842 Gather 24 tractor beetles in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3843 Hunt five native scirpos in[ST:n ]Primordia.
3844 Hunt two daylight aprica in[ST:n ]Primordia during the day.
3845 Slay Sarcosuchus, the Iron-Eater at[ST:n ]Noctilum's Rust Lake.
3846 Harvest one vial of distilled sap[ST:n ]from a goliath Sylooth in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3847 Equip a Delta Machine and[ST:n ]hunt three fiendish viragoes in[ST:n ]Noctilum during the day.
3848 Gather three scales of justice in[ST:n ]Noctilum.
3849 Gather 10 clumps of eternal moss[ST:n ]in Noctilum.
3850 Hunt seven tempest auravises in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3851 Slay Vilem, the Gold-Scaled at[ST:n ]Oblivia's Lake Basel.
3852 Hunt eight malium petramands in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3853 Gather four charupa leaves in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3854 Gather nine drums of valor in[ST:n ]Oblivia.
3855 Harvest one quality vigent claw[ST:n ]from berserk vigents in Oblivia.
3856 Hunt four hermit ictuses in[ST:n ]Sylvalum.
3857 Slay Goliath, the Stronghold in[ST:n ]Sylvalum's North Cinderdunes.
3858 Harvest one thick coronid hide[ST:n ]from ancient coronids in Sylvalum.
3859 Gather eight samples of intelligent[ST:n ]liquid metal in Sylvalum.
3860 Gather 19 samples of brilliant[ST:n ]green liquid in Sylvalum.
3861 Slay Laurencio, the Fog Bow[ST:n ]in Sylvalum's Lake Ciel.
3862 Hunt four terbium petramands in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3863 Slay Ya-rhat, the Thundercloud in[ST:n ]Cauldros.
3864 Take one hidden cantor hoard[ST:n ]from a recluse cantor in Sylvalum.
3865 Gather 12 mega muscle builders[ST:n ]in Cauldros.
3866 Slay Vortice, the Deific Blast in[ST:n ]Cauldros's Mount M'gando during[ST:n ]brimstone weather.
3867 Retrieve the runaway dog from[ST:n ]around Cauldros's northern[ST:n ]Mount M'gando.
3868 Head to the administrative district's[ST:n ]east gate.
3869 Head to the Outfitters test hangar[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
3870 Gather 10 natural pearls.
3871 Head to the residential district's[ST:n ]water-purification plant.
3872 Talk to Sullivan at the industrial[ST:n ]district's integrated production[ST:n ]plant.
3873 Talk to Roscoe in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
3874 Talk to Raleigh on the[ST:n ]administrative district's[ST:n ]Division Drive.
3875 Talk to Alex on the commercial[ST:n ]district's West Melville Street.
3876 Talk to Alice in the residential[ST:n ]district's Deliverance Park.
3877 Talk to Eliza in the residential[ST:n ]district's Ishmael Hills.
3878 Talk to Ajoa in the residential[ST:n ]district's water-purification plant.
3879 Talk to May May in the starboard[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
3880 Talk to San'luarb at the industrial[ST:n ]district's integrated production[ST:n ]plant.
3881 Talk to Go Sirho on the[ST:n ]commercial district's[ST:n ]East Melville Street.
3882 Talk to Matthew at the industrial[ST:n ]district's Outfitters test hangar.
3883 Talk to Jalimbo at the residential[ST:n ]district's cathedral.
3884 Talk to Tutura at the administrative[ST:n ]district's BLADE Tower.
3885 Talk to Lara Mara at the[ST:n ]administrative district's hangar.
3886 Talk to Bihabba on the deck of the[ST:n ]Ma-non ship.
3887 Talk to Sevvy Belgazus in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
3888 Talk to Hala Gorida in the port[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
3889 Talk to Naza Tenpanzi in[ST:n ]the residential district's[ST:n ]Deliverance Park.
3890 Talk to Zarch Quokett in the[ST:n ]starboard side of the Ma-non ship.
3891 Talk to Moimoi in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
3892 Talk to Muimui on the commercial[ST:n ]district's East Melville Street.
3893 Talk to Sherry in the administrative[ST:n ]district's maintenance center.
3894 Talk to Kun'luarb in the residential[ST:n ]district's Ishmael Hills.
3895 Talk to Kon'luarb in the residential[ST:n ]district's Deliverance Park.
3896 Talk to Nan'celeg in the port[ST:n ]side of the Ma-non ship.
3897 Talk to Min'barac at the[ST:n ]residential district's Ishmael Hills.
3898 Talk to Julius on the commercial[ST:n ]district's West Melville Street.
3899 Talk to Tan'celeg at the industrial[ST:n ]district's Outfitters test hangar.
3900 Talk to Trachlo Lythren in the[ST:n ]central industrial district.
3901 Talk to HT665: Erio in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
3902 Talk to HT665: Erio on the[ST:n ]commercial district's Central[ST:n ]Melville Street.
3903 Talk to Lara Nara in the[ST:n ]administrative district's[ST:n ]BLADE Tower.
3904 Talk to Veven at Professor B's[ST:n ]research lab in the industrial[ST:n ]district.
3905 Talk to Veven at the industrial[ST:n ]district's Outfitters test hangar.
3906 Talk to Shiraton on the commercial[ST:n ]district's West Melville Street.
3907 Head to the meeting place in the[ST:n ]administrative district.
3908 Talk to Stella at the administrative[ST:n ]district's BLADE Tower.
3909 Talk to Julius at the administrative[ST:n ]district's BLADE Tower.
3910 Talk to Stella at the administrative[ST:n ]district's BLADE Tower.
3911 Talk to Stella at the administrative[ST:n ]district's BLADE Tower.
3912 Talk to Enrai in the central[ST:n ]industrial district.
3913 Talk to Vandham in the barracks[ST:n ]interior.
3914 Talk to Lara Mara at Armory Alley[ST:n ]in the administrative district.
3915 Head to the Outfitters test hangar[ST:n ]in the industrial district.
3916 Miranium Request
3917 Behold the Cranjelly
3918 Suid Sweep
3919 Arms Testers Wanted
3920 Partners in Pearls
3921 A Clandestine Operation
3922 Archibolt, the Revolutionary
3923 Sirene, the Lost
3924 Search Request
3925 Acorn...Abacuses?
3926 Mortifole Mulching
3927 The Next Big Thing
3928 The Fail Parade
3929 Indigen Investigation
3930 Desdemona, the Subterranean
3931 Blatta Splatter
3932 Evello Eradication
3933 From Idea to Inventory
3934 Miranium Request
3935 Melanya, the Sound Sleeper
3936 Offing Ovis
3937 Partners in Prototyping
3938 Germivores No More
3939 Reclaiming the Whale
3940 Yune, the Ambusher
3941 Skell Repair: Optics
3942 Blatta Splatter
3943 A Spicy New Spark
3944 The Skell Spectrum
3945 Dirty Work
3946 Miranium Request
3947 Rabbit Research
3948 Suid Sirloin
3949 Arms Testers Wanted
3950 A New Taste Sensation
3951 Elusive Orewood
3952 Tourteau, the Delectable
3953 Roderick, the Fleet-Footed
3954 Clean and Green
3955 Partners in Prototyping
3956 Squashing Scirpos
3957 Indigen Investigation
3958 Reclaiming the Whale
3959 Fending Off Forfexes
3960 Schneider, the Cliffpercher
3961 Thinning the Thalluses
3962 Purgovent Purge
3963 A History Lesson
3964 From Idea to Inventory
3965 Celedonio, the Battle-Tested
3966 Papil Punisher
3967 The Jewelmonger
3968 Glamor Girl
3969 A Crickety Cure
3970 Thick-Skinned
3971 Pounding Puges
3972 Arms Testers Wanted
3973 The Next Big Thing
3974 Party Procurement
3975 Angelita, the Blade Bouquet
3976 Miranium Request
3977 Lilting Lilies
3978 Adsecula Extermination
3979 Offing Ovis
3980 Skell Repair: Balancer
3981 Hazmat Hunt
3982 Hephaestus, the Absconder
3983 Gaga for Guavas
3984 No Friends Like Nopon
3985 Filter Testing
3986 Arms Testers Wanted
3987 A Look at Lichen
3988 Xenotech Survey
3989 Oskar, the Summer Squall
3990 Edgardo, the Carefree
3991 Offing Ovis
3992 Popular Peppers
3993 Lost Memento
3994 From Idea to Inventory
3995 Eliane, the Unmoved
3996 Nixing Lepyxes
3997 The Next Big Thing
3998 Lab Rat Run
3999 De-stressing Delicacy
4000 Asana, the Azure Star
4001 Culling Caecuses
4002 Marnuck Masher
4003 Vanquishing Visigels
4004 Recycled Octopi
4005 Nopon Culture 101
4006 Miranium Request
4007 Finding Morrows Today
4008 Primordian Cavern Crawl
4009 An Ancient Mystery
4010 The Fearsome Placid Duoguill
4011 Mesgen, the Fairweathered
4012 Casper, the Unhealthy Eater
4013 Suid Sweep
4014 Arms Testers Wanted
4015 Partners in Prototyping
4016 Productivity Power-Up
4017 Indigen Investigation
4018 Skell Repair: Arm
4019 Yessenia, the Husky-Voiced
4020 Taming Tectinsulas
4021 The Scrubdown
4022 Mephite Mayhem
4023 Standing Tall(er)
4024 A Little Protection
4025 Ferdinand, the Fortuitous
4026 Adsecula Extermination
4027 Mikulas, the Keystone
4028 Partners in Prototyping
4029 Rocky Research
4030 Star Sand Seeker
4031 Laying Lophids Low
4032 The Next Big Thing
4033 The Voltant Void
4034 Marnuck Masher
4035 Megajolt Rattle and Roll
4036 Miranium Request
4037 Garlic 2.0
4038 A Repairman's Resolve
4039 A New Audience
4040 Laying Lophids Low
4041 Squashing Scirpos
4042 Bloodsuckers
4043 Ictus Infestation
4044 Sundering Saltats
4045 Coolest of the Cool
4046 Must-Have Blobs
4047 Alfombra, the Transcendent
4048 Extreme Fluffiness
4049 A Hard Pill to Swallow
4050 Axing Falsaxum
4051 Skell Repair: Frame
4052 Duoguill Duty
4053 Octo-suka Leg Surprise
4054 Ludvik, the Picky Eater
4055 Rainbow Wingtips
4056 Pounding Puges
4057 Skell Repair: Plunger
4058 What's a Taoman?
4059 Lockhart, the Killer of Hope
4060 Sadar, the Unhinged
4061 Shrad Shredder
4062 Night Combat Puge
4063 And Stay Out!
4064 A New Flavor
4065 The Emerian Battlegrounds
4066 Search Request
4067 What's a Rocambole?
4068 Xenotech Research
4069 Papil Punisher
4070 Indigen Investigation
4071 Engrossed in Grosium
4072 Dieter, the Epicure
4073 Arms Testers Wanted
4074 Emergency Stores
4075 Clemente, the Iron Meteor
4076 From Idea to Inventory
4077 Aria, the Zauberflöte
4078 Grex Wrecker
4079 Data Recovery
4080 Ridding Insidias
4081 Partners in Prototyping
4082 An Angelic Accessory
4083 Sviatoslav, the Reproachful
4084 Culling Caecuses
4085 Nopon Chest
4086 Murra Master
4087 Dobromila, the Alluring
4088 Skell Repair: Cylinder
4089 Fell Fashion
4090 Jacul Jaunt
4091 Sweet Maple Goodness
4092 Tents by the Ton
4093 Eddy, the Electric Heat
4094 Dawid, the Destrier
4095 A Probing Issue
4096 Miranium Request
4097 Persimmons, Please!
4098 The Jewelmonger
4099 Talk of the Town
4100 Ridill, the Arrogant
4101 Plucking Auravises
4102 A Precious Legacy
4103 Ridding Insidias
4104 Thinning the Thalluses
4105 From Idea to Inventory
4106 In Search of New Horizons
4107 Shinhwa, the Sagacious
4108 Preparations for War
4109 Straight from the Heart
4110 Arms Testers Wanted
4111 The Stick
4112 Vittorio, the Battle-Scarred
4113 Ramus, the Supersonic
4114 The Poshest Produce
4115 Search Request
4116 Turba Tracker
4117 Skell Repair: Antenna
4118 Andrei, the Cunning
4119 Ictus Infestation
4120 Skell Repair: Thruster
4121 Arms Testers Wanted
4122 Prinsipe, the Ravenous
4123 A Scanner Scheme
4124 A New Spark
4125 Izgnanie, the Smoldering
4126 Miranium Request
4127 Extreme Pansies
4128 Sundering Saltats
4129 Mortifole Mulching
4130 Can't Make an Omelet...
4131 A Moment of Brilliance
4132 Bogdan, the Dense
4133 The Care Package
4134 Germivores No More
4135 Search Request
4136 Research on a Budget
4137 Si-el, the Vacuous
4138 Fending Off Forfexes
4139 Ernest, the Contemplative
4140 The Jewelmonger
4141 Arms Testers Wanted
4142 The Ultimate Pursuit
4143 Reclaiming the Whale
4144 Gathering Thunder
4145 Camille, the Immortal
4146 The Phantasmagoric Fan
4147 Aeviter Ace
4148 Covert Operations
4149 Stola, the Unchained
4150 Pugilith Pounder
4151 Lending a Hand
4152 A Desert Deferred
4153 Eisen, the Ebon Rock
4154 Coil, the Never-Ending
4155 Mount M'gando Mineralogy
4156 Miranium Request
4157 A Spot of Gardening
4158 Indigen Investigation
4159 Mincing Millesaurs
4160 In a Jam
4161 Hayreddin, the Territorial
4162 Ovah Overdrive
4163 Lambert, the Divine Wind
4164 Partners in Prototyping
4165 Dilus Destroyer
4166 Bananaleaf Bonanza
4167 Test Data Retrieval
4168 Simius Smackdown
4169 Silvestre, the Morning Light
4170 The Carrot
4171 The Endless Ring
4172 Legacy of the White Whale
4173 Barnabas, the Despot
4174 Arms Testers Wanted
4175 From Idea to Inventory
4176 Tersqual Takedown
4177 Gathering Grenades
4178 Anselm, the Triumphant
4179 Candelario, the Bronze
4180 New Product!
4181 The Taste of Tersqual
4182 Arms Testers Wanted
4183 Skell Repair: Head
4184 A Community Service
4185 Vainamo, the Bellower
4186 Miranium Request
4187 Beating the Heat
4188 Partners in Prototyping
4189 Caesar, the Hundred-Eyed
4190 A Novel Proposal
4191 Squashing Scirpos
4192 Aprica Assault
4193 Sarcosuchus, the Iron-Eater
4194 The Next Big Thing
4195 Arms Testers Wanted
4196 Scaling Up
4197 Sumptuous Sleeping
4198 Plucking Auravises
4199 Vilem, the Gold-Scaled
4200 Petramand Patrol
4201 The Herbalist
4202 A Hero's Welcome
4203 Partners in Prototyping
4204 Ictus Infestation
4205 Goliath, the Stronghold
4206 Bottomless Baggage
4207 Juicy Analysis
4208 Incomprehensible Weapon
4209 Laurencio, the Fog Bow
4210 Petramand Patrol
4211 Ya-rhat, the Thundercloud
4212 The Jewelmonger
4213 A Revised Regimen
4214 Vortice, the Deific Blast
4215 Search Request
4216 Backup Request
4217 Guinea Pigs Wanted!
4218 Marry Me!
4219 Backup Request
4220 Leafy Learning
4221 Find the Freighter
4222 Team Corwin in Crisis
4223 A Concerned Citizen
4224 Escort Requested
4225 Settling the Score
4226 Securing Our Safety
4227 Miranium for Fun and Profit
4228 A Miranium Problem
4229 Wanted: Miranium Expert
4230 Skell Maintenance
4231 Find My Doc!
4232 Calling All Testers!
4233 Weapons Cleanup Crew
4234 One Little Problem
4235 The Rescue Request
4236 The Scars of War
4237 Tree Lovers Only
4238 A Practice Partner
4239 Misery of Moimoi!
4240 Partner Wanted!
4241 Search Support Request
4242 Departure's Eve
4243 The Search for Kun'luarb
4244 Under the Weather
4245 In Support of Science
4246 Anomaly Analysis
4247 Tech Supply
4248 Buddies on the Brink
4249 The Call to Counterattack
4250 The Final Faceoff
4251 Ambush
4252 Rendezvous at the Lab!
4253 A President Not Present
4254 In Need of a Hand
4255 Hailing the Chief!
4256 A Covert Rescue
4257 Top-Secret Mission
4258 Scouting in Secret
4259 Top-Secret Mission
4260 A Question of Causes
4261 Skell License
4262 Top-Secret Mission
4263 Flight Module
4264 Miranium Exchange
4265 Miranium Exchange
4266 Miranium Exchange
4267 Miranium Exchange
4268 Miranium Exchange
4269 Gather 10,000 units of miranium[ST:n ]and deliver it to May May.
4270 Gather 10,000 units of miranium[ST:n ]and deliver it to May May.
4271 Gather 10,000 units of miranium[ST:n ]and deliver it to May May.
4272 Gather 10,000 units of miranium[ST:n ]and deliver it to May May.
4273 Gather 10,000 units of miranium[ST:n ]and deliver it to May May.
4274 You turned in the miranium and claimed your reward.
4275 You turned in the miranium and claimed your reward.
4276 You turned in the miranium and claimed your reward.
4277 You turned in the miranium and claimed your reward.
4278 You turned in the miranium and claimed your reward.
4279 I need a LOT of miranium, okay?[ST:n ]But but I'll pay 10,000 credits for 10,000 units, so...
4280 Did you know we have a special deal?[ST:n ]20,000 credits for 10,000 units of miranium...
4281 Did you know we have a special deal?[ST:n ]50,000 credits for 10,000 units of miranium...
4282 Did you know we have a VERY special deal?[ST:n ]75,000 credits for 10,000 units of miranium...
4283 This is maybe the best deal ever?[ST:n ]100,000 credits for 10,000 units of miranium!
4284 New Orders
4285 Go to the barracks briefing room for the details.[ST:n ]Don't go forgetting on me.
4286 You started Chapter 4.
4287 Head to the barracks briefing[ST:n ]room to accept the story mission.
4288 New Orders
4289 Come to the barracks briefing room for the details.[ST:n ]No forgetting now!
4290 You started Chapter 5.
4291 Head to the barracks briefing[ST:n ]room to accept the story mission.
4292 New Orders
4293 Come to the barracks briefing room for the details.[ST:n ]You know the drill by now.
4294 You started Chapter 6.
4295 Head to the barracks briefing[ST:n ]room to accept the story mission.
4296 New Orders
4297 Come to the barracks briefing room for the details.[ST:n ]Same as usual, yeah?
4298 You started Chapter 7.
4299 Head to the barracks briefing[ST:n ]room to accept the story mission.
4300 New Orders
4301 Come to the barracks briefing room for the details.[ST:n ]...I don't need to keep telling you this, do I?
4302 You started Chapter 8.
4303 Head to the barracks briefing[ST:n ]room to accept the story mission.
4304 New Orders
4305 Come to the barracks briefing room for the details.[ST:n ]You tired of hearing me say that yet?
4306 You started Chapter 9.
4307 Head to the barracks briefing[ST:n ]room to accept the story mission.
4308 New Orders
4309 Come to the barracks briefing room for the details.[ST:n ]...Now I'M tired of hearing me say that!
4310 You started Chapter 10.
4311 Head to the barracks briefing[ST:n ]room to accept the story mission.
4312 New Orders
4313 Come to the barracks briefing room for the details.[ST:n ]...Er, sorry, but I have to repeat it. BLADE policy.
4314 You started Chapter 11.
4315 Head to the barracks briefing[ST:n ]room to accept the story mission.
4316 New Orders
4317 Come to the barracks briefing room for the details.[ST:n ]Last time you'll hear me say it, I swear.
4318 You started Chapter 12.
4319 Head to the barracks briefing[ST:n ]room to accept the story mission.